Shout Outs
Note: I won't be making new shout outs for people I've already made some for.
Well okay, maybe for Dante. bahfelisha >3<
Older Shout Outs
(Clickable link)
People I will be writing Shout Outs for:
C O K l - Pinche Jorgii. The funny thing about Jorgii is that I remember exactly when I met him. I was on my Prideful Korra account, twerking up a storm with my nitemare minis, and he saw I was selling them. So, like the ratchet puto he is, he comments me, trying to get like, a 20m discount. It's okay though, Jorgii. I forgive you. So after that, I was all, no b***h bahfelisha. Then I randomly saw him in rally a month or so later, and we started talking about TLOK. We were like obsessed fangirls. After that ended, we kind of stopped talking. But then, we found out we had two things in common: Being ratchet and twerking. *Twerks* So he was nice enough to teach me his way of vending, but since my laptop is the bad type of ratchet, I was incapable of making any money. *Sad slow twerk* But now, all we ever do is talk about the basic bitches of Gaia and make fun of how basic they are. If you're reading this and think we're petty, that just means you're basic. Bahfelisha. But oh my punani, Jorgii is great. He knows how to make me laugh, and he knows how to twerk. (Not really though. I'm still scarred from you having a seizure on webcam in front of me, then calling it twerking) But as I said, Jorgii is a ton of fun, whether he's showing me pictures of naked black people, revealing what the ugly vendors look like, seizure twerking on tinychat, or making me cry out of jealousy when he shows me pictures of him getting profit. *Slow twerk again* But yeah, Jorgii is just great. Stay the same, Jorgii, and never become basic. <3
Song for Jorgii<3
Chasmosaurus - Oh my god, for some reason, I remember when I met Ava too. It was back in 2010 when I was on Motoi. I went into a rally, and there was Ava and some rich looking girl. I forgot why the three of us started talking, but we did. We added each other, and then we gradually become closer. My first Gaia group ever was with Ava and that other girl whose name I can't remember. It was named Highlights, and it was because we all had nice hair. (Even though I think you had store hair Ava. LOL) So after a while, I moved back to Utakata, and it turned out that Ava liked Naruto. ...Well, at least I think you did? Anyways, she became my Fuu, and I was all, siguhdfugihasogih. And I must say, she made the best Fuu cosplay I've seen on Gaia yet. Ava was one of the first females ever in TTB. Unfortunately, she became inactive. I was so sad Ava. *Sad Twerk* But thankfully, she came back, and is now active. You go, Ava~! So one of the main reasons why I love Ava is because she never gets mad at me or gives me attitude when I switch accounts. That's a good friend right there. Secondly, Ava is her own person. Like, she's beyond unique, and I think she has a great style. Lastly, she never starts any drama. She's always nice and understanding about everything. Oh, and did I mention she loves The Black Cauldron like I do? Yeah, she's amazing, I know. LOL I love you Avaaaaa, and I'm so glad we're friends. <3
Song for Ava<3
Sawsuke - I have no idea what year I met you in, but I've definitely known you for over two. It feels like I've known you for what seems to be too long. I hate you, and you really need to get the ******** out of my face. LOL but I really don't remember when I met you. Maybe in 2009 when I met most of the Naruto cosplayers. Anyways, this t**t Sasuke (HAHAHAHA IN MY KONAN VOICE >_> wink knew me before I knew him, and supposedly tried getting my attention. He tells me I ignored his existence, but I honestly don't remember. LOOOL So I don't know how/why, but we finally became friends. We were never really close, and we'd only occasionally see one another. Eventually, we became close out of nowhere. We hung around the same people, spoke on the phone, and yeah. Then the stupid b***h deleted me because I took him off my profile. I still hate you for that, little s**t. LOL So then we had a lot of drama and he fell in with the wrong crowd and became an alcoholic. I trolled him a lot, but eventually we just talked it out. We gradually became friends again over time, and yeah. Now he's my shitty Superboy. Now we're really close, and we Skype for hours and prankcall that certain someone. Helloooo~ooo there, you PIECE OF CRAP! STOP CAWLIN' HERE! AIN'T NO ONE TALKING TO YEW!! LOOOL But yeez, he's definitely grown over the years I've known him, and I respect that. He's never afraid to admit when he's wrong, and he's drama free. (Minus the two bimbos) Overall, he's great. Stay blonde, Clayton. >///<
