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I plan to write about my life and other random things.
Just thinking
Ever notice that people aren't really going anywhere? Like, every single day is the same. Kids go to school everyday, adults go to work every day, everyone just goes in circles until they eventually die and are forgotten. Why do we do this? Why do we go to work everyday or school everyday? To gain knowledge and wealth, I guess. But what is it really for? No one's really alive anymore. You're only alive when you don't have to think, you just subconsiously know what to do. When you're fighting for your life, or something like that. I know what you're thinking, this sounds like an everyday teenage angsty post. But I'm not angsting, you know. I'm just thinking. Actually, at the moment, I'm not really feeling any kind of emotion. Maybe wonder, but that's it. But what gets me the most is that, pathetic enough as we are, most of us are spending 8 hours a day just staring at a screen, doing nothing. That's 56 hours gone from a week, 240 from a month, and 2920. 2920! That's 121 days of our lives gone each year! You could live a life up to age 90 and spend 20 years doing nothing but staring at a screen! That's really disgusting! I'm going to try my hardest to stay as far away from screens as possible. 1. Most of it wastes life. 2. It's bad for your eyes 3. It doesn't give you excersise and 4. There's more to life. I'm sure no one's going to see this post because no one really cares enough about one journal entry from one gaian out of thousands, but hey. Someone might just see this. There's an even less chance of anyone actually reading all of this and an even LESSER chance of anyone taking my advice, but I'm going to take that chance. Because it could teach the world to do more things in its life. Well, that's enough deep thoughts for one day. If I ever have anything else to say, I'll probably post it. But that'll be all I'll do because I'm going to be doing better things. Like practicing my guitar and finding a band. Spread inspiration, man. Rule the world. That's what I want. Now excuse me as I go to my guitar lessons.

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