Two words: Drama rehearsal. Until seven. That means I can't go trick-or-treating. I'm skipping school, so I guess it isn't all bad. At my school, all the preppy girls (which is EVERYONE) use Halloween as an excuse to dress slutty. So Mean Girls, right? Yeah... last year everyone had Little Bo Peep or other fairytale themed costumes. Costumes that barely covered their butts. Bye lunch I was practically blind. It was so gross. Yeah... so me and my boyfriend are going to have matching outfits... but what's the good if I don't get to go trick-or-treating or anything? And DON'T say "Why don't you go to school?" No way. This year, I think my eyes will probably explode. Honestly... every time one of them leans over to pick something up, their butt falls out. It's so nasty. I don't want to be subjected to that.
And then I have to come back to school for play rehearsal from 3 to 7. But none of the drama kids dress like sluts, so I can't skip out of that and go trick-or-treating. Too bad. Hopefully though, my boyfriend's gonna come over for the evening... I hope.
Jasmine Perishing Community Member |