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~{Crazy} Family Life~
Mm... today, I woke up and was in fangirl level 10. You might think that's a high level, but considering the maximum is at 100, you can easily see that I was not feeling fangirly at all...and that's so sad!
I dunno where all my fangirlyness went, but sometime mid-afternoon it came back (I was talking with certain bishies, and that makes even non-fangirls go fangirly). Unfortunately my innability to express myself fluently in English messed things up, or perhaps it was just the mood... dunno, but I suddenly felt----EMO!!! *dies* x_x
I hate emo people. I cannot allow myself to become one! Or that's what I thought. So I took the best course of action and went to take a walk with my mother. We drooled over the smexy young man who works at the Boston Pizza, and laughed a lot when my father actually pouted.
We don't get along too much, my father and I, so when we do it's something really special... tomorrow I'll probably be angry at him again, but for now I'm really happy and cheerful and fangirly again!! ^__^, if my bishies where here... I could make it up to them, 'cause lately I've been leaving them so suddenly...I don't want them to think I hate them or something! TT^TT

A Italian friend doesn't talk to me anymore...and he was so nice! (but, of course, nothing beats my two bishies! heart ) When I think about it I wanna go emo again ...NO!!! xDD

Mmm...I hope Suki comes back online. I feel so lost in that RP... I get so scared of messing up that I cannot write at all, and my entries are short and lame... my bishies (dammit, I'm starting to sound like a possessive fangirl, am I not?) are too nice and only cheer me up, instead of yelling at me to write something that makes sense... It makes me feel even worse. I hope I can make them feel as if it hadn't been a big mistake to invite me to the RP ---that's why I need Suki (I'll have to bow down and make sacrifices to my two bishi-Gods for introducing me to her! ^_^ it seems they only make good friends, and I'm glad they allowed me to meet evil twin! xD) ...she's a friend among all this...not that my bishies aren't, but they are an inseparable item and have better things to worry about... I understand it perfectly, even though they must think I'm really stupid by now (we're the same age, but they can be so much more mature! ^__^; )

Ghods, this has to be the longest entry I've ever written!! I hope nobody reads it, like all the other ones... I think I was corny/lame/half-emo again... hey!! But I just demonstrated I CAN write long entries in English! *feels proud of self*