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 You got the boy with the sexy accent, Oliver WoodYour name is Caitlyn and you are in RavenclawYour reputation: Most people like you well enough, even if you can get quite heated when it comes to sports. You are known as the most athletic girl in the school and quite the flyer when it came to quiditch.How you and Oliver got together...It was after quiditch practice one night and you were not too happy. Your captian, Roger Davies, had refused to stay a little later to help you improve your chasing because he claimed to have a date that he had to get to.You were flying up and down the feild and throwing the quaffle into the hoops. It was good practice, but as long as there wasn't anyone there to gaurd the goals, it was pretty pointless."Ugh this is too easy!!" You yelled as the 23 ball flew threw the goal."Need some help?" You heard a voice ask from the ground. It was Oliver Wood. He was leaning against the stands with his broom lying loosely at his side as he looked up at you.You were too frustrated with no challenge so you simply nodded and he flew up to meet you. he resumed his position of hovering around the middle goal as you flew down to the ground to pick up the quaffle. You returned to the sky and flew at Oliver with full force and chucked the quaffle with all your might towards the highest goal. He zoomed towards it and caught itt safely in his arms.You smiled up at him. Finally, someone who can give me a challenge! you thought. You two continued practicing or another half hour until you decided you were tired. Oliver landed on the ground beside you a few seconds after you had."You have one hell of an arm Caitlyn! If only you were on our team!" Oliver exclaimed as he dismounted from his broom.You blushed slightly at the compliment. "Thanks Oliver. You aren't a bad keeper at all yourself Practice lately has been awful. Everyone knows Davies can't save a goal as long as there is a girl within a five mile radius. Anywhere with in five miles and his eyes are glued to her arse."Oliver laughed at your remark as the two of you stowed your brooms in the broom shed. "Too true," Oliver said in that accent that made you melt. You'd really liked him for a while now. You'd seen him fly one day, and that was enough to interest you, but lately the two of you had been talking more and more and you'd come to really like him."Caitlyn, I found something really awesome the other night. Would you like to see it?" Oliver asked you. You nodded your head and followed him as he walked back towards the middle of the quiditch feild.There, he stopped and you did the same, giving him a curious look. You loved the quiditch feild more than anyone at Hogwarts, except for possibly Oliver himself, but you weren't sure what it was that he'd "found" the other night that could possibly be seen from the middle of the feild."Alright." He said. He pulled out his wand and muttered something so a quilt floated down between the two of you. He told you to sit and you did so, still wondering what it was he wanted to show you. "Okay," He started, "I actually found two things the other night. The first is that an amazing sight can be seen if you turn off every light in this stadium." With that, he pointed his want at each individual light and they went from glowing bright to dark as night. You looked at him through the darkness, still totally baffled as to what was going on. "Now, Caitlyn, lay back and look up."You did as he said and gasped. With the darkness surrounding you, you could see every star in the sky. Hogwarts was such a luminous place that this rarely happened. You continued to stare up at the sight before your eyes. You remembered one summer your parents had taken you to Canada to see the sensation that muggles call the Northern Lights. Looking up at the stars now reminded you of that."I take it you like it?" Oliver asked, sounding hopefull. You nodded in awe of what you were seeing."Well, that's good. And the second thing I found the other night..." You looked down from the heavens to find that we was looking straight at you. "I was sitting in this very spot," he said, "just thinking about random things. And my thoughts cleared something up for me that I've been thinking about for a few weeks now. I've found Caitlyn, that I've come to like you a very great deal."You looked at him, not for sure what to say. You smiled though and he returned your smile. "Oliver, oh my goodness, I like you too. This is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen and I could not be more flattered.""Well, if you think this is the most beautiful thing you've ever seen, you've obviously never seen your own reflection. Caitlyn, you're the most gorgeous thing I've ever seen." Oliver finished and moved close enough to you to give you the most breath taking kiss of your entire life.~Thank you all very much for reading! I hope you enjoyed it! Please rate high and message me! Thanks!~
