Yes, I have a sudden small creative rush. : D
This poem is very rocky, I know. I need the critism. It's very messy and makes little sense except I understand it myself since I wrote it. If you read carefully you may get it.. I dunno. xD
Well enjoy - btw, structure/layout IS going to be worked on alot when I get around to it. C: And it needs a title. o_o;; ------
Escaping into crowded streets, Pink teacups falling into egotastical shards, Cars crashing into blinding red traffic lights. Life machines hum into deafening green screaming. Alice is running, Alice is crying, Alice is tripping. Couples in photogrenetic ignorant, technicolour bliss, Nails crumbling into ebony dust. Horoshima repeating itself over again. Bomb falling, People screaming. Bomb crashing, Cloud extinguishing.
Blue glass eyes deprived of their own lives, China faces bleeding crimson into their own harrowing nightmares, Lethal injections run freely through macarbe indigo veins. Alice is dying, Alice is choking, Alice is deceased. This static globe is spinning on a tilted axis, Their war has tarnished proprous starters. Delusional neon whispers of hope, Dampened by cream peace contrats ripping, Soldiers run obiendiently. Guns laugh menacingly. Children run fearfully,
The monochrome girl's laughing.
I've also had a sudden cam whoring. ;shame:
So here's the results. ^.^
 ^ Dark.. o_o
 ^ Tired. Dx
 ^ One of my cute pics. =^.^=
 ^ Another cute pic. You love it!
 ^ I dont know why.. I wanted a side portrait of moi. o.O
 ^ I was watching a spider and didnt realise the cam took the pic, until after and still liked it. o.O
Sorreh, can't be BOTHERED to put them as links.. again. nd photobucket won't resize a few. :angreeface: Sorries. T__T
HoverCrab · Mon Sep 04, 2006 @ 12:14am · 2 Comments |