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erm...hello...Is this thing on?.... O.O o.O o.o O.o

Community Member
Critical Error. You're the best!
God I love that thread. It's been a long time though since I posted. I got busy and all of a sudden everyone I know is never on when I am, and I never see Aki anymore. I started to read C.E. from the beginning months ago, and I stopped for a while. I just started up again because I figured, eh, why the ******** not?

I freaking love Assassin_Cross. The guy is ******** hysterical. He is so sharp and comes up with the coolest responses. I went on his profile to talk to him and hasn't been on since September. Yeah, I know, /me is a stalker. So basically the whole point of my gay journal is to say I wish I was that ******** cool. Also that I really miss Aki and the rest of the C.E. regulars I used to talk to. I love you guys. <3
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