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Your name:Michelle TanerYour Boyfriend:Cedric DiggoryYour house:RavenclawYour BFF's:Cho Chang, Mai lang, and Cedric Diggory~Your story!~Your picking at your porage while your friend Mai rambles on about how she wants Dean to ask her to the Christmas ball.You were getting bored and you decided to walk to charms class earily.You said your goodbyes and left.'I haven't got a date to the ball and it's only a day away!I guess I'll just wait until someone asks me.'You think as you walk into the door to charms and made your way to your seat.You sit in your seat next to Cedric, you best friend since your first year."Hey, Cedric, anything new?"You ask as you set your books done on the desk."Nuthin' you?"He ask as he smiles as he turns to talk to you."Nope!Same old same old,"You say returning the smile."Still don't have a date to the dance?""No...Everytime a boy tries he either blushes and runs off or passes out from presure!Hehehe!""I still haven't found anybody, lot of girlz ask me but I just can't it doesn't feel right.""Attention class!"You hear Proffesor Charms shouts getting everyone's attention.(I call him that 'cause I can't pronose his real name!)During class Charms made us partner up and you of corse parntered with Cedric.You were trying to levitate a 50 pound block of cemente.You were facing Cedric as he did his turn and he was doing a pretty good job until he dropped it.On your foot!"BLOODY HELL CEDRIC!!"You scream as you jump up and down and you grab your foot."I'm sorry!I'm sorry!I'm sorry!I'm sorry!I'm sorry!I'm sorry!I didn't mean too!""But you still did!!"Tears come to your eyes but you don't want to show Cedric that your weak.You've always had a crush on him since you met."Mr.Diggory!Please take Miss Taner to the hospital wing!"Mr. Charms call out to Cedric.Cedric nodded and picked you up bridle style.You begin to bush as people begin to stare as he carries you down to the hospital wing."I'm sorry I didn't mean to Michelle!And I'll make it up too you!How about I take you to the ball?""Really?I mean 'yes'!"You giggle as he gives you off to Pumpfy.You were so happy and you were out of the hospital wing by the end of the night!~At the ball!~You dressed up into your dark blue dress which fits your body perfectlyIt had thick straps and went down on the floor and drug around on the floor as you walked..You put your hair up into a neat bun with stipes hanging down in front.You have a dark blue bracelets and matching earrings.You walked to the entrance hall and find Cedric waiting for you with a blue rose.(if you haven't figured it out yet your favorite color is blue!)When he sees you he smiles and walks up hands you the rose and bows and you take his hand.He leads you into the dining hall.It was beautiful."I'm so glad you asked me to come with you, Cedric!I'm having so much fun!"You say as he pulls you off the dance floor."I am too!"He stops for a second and stares into your eyes."Are you okay, Cedric?"You ask."Come with me."Cedric says pulling you outside the castle.It was snowing lightly outside.It was a beautiful night out, the moon was out but it was only a cresite,glowing a light blue and the sky was a dark blue as well.You gaze out across and you turn to see Cedric string at you again."What's the matter with you Cedric?You've been acting weird all night!"You ask him."It's because...."Cedric says taking your hands in his."I've been with you.""Huh?"He smiles at you and bends down and gives you a light kiss on the lips, making you blush.He then leans in and whispers in your ear."I love you, Michelle!"Tears comes to your eyes,you smile at Cedric."I love you too, Cedric!"You say to him as he pulls you into a deep kiss, as a tear of joy strolls down your cheek.He breaks the kiss."Michelle, will you be my girlfriend?"He asks with a kind smile.You smile."Yes!"~Your future with Cedric!~(in my story he deosn't die!)You both graduate and he becomes a Aura and becomes famous.On the night of his graduation , for the opening he pionted his wand in the air and words danced across the sky, it said,'Michelle, will you marry me?'You acept and a year later you were married and a year later had twins.A boy and a girl.You named them Robert and Kelly.