Song for Clayton<3
iOmoi - Oh, look, it's the epitome of a whore. LOL I've known AJ since late 2008. He was actually one of the first Naruto cosplayers I met, and he helped introduce me to people. He was Shikamaru, and I was undecided. LOL But then he talked me into doing Utakata. Because I thought Utakata was ugly, I decided to do Yagura. That lasted for about ten minutes, and then I switched to Utakata. Since the time I've known AJ, he's only been in drama once. He told some stupid b***h to ******** off, and yeee. Other than that one time, he's been super laidback and relaxed. Though, don't think he's only those two things. He's also a slutty whore. He flirts with almost any girl on Gaia. Are you bald? He doesn't care. Are you 800 pounds? ******** it. Are you missing half your face, your left arm, and your pinky toe? He'll still flirt with you. LOOOL So to the ladies of Gaia reading this: Beware. But damn, it honestly doesn't feel like I've known him for this long. He was always that friend that was always there, that you could always have fun with. The only thing I don't like about him is how he randomly texts me every few months. I was at Six Flags with my friends, and he decides to text me and tell me to get on Maplestory. LOL Speaking of Maplestory, I think I got him into it. He's not as good as me, but he's getting there. Go train your Bandit, whore. Regardless, AJ is a great friend. I've done so many group cosplays with him it isn't even funny. Naruto, Bleach, Naruto again, Bleach again, KHR, One Piece, and whatever else I can't remember. Even after these four years, we're still great friends, andddd yeah. You might be a whore, AJ, but you're my whore. <3
Voqze - Carlos, Carlos, Carlos, Carlos. I have no idea when I met you, nor do I remember how. LOL The oldest memory I have of you is when you were cosplaying as an Organization member. I think you might've been a Naruto cosplayer too, but I have no idea. You probably were, considering you cosplay Tobi now. ...Kind of. LOL To be honest, I always thought he was annoying. He'd be up everyone's a**, and I was all, bahfelisha. But he definitely got better over time. Oh, I think Bleed and Charlie introduced me to him. Anyways, Carlos became inactive, and I would rarely see him. Anytime I did see him, he was on a new account. After awhile, we lost contact. But then, he came back to Gaia. It was funny, just because I saw some b***h Obito cosplayer in towns, and he was all, "Rai is that you?" I was thinking, who the ******** is this little bich? LOL omg, Carlos has definitely changed so much. He's not annoying at all anymore, and he's fun to be around. (When he isn't refusing to take screenies) I remember when Clayton was talking about you being a guat on meebo, and I was all, say that to Carlos' face, bich! And now they're friends. Like, what the ******** is that? LOL But Carlos is great, even though he always cuts my bottom lip with his braces when we're making out. Yeez, Carlos is a ton of fun to be around. Stay Cuban, mii guat. <3
Because I ******** love you tho.
Oils - Ohmygod it's Pretzel. Let me start off by saying that she knew who I was before I knew who she was. LOL She used to hate me because I would always be around Clayton. QQ And then she hated me even more when the two of us stopped being friends and I would troll him in towns. LOOOL You need to make up yo mind, Pretzel. But once we became friends, Clayton introduced us. Ohmygod, Pretzel is so funny. She's all, "I ******** hate Tom.", and I'm all, "Ohmygod, me too! We're twins!" There's never a dull moment when me, Pretzel and Clayton are on Skype. The three of us are either telling each other to shut the ******** up, or talking s**t about people in towns. Speaking of that, Me and Pretzel are the creators of the group named WHT. If you want to know what it means, ask Pretzel. She won't tell you though. Teehee desu Sailor Moon. >/3/< LOOOL Ohmygod, I know this sounds bad, but I can never help but laugh when you're giving Clayton attitude over Skype. Like, "Ohmygod babe, shut up." I die every time. Don't ask me why, I just do. Oh, that randomly reminds me, Pretzel has the best Karin on Gaia 10/10. It's amazing how people think I have a ton of accounts, but then you have x10 the amount I have. I'm jealous, Pretzel. Okay, let me just say that Pretzel and Clayton are the best couple ever. They're perfect for each other and they're funny as ********, whether they're doing it intentionally or unintentionally. The last thing I'm going to say is, Big hair, don't care. Bahfelisha! PS: Make sure you keep Clayton in check. >3<
Because Clayton told me to.
