I finally relented and bought a giant eyeball. This is actually my eye color! xD Green/brown mixed. weee!!!
thinking about what I want to do for my Halloween picture, so any input on your favorite Halloween monsters would be awsome! ^^
I also found a new profile that I like alot! the name of the person who made it is up at the top of the page. She had it as a spare and I really liked it. I wish I knew how to create something like that. If someone would only take the time to sit down with me and explain it to me....I think I could do it all. But that's the problem, no is willing to help you out. I have read all of those CCS or CSS things gaians have put up, but that doesnt mean I understand it all. I would be willing to help out to much on profile making and the process, if someone would just help. ^^ I have great ideas!
ok well Homecomming is next week, but I'm not going! w00t! xD I don't really feel like it this year. I will go to prom though since it is my last year!!! omg, I'm a senior....wow...o_o
lets see I think that's all for now....ttyl!
[callister] · Sun Oct 15, 2006 @ 06:13pm · 0 Comments |