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I'm more curious on why you're bothering to read this in the first place. o,o
MLP community. We meet again.
Oooooooooh boy.

Everybody, brace yourself for the flood of the herd gaAAHAAH HERE THEY COME WATCH OUT FOR THE HIND HOOVES

..But truth be told, i'm a brony myself. But man. Nothing's safe from the herd. Nothing.

And i'm also surprised that they didn't do an "I AM" for all the pony stuff. Because that would reel in a mountain of cash. Trust me. The brony knows. The brony understands.

New style, biatch

After listening to enough Nightcore i've decided that it's good to have a new set of stuffs.

Funny thing is, while this looks all fancy shmancy, most of it was actually cheap. the most expensive bits were the sword and trousers.


Seriously. I should find something that works out and is much cheaper.

Oh well. Feels pretty fresh. We're talking mint fresh. *w*

Might go on the forums for a bit, or go on Pesterchum/Trollian for a while.

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