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Your name is Katie Smith! Your Boyfriend is Harry Potter! Your in Gryffindor House, and this is what people think of you! Harry Potter I'm suprised how easily I can talk to Katie, I guess I always knew I liked her, but now that we're going out I'm posative I love her. I want to spend every moment with her and I find myself thinking about her when she's not around. it scares me to be so in love with somebody like this. RonI introduced Katie to Harry. I had met her in the Library, she was looking for the same book as me, we ended up talking. She's very easy to talk to and I'm happy for her and Harry. They've found eachother. Hermione She's quite smart, gets good grades, and it's great to have another girl around. We easily became friends and I was so exited to learn she liked Harry. I knew he liked her too, it was so obvious. She's a great friend, loyal and sweet. Ginny She's nice, but I can't help but feel angry and jealous. Harry easily feel in love with her, and he loves her like he never will me. I accept that, but it hurts, and that's why I don't think I'll ever be able to become close friends with Katie. Neville She's great. She's my best friend, really. Sure, we haven't been as close since she got together with Harry, but as she got closer to them so did I. I know we'll always be best friends. Oliver I really don't know her, but I can't help but notice how Harry is always distracted from Quidditch when she's around. I don't resent her for it, I just wish he would learn to pay attention and get control of his emotions. It's amazing what she did to him! Seamus Harry's girl, eh? She's nice, I've talked to her. Sounds good, from what Harry's said. We really don't know eachother, though. Fred I used to really like her. I really did. It wasn't love, and that's really what hurts. She is so sickenly in love with Harry, it makes me sick. George She's fun, but Fred doesn't seem to like her very much. Draco Potter's girl? I don't care for her. I mean, why would I? She's Potter's girl Pansy People only like her because she won the heart of "The Boy Who Lived" There is nothing special about Katie Smith. Crabbe Who? Oh, Potter's girl. Um...who? Goyle She's Smokin'!
Your story
"Oh, where is it?" Katie Smith mumbled to herself as she searched the shelves of the library. "Where's what?" a boy Katie knew to be Ron Weasley asked. She turned to him and smiled. "A book on Devil Snare," she said. "Oh, I'm looking for the same thing. I think it's checked out," Ron said, nodding. Katie grinned at him. "Oh, thanks," she said. "Sorry," Ron said, turning to walk away. "Hey, do you want to hang out later? Neville has detention and I need to do something," Katie said, her eyes bright with joy. Ron nodded. "Sure, Uh, your in Gryffindor, right?" Ron asked. "Yea." Katie and Ron walked to the common room, and by each step they became better friends. "Want to play chess?" Ron asked as they walked through the portrait hole. Katie laughed. "No, I've seen you play!" Ron smirked at her comment. "Hey, Ron, did you get that book?" Harry Potter, Ron's best friend asked. "No, it was checked out," Ron mumbled. "Who'se that?" Harry asked, noticing Katie. "Katie Smith, nice to meet you," Katie said, smiling. "Nice to meet you too," Harry said before turning to more discussion with Ron. Katie gave an awkward sigh before turning to walk to her dorm. Obviously Ron and his friend had alrady formed there little group and there was no need to join in. "Where are you going?" Katie turned around to see it was not Ron as she had suspected, but Harry. "Oh, nowhere," Katie said, slowly. Harry laughed. "Sit down, I'm sure Hermione will be happy to have another girl around," Harry said, laughing. Katie smiled and sat next to him. *Who's Hermione?" she asked.
 harryhouse:ravenclawmet: you were waiting in line at hogsmede then you caught his eye, you wernt best friends but you were friends, you kept in contact until...one night you and harry were in the library studying when you dropped a book, you both went down to get it, you bumed heads then stared into eachothers eyesthen you started kissingif u like draco read my storys =D
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YOUR HOGWARTS LIFE!Friends: The golden trio, Ginny, twins, Chobf: HarryRep: The forth golden trio member!My comment: Go you! You got Harry!WHAT PEOPLE THINKHarry: He's your boyfriend, and he loves you more than anything. He's never met anybody more like him.Ron: He thinks you're cute, but wouldn't dare make a move because you're Harry's girl.Hermione: Thinks you're a very good friend. She's your study buddy!Seamus and Dean: Think you're hot, and that you're too good for Harry.Ginny: Thinks you're nice. She's like your little sister!Cho: Thinks you're nice and have good fashion sense.Fred and George: Love playing pranks on you because you're so cool about it.Draco: Is horrible to your face but thinks you're hot.Paisley: Thinks you should stay away from Draco.Crabbe and Goyle: Ignored me and lunged for more food.Dumbledore: Thinks you and Harry are a perfect match.McGonagal: Thinks you are a good student, but you could be better if you didn't flirt with Harry so much.HOW HARRY ASKED YOUYou were sitting in potions barely listening to Snape, when Harry slipped you a note: "______, meet me in the Gryffindor common room before supper. ~Harry" That night you left supper early and changed into your favorite outfit. When you got there he was already there, and he told you you looked beautiful. Then he gave you a single red rose and asked you to be his girlfriend and you said yes! How sweet!
