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pixie dish's Journal
I think I just want to start and describe some weird dreams i've had lately, and then work my way into my personal life. I have blue eyes and purple hair, the exact oposite of my gaia character. . .
purple no more
*sigh* my hair not purple no more. But it all good cuz me found an awsome guy. His name is Jon, but he lives on the other side of the country from me. . . crying *this is all catch up from the last month or longer since I wrote* He's the most wonderful thing that's ever happened to me, and I hope I can meet him in Real Life. Maybe something might happen from that. . . redface me can hope can't i? 3nodding He's even willing to join my church for me. How is that for wonderful?!!?! I wish there was something I could do for him in return, but I don't know what. *sigh* maybe when I visit I can get him an x box or something. . . I donno. . . sweatdrop well, it's late, i'm out.
Pixie the odd/ / / /

pixie dish
Community Member
  • [02/04/07 08:54am]
  • [12/27/04 02:22am]
  • [11/10/04 06:13am]

  • User Comments: [1] [add]
    Community Member
    commentCommented on: Mon Dec 27, 2004 @ 08:07am
    I had a long-distance relationship once. It turned out really terrible, and I think he is dead now. Be careful sweatdrop

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