xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx████████████ - - - - ( ★ )Andy Coats
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx( username )
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx(male) ↷ (20 1/2) ↷ (junior in college) ↷ (demon)
● March 20 (Pisces)
● Pansexual
● Single
● has a lip ring but rarely wears it, and a tattoo on his arm
● Height: 6' 6"
● Weight: 130 lbs
● Other/Extra: Extremely thin
- 》Personality: Is usually serious and focused on major things. Never stops trying until goal is accopmplished. Has great self- control over his demon inside. Sweet and has sympathy for many.
》Biography: Went to a law school camp type thing for a year and has returned to Moonlight. Has high hopes for becoming a lawyer after one more year of college. He would like to start over with everyone and enjoy himself.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx████████████ - - - - ( ★ )Keith Vailva
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx( username )
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx(male) ↷ (19) ↷ (senior (held back)) ↷ (mage)
● December 26 (Capricorn)
● Homosexual
● Single
● tattoo on hand states that he is a mage.
● Height: 6'
● Weight: 135 lbs
● Other/Extra:
- 》Personality: Hates being made fun of because of his sexuality. Its normal!! Loves to be caring and considerate. Will be anyone's best friend. He is very calm.
》Biography: Held in captivity and taught the ways of black magic. He excaped finding a man who taught him how to use his magic well and Keith learned more things from the man. Came to Moonlight to settle down.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx████████████ - - - - ( ★ )Ellie Sabatino
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx( username )
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx(female) ↷ (17 1/2) ↷ (junior) ↷ (mermaid)
● August 30 (Virgo)
● Bisexual
● Single
● Has a tear carved under her eye.
● Height: 5'3"
● Weight: 96 lbs
● Extra: blonde hair, blue eyes. When feet touch water they turn to fins.
- 》Personality: Shy and quiet. Doesnt care or need a social life. Ellie makes a great friend and knows how to keep a secret. But because people trust so much in her, she thinks those people are dependant on her and she gives that person all of her trust. Resulting in getting hurt.
》Biography: Came to Moonlight in search of a life where she doesnt have to remember or think her dreadful past. Her mother killed her father and she ran away from home knowing her mom would either be after her next or her mother would be put in an insane assylum.