xp Yes I have the flu and I`m thinking about killing my brother. He is so insensitive I mean he wouldn`t pay my mom rent for staying for more than a month while eating all our food i might add. He told the people that mom said he could stay for free, which she didn`t say....... scream stressed He also has been stealing batteries and money from me and won`t buy us food. We have been starving for a week, I wonder if someone could possibly smite him or something because he disearves it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I also found out he has been taking money from my mom without asking and spending it on junkfood and takeout for him and his bitchass girlfriend. He decided to take a cheque from my mom and now u know why I want to kill him, that and the rfact that I hate him. stressed scream Well I gotta stop writeing now because my hands hurt.
Crystal Lips · Fri Feb 04, 2005 @ 05:03am · 0 Comments |