Hear about what I hate in the world! Be amazed! See if I hate the same things as you! O: GASP GASP
D: D:
Today I recieved a message from my 'friend'. It was a reply from a message telling him not to send out chain PMs. He recently sent out a PM saying "CAN YOU FIND THIS GIRL" with a picture and sending, blah blah blah. Yeah. I told him: This is against the ToS, and is illegal on Gaia. Dont do this again. I tried to report it, but someone already has. he replied:
Sorry man. I don't usually send chain letters, but if something like this is true you still gonna be a baby about it? gonk "My daughter is missing. Can you help me?" "Psh! Getcho' junk outta mah box foo!scream "
-.- I cannot stand that anymore, and I am adding him to my ignored list. I dont care if he says "OH YOUR BEING SUCH A BABY!". I DONT FRICKIN' CARE. Yeah, I am going to be a 'baby' when it comes to violations against the ToS. Look, it ain't my problem that the girl didn't like her home. talk2hand