BaDeK - Black ******** Princess. Okay, so I think I know when I met you. If this is wrong, correct me Black Princess. LOL So anyways, I met this hoar some time in 2011. I think his name was BaDeK at that time, but I'm not too sure. Anyways, I remember I really disliked you for some reason. LOOOL Ohmygod, I hated most of my close friends at one point. It's okay, I love you now. >3< So after I realized I disliked him, I would be all, you're an annoying piece of s**t and I hate you. He really didn't care, so I was all, bahfelisha. Then he joined the Maush, which lasted for like twelve hours. LOOOL So after always seeing him around, I really didn't mind him that much. We hung out with the same people in rallies, so I was bound to get used to him at some point. Anyways, I'm now going to explain the origin of Black Princess. Both myself and Taka decided to play Digimon Battle again, and we nicknamed ourselves King Rai and Queen Taka. Take into consideration that we had already decided we would be taking over the Digital world with our angel Digimon, and both King and Queen seemed like good titles. After we trained on our Digimon, BaDeK told us he liked Digimon, so we invited him to play. Once he agreed that he would, we nicknamed him our princess. Because he's black, we nicknamed him Black Princess. Ohmygod Black Princess, this is going to be so long, and other people are gonna start yelling at me because their shout outs aren't nearly as long. Therefore, I'm just going to say what I love about you. I love how friendly you are. Like, there's nothing mean / rude about you. It's weird, considering you're b- I'm not. I'm so done with myself. Another thing I love about Black Princess is how he sets me on fire with his molotovs in L4D2. Lastly, I love how he jumps off of buildings in airports with me at the same time. Stay black, Black Princess. <3
Song for Black Princess<3
Destroying - DOAW~ -screams- Ohmygod, I have no idea when I met you. What I do remember is seeing you on a ton of different accounts, and wondering who the ******** you were. LOL Even to this day I'm finding out that you were some of those people I was curious about back then. >( But yeeeee, DOAW is great. Let me first start off by saying she has great taste in music. - Well, minus BVB. LOOOL -screams- It's always nice to see females appreciate great music that most stupid biches think is weird. ******** them biches, DOAW. Next, I like DOAW's style, which I can't say for most girls. -Gives you a trophy- And then there's her sense of humor. We're basically twins when it comes to humor. We laugh at the same s**t. Speaking of s**t.... -looks in toilet bowl- Charlie, is that you? LOOOL DOAW says that's her favorite joke of mine. Oh, speaking of DOAW, let me explain what DOAW means. >3> Since I love Regular Show, I was re-watching the series online. I was on the episode that had the Destroyer Of All Worlds. When I heard the name, I thought of Destroying. The next day, I went into towns and was all, Destroying, I'm going to call you DOAW from now until ******** ever. -screams- She was all, LOL OKAY!~ Speaking of screaming, I accidentally got DOAW hooked on saying it. LOOOL -Screams so ******** loud- DOAW, choo is so great. Never change, and make sure you never forget that s**t joke. -Screams- <3
Song for DOAW<3
RevoIving - A tear suddenly came to my eye as I realized it was your turn to have a shout out written. Just kidding, I secretly hate you. LOOOL Oh man, I met Ramen back in 2008. Ironically enough, Ramen was looking through his comments for whatever reason, and found the first comments we ever sent to one another. I was somewhat illiterate, while his English was broken as ********. Thank Jesus you've improved in that Ramen-chan. So I always knew what Ramen looked like, but I never knew how old he was. I always assumed he was around 14-15. I just recently found out he's ******** 13 years old, and I've known him since he was 9. LOOOL I can't with you, Ramen. But damn, Ramen has always been around. We both joined the Naruto community around the same time, and we met each other shortly after joining. He was a really shitty Naruto cosplayer, and some people didn't want him in screenies because of that. Surprisingly, I would be all, come in the picture, Ramen! >3< I always think of the DC character screenie, just because you look so out of place. LOL But Ramen is a great friend. He's really loyal, he's fun, and he's always up for cosplaying s**t when he can afford it. Although I'm probably never going to meet you in real life because you live in Cuba, I'm at least glad to have you as a friend on Gaia. Bahfelisha. <3
Song for Ramen<3
