Here mytext converstion
Myles: "hey" Me: "Uh... hi?" Myles" "What?" Me: Your message scaredthe s**t out of me. No random texts when im this hyper (:" Myles: "Whatthe ********?" me: "Don't saythat word to me." Myles: "Brett says hi" Me: piff. who cares bout brett? d:" Myles: "Brett: well your just a b***h" Me: "What?" Myles "brett: your jealous" Me: O.o... Of what? Are you ok? It was a joke" Myles: "brett: b***h. dont talk to me tomorrow. i am going to be in a pissy mood."
Oh LOOK brett's texting now too
Brett: "Stop pissing me off madi" Me: "What did i do?" Brett: "I have heard things" Me: "What did i do? i honestly don;t know!" Myles: "Stop pissing off brett" Me: "I don;t know what i did!" Brett: "don't talk to me." Me: "What did i do? God. What 'things' did i do?!" Myles: "He says get off his back. He is really pissed at you, and im starting to be to as well." Me: "Then can you please tell me what happened! I have no clue what i';ve done." Brett: "Stop talking to me." Me: "Omg... Well whatever it is im sorry?' Myles: "stop no." Me: "I don't gets what wrong!I can't stop when a person who i thought was a good friend randomly starts caling me a b***h!" Myles: "brett" me: "uh.. yes brett's who started calling me a b***h" Myles: "he wants you to stop using him. he says get off myles' back. and stop being jealous" Me: "using him? get off your back? What? Jealous? of what? he's my friend! Well i thought so..."
Apperntly he((brett)) htes how i sit next to him. and that i poke him and that i ignor myles. Myles i do ignor sometimes becaus i don't like him, so brett has a point there. But yesterday brett sat beside me and was leaning on my sholder. At lunch he always sits beside me if i have a spot before him. And there jave been a few times whn i don't even want to poke/touch him in anyway. And all he did was poke ME. Grrr. And i have no clue what he means by using him... gonk cry
Razi Mysteria · Wed Mar 07, 2007 @ 03:33am · 1 Comments |