Need.... something to do.... Oh, and did you know that my mother works about 24-7?
Well when I got home on the answering machine was the art-sensei's message about how she sent home the letter and picture of Mary I scribbled in the art class when we where supossed to take our time and s**t, with the words "Mary-sama >D" on it. lol, so, I called my mom and she asked "Did you have a good day? Get in trouble?" I said no, and then when she hanged up... I deleted the message and put the papers through the shreader >D I read the letter inside, she was so mean, and she's all like "Oh, and I've seen her manga drawings, that are really good but she can't draw Mary! See picture attached -->" I shreaded it all, mwahaha ^ ^
Me and Ash where sitting in music class yesterday and he hates to sing so we where just sitting there, and I was peeling tape off my folder and sticking it to the paper and takeing off words, to make it sould perverted. I'll upload the picture once I go to school and get my music notebook. But we made "Long need" and "Thoes needs" and "Swollow hard" xDD there where some others too but I forgot what they where cause this is like from two days ago >_>
Ohh, and I have a picture of meh:
I AM SOO MEXICAN ;D Wonder Bread doesn't own the sumbrero. (but wishes she did, lol)
P.S. I won't be online nightish/afternoonish cause my mommy was mad at my grades (five F's bish >D)
P.S.S. 69
P.S.S.S. This is my stuffed animal that I've had since I was five::
He's texting my b***h to tell him that he's a gay f** >_<
supergalkate · Thu Apr 19, 2007 @ 10:09pm · 1 Comments |