the fight with dr. greg house md
Mitsu-Souma: tohru -Tohru-Cutegirl-Sohma-: Not until Miss Mitsu comes back Mitsu-Souma: go with the need help.. -Tohru-Cutegirl-Sohma-: but he scares me Mitsu-Souma: .....its ok.. Dr. Greg House M.D.: dont let her talk then let her sit her a** down Dr. Greg House M.D.: by her Mitsu-Souma: << Mitsu-Souma: you shut ur mouth Dr. Greg House M.D.: uand just let me fix that damn forehead Dr. Greg House M.D.: since it reopens it make get an infection -Tohru-Cutegirl-Sohma-: Daddy Akito help....mean doctor.....Yuki help...mean Mitsu-Souma: tohru calm down.. Dr. Greg House M.D.: and I dont want you to die I may be a a** hole but I dont kill people Mitsu-Souma: *hugs her* Mitsu-Souma: lets go inssde okay..? -Tohru-Cutegirl-Sohma-: o...kay Mitsu-Souma: come on ^_^ Mitsu-Souma: now lets sit dow and let house help u Mitsu-Souma: ill be there to calm u Dr. Greg House M.D.: just dont talk and it will be alright and all I am doing is stitches Mitsu-Souma: ok doc... Mitsu-Souma: ok Dr. Greg House M.D.: grabs local antheisa which numbers it and stitches the forehead* Mitsu-Souma: *rubs tohrus sholder* .... -Tohru-Cutegirl-Sohma-: -start crying- Mitsu-Souma: ..its okay.... Dr. Greg House M.D.: cleans it a bit and puts a bandage* big cry baby we got here when I yelled at a baby at least he shut up Mitsu-Souma: >> a** hole dr.. Mitsu-Souma: tohru u allright..? -Tohru-Cutegirl-Sohma-: crying Dr. Greg House M.D.: and you wouldnt have felt what I have been doing Mitsu-Souma: she was scared... -Tohru-Cutegirl-Sohma-: i feel much worse now... Mitsu-Souma: u need to learn how to take the stick out of ur a** somtimes and acctyually HELP the patient -Tohru-Cutegirl-Sohma-: hurts even more Dr. Greg House M.D.: how do you know if this doesnt help and I am aloud to act what ever I want Mitsu-Souma: ......*glares* ...ur not kind Dr. Greg House M.D.: well apparently I saved over 2000 lives Mitsu-Souma: ...i have never met anyone..okay maybe one person worse than u -Tohru-Cutegirl-Sohma-: can i call someone over? Dr. Greg House M.D.: and more Mitsu-Souma: u may save llives Mitsu-Souma: but u dont save sould Mitsu-Souma: souls* Dr. Greg House M.D.: I only save lives not be kind to people thats not the hell I am Dr. Greg House M.D.: and apparently you are too bone headed Mitsu-Souma: ....tohru...could you please turn away for a little loinger Mitsu-Souma: *goes and taks the cane away and kicks him in the head...quite hard* -Tohru-Cutegirl-Sohma-: Mhm... Mitsu-Souma: *punches him* -Tohru-Cutegirl-Sohma-: ooo thats gotta hurt... Mitsu-Souma: *kicks him in the nuts* Dr. Greg House M.D.: nope I felt worse Mitsu-Souma: ill send u to the hospital Mitsu-Souma: ............................................ Dr. Greg House M.D.: I been throw surgery Dr. Greg House M.D.: in my brain Mitsu-Souma: *wacks him in the head with the cane* Dr. Greg House M.D.: and I been shot so what ever Mitsu-Souma: u REALLY piss me off Mitsu-Souma: IF U END UP AS HE NEW FAMILY DOCTOR... Dr. Greg House M.D.: falls down holds the leg* and I still i'm the doctor people want to see Mitsu-Souma: ill die before i be ur pateint Dr. Greg House M.D.: if you are almost dead I still even save you no matter how illegal it is Mitsu-Souma: *comforts tohru* im sorry u had tosee that Dr. Greg House M.D.: pops in more pain killers and rubs his leg* -Tohru-Cutegirl-Sohma-: that was kinda awesome tho Mitsu-Souma: ^_^; well i shouoldnt have done that.. Dr. Greg House M.D.: I can sue you now how lucky i'm I after all I am handicapped and crippled Mitsu-Souma: i have souma money Mitsu-Souma: besides i have a witness Dr. Greg House M.D.: that means that I can be a millionaire and still be a doctor and I know more things then you think Mitsu-Souma: NAY two wittnesses Mitsu-Souma: hmm Mitsu-Souma: ur still a dumb a** to me Dr. Greg House M.D.: I am a dumbass to everyone Mitsu-Souma: want me to beat more sense into u...? Mitsu-Souma: ...