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You Got George!!How You Guys Got TogetherGeorge (not fred) Has been eyeing you ever since he first saw you. You haven't really seemd to notice because you figured he was just planning on pranking you instead of trying to ask you out. One day, when you were walking to the lunch room, there was this rainbow mist floating in the room. It read " _____, Will You Be Mine!?!"You followed the mist and saw George (not fred) smiling at you. and he said "How about it?" You were so suprised, you said "Yes! Yes Yes!!" He picked you up, and swung you around the room. When he put you down you kissed him passionatly for exactly 3 minutes. You pulled away, and said "People are staring" He said "It does not matter, if they see me and the one I love."You kissed him again, and he whispered into your ear. "I Love You" He picked you up and carried you out of the room. You two got married and had 3 kids. Daisy, Maria, and Isabelle.What they think:Harry: She's a funny girlHermoine: OH!! She's my best friend!!Ron: Shes the perfect girl for my brotherDraco: and again, a mudlood that gets a little hottie!!Everyone else: yes shes nice*hope You Liked It*
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Right.....When you first came here you felt a bit lonely and you didn't know what to do.... you didn't have any friends in the beginning.After you get your house, which ,by the way, is Ravenclaw, you sat there knowing nothing...don't really know what to do next when someone poked you in the head." Oh... that's must hurt so bad! SOrrY!" "Don't worry it doesn't really hurt that much""Well, you know why?""huh?""Cos my elbow was turning into jelly when it hit you""What?"" you know, i turned it into jelly for a while"" nice trick, how did you do that?"" ya think so? i'm not gonna tell ya!"" alrite.....so..can we eat this jell-o thingy?"" No, 'course not...but hey! that's a brilliant idea! Maybe we can invent an elbow that's edible! Whoa! you're so great!!!""eh..i guess"" I gottha go tell my bro!"he ran away...and shouted back "name's Fred, by the way!...laters!"your housemate who is sitting beside you said" what a goof!""Nah.... he's not that bad. he's just...funny""yeah right" said your friend.the day after...you were eating lunch with your friends when Fred approached."hey!" he said"oh, hi Fred'" this is my brother"" hi! names' George!" George said." oh..you guys are twi..." you were going to say but George continue saying" Listen, Fred told me about your idea and we think it's gonna make a fortune!""oh glad i could help." you said"We were..uh..thinking that it'll be great if you could help us"said Fred" okay, sure" you said."ok,then...c ya" George said as he ran away with Fred. you were gonna continue eating when Fred shouted back " hey, you never tell me your name!"" Yeah,let's keep it that way!" you shouted back.In that afternoon, you were walking down the corridor to your common room when you found Fred and George waiting 4 u." Oh there you are, we have been looking everywhere!" said George" and we couldn't ask anyone cos we don't know your name." Fred added" Oh yeah, sorry about that!" you said "so what's up?""hey wait, aren't you gonna tell us your name first?" asked Fred" Nope, you'll find out later ^^ " you answered and you guys worked on the jelly elbow thing all day. and afterthat you three have been best friends, inventing trick, pull pranks and etc. the twins also introduced you to the gang, Harry Ron Hermione Ginny Lee Oliverand here's what they think of youHarry: she's pretty from the inside..she doesn't seem to be a prankster but once she pranks you, oh boy! you just knew it!ROn : she's friend with my brothers...what else do you expect her to be? not prankster? i don't think so.Hermione : she's really clever though she pulls pranks but she get good grades......how could she do that without study?Ginny : she's like a perfect sisterLee: she's cool!Oliver : she knows a lot of techniques in quiddich but she hardly tells us.One night you were studying in your common room alone bcos there's an exam tomorrow and you were too busy inventing pranks so that you didn't have time to study.You were studying so hard and you got a bit headache when someone came in" better get some rest, Nanette, u looked tired" said Fred" hey, how did you get in here?"" you know, i know my way around."" yeah, i was just studying 4 