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chapter five: freeing the children

As the artery closed around kaitlin, she tried to think of away to escape. Then it came to her.
She pulled out a kitchen knife that she found in one of amandas fat rolls.
" Its about time I cut this beef." she said as she pulled out a slab of beef from her back pocket.
Then she heard a scream. Then a moan.
Amanda then collaspsed into her self thus rendering kaitlin body to fall to the floor. She cut a whole in amandas skin and realased her self from the fatty like a newborn.she was.
"come on kids. your free children." she said as herds of sickly thin mexican kids wobbled out of the womb. their eyes burned to see the light of day afew of them even exploded. one of them thanked kaitlin.
"Gracias, mi halli destur guarpas."
kaitlin then attack her with full force. she first lashed her with her blade. then started tearing the poor mexican child apart with her teeth.
"******** you!" shouted the mexican kid as she died.
kaitlin then sighed and begun her journey to they cafeterium.

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Community Member

Fri Dec 15, 2006 @ 03:34am

where me??

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