Yes tonight im going to put all of them up. If you ever want to roleplay oneXone you can pick one of them. Element Roleplay Gaia Name: Kurenai_Sama Character Name: Rin Hatake Character Age: 19 Class: priestess Element: Fire Personality: Is usually nice. Sometimes can get mad. She loves to play tricks on people like crazy. She is a lycan...(if you dont know what that means...Its like a werewolf.) Appearance: Human form
Transformed form.
Vampire Roleplay
Username: Kurenai_Sama Character Name: Alice Age: about 342 Bio: She doesnt rember her past as a human, but the Vampire Lord helped her after she was bitten and she had been with him ever since. She doesnt know if she likes him or not. She has also asked him if He can help her figure out her past. Weapons:Teeth of course and she has the ability to see the future. Race: Vampire Appearance: 
Kingdom Hearts Roleplay
Name: Fai Age: 17 Race: Human Power: Light and Fire Appearance:  Weapon: A small blade Scars: (Optional) Short Bio: She can not rember much of her past. Someone long ago had taken over her mind and after they were done using her for there Dirty work they left her with nothing to rember. The man who erased her mind was Eiri. Good/evil: Both
Alice Khoryu · Fri Mar 23, 2007 @ 01:03pm · 0 Comments |