the exam tomorrow."" you need any help?"" yeah rite, from you."" hey, i'm in a higher year! but yeah, you're rite. i can't help you. don't know anything about that!""it's okay. so why are you here? hmm? better not pulling prank on me now, ok? i'm so tired."" i knew that, that's why i came, to entertain u.!"" yeah, like i could be serious.""well, you could.""the only thing i could be serious in is love haha.""really? show me!""how? and why do i have to do that?""because....." Fred didn't finished his sentence because his lips were pressed with yours.....and he took it out. you couldn't say a thing but you smile a little bit." So...could this be a serious love for u?"you smiled and said" depends on how well you kiss."" atta girl!" Fred reply and french kiss you tenderly but passionately, his tougue running everywhere in you mouth and stop to play with your tougue, too. then he put it out and kiss you quickly on your forehead and said " so...? is that good enough?""oh. shute! from now on i have to be serious!"" Only with me,love!"Then you fell into his strong arms and you two cuddle all night long. the next morning, eventhough you didn't study, but you did well in you exam. But something seem to be wierd... everyone was gigling everywhere you go. in the evening you found out about it so you ran to Fred and shouted angrily."Fred!!! you pull a prank on me!""no, i didn't.""oh yeah? so why does my skirt written 'she's my girl fr. Fred' ""it's just my way of telling everyone about us."" you couldn't think of a better way?" you shouted at him" ooh, you r really mad at me....i'm sorry,sweetie." he hugged you. his voice sound really sad so you said."apology accepted but you have to let me pull one on you too!"" do i? have to?" asked Fead And that's why the sentence "Nanette's mine" was flying over Fred's head all evening.in the evening, when everyone and Fred and you were laughing so hard about the pranks you and Fred did, Fred whispered to you" it's funny..the sentence 'Nanette's mine' flying over my head but in the fact it's not true yet.""What do you mean?" you asked"follow me"then he hold your hand and ran down to the lake and you see a picnic matt lying with cake and candles."what's all this?""it's a surprise.""for what? this's not my birthday..neither yours.""happi one month anniversary, Nan""Fred? is it really you? you remember this kinda thing?"" hey, i can be romantic ,alrite?""i just can't believe it's you""ok now you're making me shy""oh, sorry sweetie."" too late now. i want a kiss"you two kissed and snogged for a while when he started to unbutton you shirt when you stopped his hand," are you sure noone can see us?"" hey, are we ever sure of anything we do together? we can always escape like when we pull pranks""alrite then, continue mister!"so he unbuttoned you shirt and you did his. when you said " Brr..it's chilly here"so he said "let's make the heat,shall we?"He slowly kiss you forehead you neck your lips and all over your body and everything's warmer and warmer. After he finished, he said, " so you are actually mine now, hon. never leave me ok?"" promise" you said quietly and you two cuddled til morning.afterthat...you know...happily ever after!
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YOUR HOUSE:GRYFFINDORBF:HARRYYOUR NAME:ANGELVOTED MOST LIKELY TO:BE STUNNING AT THE YULE BALL AUTOGRAGHS-hey,i love you!ill miss u so much this summer,see you in september!-HARRYhags,ill miss u!write me.-RONhello angel!im so sad i wont be able to see you for another year.h.a.g.s!LYLAS!-HERMIONEu were great in quidditch this year angel!see u next year!-OLIVERSEE YOU NEXT SUMMA!-FRED& GEORGENEVILLE*
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 You Are A White Dragon, you are a little slow and work on instinct. You live in really cold places, isolated. You like solitude, but you hunt with other dragons. You would rather eat polar bears, seals, and fish, that you would have previously frozen with your ice breath. You can't talk to humans though.Like every dragon, you keep a treasure hidden, in ice cave, inside icebergs only accessible by the under water part.stone: diamondquote: "Inside myself is a place where I live all alone and that's where you renew your springs that never dry up." from Pearl Buck you control: ice
