October 9, 2006
The Pearl by Yukio Mishima
On the day of Mrs. Sasaki’s birthday, she invited her closest
friends Mrs. Yamamoto and Mrs. Matsumura who had a strained friendship
despite living close to each other, and Mrs. Azuma and Mrs. Kasuga who were
neighbors and close friends. On that particular day, Mrs. Sasaki wore a pearl ring
despite having the knowledge that it was a little loose, thus resulting in the pearl
falling from the ring during Mrs. Sasaki’s last inspection of the cake. She left the
pearl by the rim of the large cake dish, resolving to do something about it later.
However, having no intention of being seen wearing a ring with no stone, she
removed it deftly from her finger. But due to all the fun, she soon forgot the pearl.
By the time the guests and Mrs. Sasaki had returned to their seats,
each with a small plate containing Mrs. Sasaki’s birthday cake, she was very
happy that her guests like the cake, though through her happiness, she
suddenly remembered the pearl she had so foolishly left at the table, and
casually rising from her chair, she moved across to search for it, but it was just
nowhere to be found. Her guests, sensing uneasiness in Mrs. Sasaki, assisted
her in searching for her solitary pearl. Mrs. Azuma, irked by the fact that the
hostess has caused a scene, decided to settle it by lying, saying that she has
been the one who swallowed the pearl and soon begged for Mrs. Sasaki’s
forgiveness. The five friends simply laughed the event off after Mrs. Sasaki
forgave Mrs. Azuma.
When the party was over, Mrs. Azuma drove herself and her friend
Mrs. Kasuga and accused her of having swallowed the pearl and saying that she
just took the blame to herself. This statement hurt Mrs. Kasuga for she had no
recollection of swallowing a pearl.
Meanwhile, Mrs. Yamamoto and Mrs. Matsumura, who lived close
each other shared a taxi. Soon, Mrs. Matsumura opened her handbag to adjust
her make-up, having just remembered that she hasn’t opened due to the
commotion of the missing pearl. When she opened it, she discovered a pearl
inside. Not wanting Mrs. Yamamoto to see that she had somehow acquired the
pearl, she asked the taxi to stop and she got out. Though she very much wanted
to return the pearl, she couldn’t find a proper way to do so since Mrs. Azuma had
rounded off the affair by selflessly saying the she swallowed the pearl herself.
Mrs. Yamamoto was surprised that her practical joke took such an
effect on Mrs. Matsumura. As a form of revenge on her, she slipped the pearl she
found on her cake, which happened to be the first slice.
Mrs. Matsumura, having thought of a great scheme to rid herself of
guilt and avoid suspicion, quickly went to a celebrated pearl shop and showed
the attendant the pearl and asking for one slightly larger and possessing better
quality than the original and promptly set off to Mrs. Sasaki’s house.
Mrs. Kasuga, meanwhile, remained upset of being wrongly accused
and cruelly teased by Mrs. Azuma, resolved and went to a celebrated pearl shop
and asked for a pearl she thought to be the same size as Mrs. Sasaki’s. Also to
prove to Mrs. Azuma that she had not eaten the pearl and to rid herself of the
guilt that she might’ve really eaten the pearl by mistake, asked Mrs. Azuma to
accompany her to Mrs. Sasaki’s.
Mrs. Sasaki, meanwhile, has accepted the pearl brought by Mrs.
Matsumura. While puzzling as to why it didn’t fit the ring, she received a surprise
when Mrs. Kasuga arrived accompanied by Mrs. Azuma and gave her another
pearl, which, to her surprise, wobbled loosely in the socket.
The two friends and neighbors meanwhile now felt unusually
uncomfortable around each other since the incident, since Mrs. Kasuga believed
that it really was Mrs. Azuma who had swallowed the pearl while Mrs. Azuma
believed that it was Mrs. Kasuga.
Mrs. Matsumura meanwhile, realized that someone had purposely
placed the pearl in her bag seeing as she didn’t open it until she was on the taxi.
She knew only one person could do that to her. So upon arriving home, she went
to Mrs. Yamamoto’s house to confront her. They argued and Mrs. Yamamoto,
feeling tired of the arguing, ashamed and guilty that her little prank has led to
such drastic events, grabbed a pearl and downed it with water. Mrs. Matsumura,
touched that someone would do such a thing in hopes that it will serve as a
finality, felt her anger dissolve vowed with her that they would be firm friends.
The plot of the pearl was confusing and basically involved a lot of
lying, blame-shifting, sacrificing, covering up and protecting one’s outer
appearance. Very much like politicians, actors and the world’s known faces do up
to this time. They want to appear better than others, even their friends. Deep
down, they all look up to at least one of their friends and most are unconsciously
jealous about one thing or another. Mrs. Azuma and Mrs. Kasuga’s friendship
instantly tumbled down just because of a rather foolish incident, revealing that
their friendship doesn’t have a very strong foundation. While Mrs. Yamamoto and
Mrs. Matsumura were both foolish to act like children. Mrs. Yamamoto should
have had enough maturity to think better before she acts, though Mrs.
Matsumura was at fault too for retaliating when they could have settled all of it in
a mature manner, unlike the way they did in the story which broke a relationship
in the commotion due to rash actions.
Well, in case you were wondering, (which I bet you are) this is my book report for my English class that I did on the night of October 9, 2006. It was due on October 10, 2006... Yes, I have a habit of doing reports just the night before sweatdrop
Anyway, I was so proud of it so I decided to be stupid and post it on my gaia journal for the heck of it. That and I want to delete this file worthy of my friend's phrase:
"Oh! The horror!!"
Ehm...well...yeah... I can happily delete it with a clean, guilt free mind. That and I can also use this guide again for the next quarter 3nodding xd
And that's that! whee
amazingly still awake,
niu shen
niu shen · Mon Oct 09, 2006 @ 03:24pm · 0 Comments |