I have been very nervous about being on gaia for the past eight days! A dear friend of mines name Rosemary R had introduced this web site to me. She claimed that it was the only site that our school was allowing everybody to be on. How stupid! stare I whether go undercover as a computer techno jerk and figure out a way to allow all websites on the internet as long as they aint got any crazy stuff like doing ups and people showing their skins which is very disgusting. :ninja;Today my father thought he was Eddie Murphy and trying to crack up all the dumbest jokes that he could think of, dramallama and only a few of them were actually funny and that's when he was ribbin' mama. 4laugh Both of the Jeffreys (Sr. is my dad Jr. is my brother) thought that they were being totally hilarious when actually they were make fools of their selves. wahmbulance Too bad it's not April Fools Day, otherwise I think that they might of fooled the president into thinking that they were running the USA. rofl
Red Blonde Fox · Sun Feb 25, 2007 @ 01:56am · 0 Comments |