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Your name: Danielle AdamsYou have long, brown hair with natraul blonde highlights, you have almond shaped blue eyes, is 5'5, and is considered very beautiful*House: Gryffindoryour bf: harryHarry: I luv her soooo much, when were out of hogwarts, I'm gonna ask her to marry me.. she is soo pretty, and lovely, and nice, and hot and.... but sometimes I get a little jelous when other guys look at her... *thinks: omg i luuuv her!*Ron: Shes hot, just don't tell Harry or he'll kill me! Other then that... shes my BFF! *thinks: shes so pretty... NO! I LIKE HERMIONOE! AND SHES HARRY!! but that smile....*Oliver: Shes so beautiful, and GREAT at quittage, and so nice, If her and HArry break up, I am soo asking her out! *thinks: i want her so badly...*Hermionie: Shes my BFF! Just sometimes Ron looks at her in a way... but I know shes totally in love with Harry! Shes a GREAT study buddy! *thinks: why can't I be so perfect, like her?*Neivelle: shes realllllly nice to me... but I don't likeher like most guys do. *thinks: i can't wait for herbology today...*Seamus: Before Harry and her went out, I asked her out. She seemed rather shocked, and said she couldn't do that to our friendship... she looked sad... I really do love her. * i miss her*Dean: HOTTTT!!! *thoughts to dirty to place in quiz*Cho: OOOMG! Shes like, my BFFEAEAE! (best friend for ever and ever and ever!) and shes such a great shopping buddy... she has great style *thinks: we should get our nails done later....*Cedric (HE NEVER DIED...): shes hot, and I think I might like her even more then Cho... but shes with Harry *sigh* *thinks: shes so gorgoues!*Fred: we pranked her once, but then she came up with an awesome prank back, so from then on George and I and her just do pranks together... shes really funny, and pretty too! * we haven't prank ed Seamus in a while...*George: I really, really, reeeeally like her... but shes with Harry, and I guess that if shes happy, then im happy. *thinks: shes so wonderful, her body, her voice, her smile, her eyes...*Ginny: *sobs* she *sobs* stole *sobs* harrrryyyyyyyyy!!!!! *sobs* *thinks: wut a bi**h!!!* (Me: I don't think she likes you....)Draco: Okay, I'll addmit it, shes hot, and I would ask her out if she wasn't with Potty over there shed be mine... once they break up, I'll have her... *thinks: she's probably a good kisser....*Pansy: I HATE HER!! HOW DOES MY DRAKIE-POO LIKE HER?!?! HOW?! Shes suuuuch a... oh fine! Shes nice, and pretty.... BUT HES SUPPOSED TO LOVE MEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! *thinks: Drankie-poo, Drakie-poo, Drakie-poo!!!!*Crabbe: *stuffs food in mouth and talks while eating* shes hot.. but if Draco ever found out, I'd be dead! *thinks: doesn't really thinkGoyle: Hot... *gets evil stare from Draco* uhh... I mean shes uh... very sly? and cunning... yea... *thinks: doesn't think eitehr*PlzPlz rate/message... this is my 1st quiz and I spent sooo long on it!
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 you are a ninja inside. you'll be a great ninja if you try hard!!! ....i bet you'll be good with a sword.. biggrin
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House : RavenclawOverall Rep : That brainy kid.Your Dude : Harry.Harry : She's really good at Quidditch, wish she was on our team... She is really funny, and REALLY CUTE! Ron : Eh...As far as I can tell, she's cool and Harry's a bit infatuated with her. (Me: See? Ron knows a big word!)Hermione : She keeps Harry on his toes, and focuses on her work at least.Draco : No comment. Currently out chasing butterflies.Pansy : No comment. Currently gossiping about her.Goyle : No comment. Currently trying to save Malfoy from butterfly.Crabbe : No comment. Currently trying to save Goyle from butterfly. (Rina: SAVE HIM!)Neville : She uses big words a lot. She kinda nice though.Luna : I don't get her.Twins : She only outsmarted us twice...Maybe we should hire her...McLagen : I hope she falls off her broomstick over a boiling hot pit of scalding lava. She such a Know-it-all - like Granger!Oliver : *Reads from card Ginny gave him* I..hate..her..and..she's really..ugly..? Wait. Who am I talking about?Ginny : She such a geek and a snob!ADULTS!Dumbledore : A promising student. I like her.McGonagall : Pleasent and charming that one. Brilliant.Snape : Always pestering me about my hair! Says I should use loreal!Voldemort : Huh?
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fencer258 · Fri Sep 08, 2006 @ 02:40am · 0 Comments |