*winces*...not again... Dr. Greg House M.D.: its the way I am( this is who he his so shut up about his personailty) -Tohru-Cutegirl-Sohma-: -calls Hatori- Mitsu-Souma: *blood drips on the floor* Mitsu-Souma: damn..shiugure..... Dr. Greg House M.D.: this is freaky kitty ok deal with it and house is really an a*****e if you hate it deal the damn with it)) -Tohru-Cutegirl-Sohma-: Miss Mitsu! Mitsu-Souma: O_o Mitsu-Souma: pain.. Dr. Greg House M.D.: where is the wound? Mitsu-Souma: my keeps reopening -Tohru-Cutegirl-Sohma-: You still scare me tho Mitsu-Souma: shigure cut mewith a knife Dr. Greg House M.D.: that why they usually put stab victim in the hospital Mitsu-Souma: =_= -Tohru-Cutegirl-Sohma-: and Shigure elbowed me in the stomach Dr. Greg House M.D.: must be a crappy nurse Mitsu-Souma: u r definantly not my doc-....*winces* ....sit.. Dr. Greg House M.D.: by making the stitches Mitsu-Souma: s**t* -Tohru-Cutegirl-Sohma-: Who wants me to be an ALIEN! Mitsu-Souma: not me.. Mitsu-Souma: >> Mitsu-Souma: holds stomach as it bleeds more* Dr. Greg House M.D.: checks the wound* Abornormal pain* and cleans the wound with all the stuff include Idoine and stitches it up and staples it a bit and puts one bandage* Mitsu-Souma: ooooooowwwwwwwww....... Mitsu-Souma: you could have atleast nubmed me Dr. Greg House M.D.: dont move a day or too Dr. Greg House M.D.: *two Dr. Greg House M.D.: then I will take them out Mitsu-Souma: ...... Mitsu-Souma: fine.. Mitsu-Souma: then let me atleast ley on the bed,... Dr. Greg House M.D.: I never told you to lay there Mitsu-Souma: << Mitsu-Souma: *lays down* ... Dr. Greg House M.D.: or not Mitsu-Souma: *closes eyes*......... Dr. Greg House M.D.: And you should stop being scared a crippled old man whoops Mitsu-Souma: ....*eyes open* THE ELL IDF IM SCARED Dr. Greg House M.D.: I didnt say you Mitsu-Souma: ... Mitsu-Souma: u cant be that old.. KagomeArisaIchigosan309: dude -Tohru-Cutegirl-Sohma-: Ichigo! KagomeArisaIchigosan309: nvm KagomeArisaIchigosan309: XD KagomeArisaIchigosan309: HI KagomeArisaIchigosan309: HELLO? Mitsu-Souma: .... Dr. Greg House M.D.: hi -Tohru-Cutegirl-Sohma-: Hi! Mitsu-Souma: *leans agaist dresser* KagomeArisaIchigosan309: HELLLO KagomeArisaIchigosan309: ? -Tohru-Cutegirl-Sohma-: HI!!!!!!!!!!! KagomeArisaIchigosan309: HIIIIIIIIII Dr. Greg House M.D.: you can lay on the bed * rolls his eyes* Mitsu-Souma: god...quiet down please tohru.. KagomeArisaIchigosan309: I SHALL BE RIGHT BACKETH -Tohru-Cutegirl-Sohma-: ok KagomeArisaIchigosan309: k me back Mitsu-Souma: *lays on the bed* Mitsu-Souma: i need my kimono.. -Tohru-Cutegirl-Sohma-: ok you gotta be quiey Dr. Greg House M.D.: plays paper with baskets* KagomeArisaIchigosan309: okay Mitsu-Souma: *lays back down* KagomeArisaIchigosan309: backs KagomeArisaIchigosan309: garblen flargen Mitsu-Souma: *throws rock at hoiuse Mitsu-Souma: ** KagomeArisaIchigosan309: interesting -Tohru-Cutegirl-Sohma-: Mitsu you okay? Mitsu-Souma: pain -Tohru-Cutegirl-Sohma-: -starts bleeding from other scars- DANGIT! >.< Mitsu-Souma: =_= KagomeArisaIchigosan309: 0.0 Dr. Greg House M.D.: dang it my foot asleep -Tohru-Cutegirl-Sohma-: -falls unconsiously- KagomeArisaIchigosan309: ohmigod! Dr. Greg House M.D.: pause you guys KagomeArisaIchigosan309: what the heck!? KagomeArisaIchigosan309: oookay -Tohru-Cutegirl-Sohma-: ... Dr. Greg House M.D.: wow still scared ok bleed to death all I care up to you what you do KagomeArisaIchigosan309: ? KagomeArisaIchigosan309: ookay KagomeArisaIchigosan309: then -Tohru-Cutegirl-Sohma-: -hides again- no more stitcjes! Dr. Greg House M.D.: ok bleed then Mitsu-Souma: tohru Mitsu-Souma: get stitches Mitsu-Souma: u need them.. -Tohru-Cutegirl-Sohma-: ...but they hurt so much! Mitsu-Souma: do it and i promise..ull be okay *is crying* Dr. Greg House M.D.: a baby can handle a broken leg after a while -Tohru-Cutegirl-Sohma-: fine ill get the stitches Dr. Greg House M.D.: one time I had a girl who had a tick* cleans his wound* Dr. Greg House M.D.: *the wounds Dr. Greg House M.D.: *hers -Tohru-Cutegirl-Sohma-: ... Dr. Greg House M.D.: then tumors Dr. Greg House M.D.: lets just say these people are weird KagomeArisaIchigosan309: olive town KagomeArisaIchigosan309: socks
Painless Pleasure · Sat Nov 18, 2006 @ 02:16am · 0 Comments |