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View User's Journal

Today kids were going on an expedition through the wild of the Amazon Rain Forest. OOOOO.What we will need today is: a flashlight, a pillow, a dead man's carcass, a lamp, a phone that runs on water proof batterys and a matress. razz

"Our journey begins on this helicopter which is flying 30 miles away from the amazon river.So we're going to have to hike for a month." mrgreen
"Okay kids you ready to jump out of the plain? All the little kids go first so when they impact the rocks their body will proved a cushin for the rest of us!"
"But mister im a scared of jumping."
"******** jump already!"screamed Jeff and pushed the kid off the helicopter.
The kid plummeted through the air and bashed his skull on a rugged rock.Blood started gushing out.
Jeff pushed the next kid who landed exactly like the first kid.An hour went by and it was now Jeffs turn to jump. He got his parachute and jumped. he landed softly on the dead bodies and climbed down. Once on the land he say that 30 out of the 200 survived.
" To all you lucky survivers, We can feast on the dead bodies for dinner!" mrgreen
The remander off the kids shruged their shoulders and started feasting...
" All right kids what item do we use now?"
" I think we use the matresses to sleep on and we use the cozy pillows to lay our heads." said a kid softly.
The kid started cring and ran into the woods. Then he screamed and the other kids heard his body be torn apart by a lion.
"Ok kids. You use the dead man carcasses to sleep in and you use the flash light as a cup holder. First take all the batterys and electronical devices out..."
The next morning, 3/4 of the kids and Jeff woke up and got out of the dead men.
The other 25% were either aten by the lions our killed by the bird demons.
"Alright kids. Now you eat the phone for breakfast."
The kids started munching on the micro chips which cause their mouths to bleed.
" Today we're going to watched the dr. davis in its eating mode. then we will watch the mr. rosses hibrenate. then finally we will end our journey watching the mr.navaras crawl out of hell. Sounds good?"
" But you said we were going to the Amazon River"
" And your mother said she loves you. This is life ******** lie. Ok. Lets go this way."
Jeff and the kids arrived at the dr.davis feeding ground.
"Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Be very quite. These animals have great hearing. If they hear you then they will kill you."
"Look!Theres a baby coming out of the v****a"
"OOO.Where?"asked Jeff.
Then one of the dr.daviss looked up and shot a kid with its hydro pump.
"Lets get out of here"said jeff and left the one dying kid...
"Here we are.The whore caves. lets take a look in side."
They went inside.
"Should we use our lamps?"
" No s**t head. You were supposed to put the lamps in the fire so we could have light."
They came upon a fat hog.
"Is this the mr.ross?"
"No. this is your mama." said Jeff and started Laughing.
The hog woke up and ate some of the kids and went back to sleep.
"OK. lets go see those mr.navaras."said Jeff and the remander of the kids folowed him out of the cave.
They reached the demon portals and watched as the mr.navaras came out of hell.
"They sense fear so be quite." said Jeff and he fell asleep.
He woke up the next morning to find 2 kids bleeding and shaking.
"Hey guys. Good Morning."said Jeff and yawned. He got off the matresses and told the kids to stay where they were.
"I'll be right back. I got to get some water for us."
The kids tied to smile but were experiencing to much shell shock...

1 year went by and Jeff never came back to the kids.

Ha Ha dos'ent that crack your pack? surprised