Hiruiseki and Techno Mermaid - AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!!!!! -In my deep woman voice- Okay, so I just met these two a few months ago, and they are absolutely amazing/hilarious. I'm writing about both of these amazing ladies at once, just because I can never tell the two apart when they're on mules. Okay, so let me first start out by saying how I met them. I was in towns, and I noticed Auschwitz was talking s**t about Ryan. I was all, DEFENDS! Then they were all, you know Ryan? I was all, yah who dah f** r u tho??? So they politely brought me to b7 and were all, hi, I'm Techno Mermaid, and I'm Hiruiseki. I was all, oh, yeah, I've stalked you two before. They were all, WHAT HOW? Then I told them all my past main accounts, and they didn't know who I was. I wasn't stalk worthy in their eyes. *cries* Anyways, we became good friends after that. I must say that both of these lovely ladies are amazing at trolling. Not only are they intelligent and logical, they can make the most dramatic trolling session hilarious. AKA that one time with Auschwitz. Heeheehee But yas, these two are amazing, even though they have a ton of mules that they randomly lurk on. Like, the only way I can figure out if it's them is if it has Mad Hatter Doll smile. LOL Now that I mention it, the only way I was able to figure out who was who was by their main accounts or their MSN accounts. Now that they've moved on from their original main accounts and I don't go on MSN anymore, I'm always asking which L I'm talking to. Don't even get me started on how amazing L2's art is. She charges so little, yet the art is definitely worth more. >//< You and L1 still need to tell me what you want for a late Christmas present, regardless of whether or not you want it. LOL And L1 (OR L2 ********!) needs to tell me what she wants for her birthday. AGH! LOL OH, I just randomly remembered Techno Mermaid was black, and I asked L1 if she was black in real life. AH!!!!!!!!!! Honestly, after hearing L- Ohmygod, I really can't. LOL Oh lawd was that Skype call intense. I get a call on Skype, and all I hear is what sounds like a 40 year old smoker. It was L1 (I think LOL). Then she told me she was using a voice modifier and was scaring people on Omegle before we got on Skype. I forgive you for deceiving me!~ But no, these two are the best couple on Gaia ever right next to Clayton and Pretzel. They're so alike that you'd think they've known each other 5ever. If they ever permanently come back to Gaia (which they should *wink*) then you should meet them, because they are the bestest. Stay black, L1 and L2.<3
Song for L1 and L2 *serenades*<3
Sky of the Light Night - Let me first start off by saying I had an amazing time looking for a song to use for you. Not only am I twerking to this song, but I'm crying of laughter. Okay, now to start the shout out. I have no idea when I first found out about Ryan's existence, but I didn't like him at first. I knew of him (Since I'm numbah one stalker), but that was about it. Then he stole my Utakata cosplay and I blocked that dummy bich. -.- LOOOL I died. But anyways, I do remember when I first officially met you. At least, I think this was when I met you. Anyways, I was in rally, then you came in on your Utakata mule, and I had already known it was you, but for some reason, I pretended I didn't. v///v I just randomly remembered what you said to me right before you left that rally, too. "You're not bad like some people say you are." It was something along those lines. Anyways, I was all, ....O_O Did that stupid b***h just throw shade at me? But then I was like, naw. LOOOL And then you added me on your main. Or maybe you added me on your main first, then came into rally on your Utakata mule. Anyways, after that, I remember you asked me about helping you get with your account. Our story was so ******** legitimate. I can't believe our privacy was invaded and those messages were read. LOOOL Anyways, let me tell you what I think about Ryan. He's Asian. -.-;;; Okay, so Ryan is a really nice guy. He's funny, and he's a great cosplayer. Oh oh oh, don't even get me started on those profiles. Moans5ever Also, he's always complimenting me, even when I say something silly! He's all, Rai you're such a bic! For those of you that don't know, bic means b***h in charge. Lastly, I'm convinced Ryan is half black. He's the only person that might surpass me in being black. But yas, in the end, Ryan will always be the Rihanna to my Chris Brown. *punches you in the throat* Speaking of Rihanna...
*Twerks so hard*
One HeII Of a Butler - ALL HEIL ONE HELL OF A KI- AAAAAH, KYAL-CHAN. Okay, I think I know where to start off with you. Originally, I had no idea who you were, nor had I ever seen you around. All I knew was that, Bech took me off her profile, and put you on it. I'm still kind of upset with you because of that. :// LOL Anyways, since I was close to Bech at the time like Kyle was, we ended up meeting. I remember it was you and some other hoar. I told Bech I didn't like the other hoar, but you were tons of fun. YAAAS Ohmygod, even though we haven't done this in a while since you're super busy irl, I loved our .gif fights. Those made my life. I'd be all, -SENDS A GIF OF FOUR WHITE GIRLS TWERKING SO HARD THE EARTH SHAKES-, and you'd be all, OH YEAH? -SENDS A GIF OF EIGHTEEN BLACK GIRLS TWERKING SO HARD THAT THE EARTH IMPLODES- I admit, your gifs are so much better than mine. -cries- So let me just say that, Kyle and Bech are one of the best couples on Gaia. next to Clayton&Pretzel and L1&L2 I know so many nice couples on Gaia. AGH! It's always so adorable when Bech is cursing you out over the phone, and we hear all of it over Skype. "SHUT THE ******** UP KYLE!" I scream every single time. To be honest, I expected Kyle to have a super ******** DAYSU DAYSU voice, but you actually sounded like a sophisticated Loli. I was all, those exist? Okay, so let me just say that Kyle is always fun to be around. She has the same type of humor as me, which is naaaaaaais. I'll be all, hey One Hell of a Butler, can I swing like a monkey on your stripper pole!? And she'll be all, okay, let's do it together! -Swings from the pole naked- LOOOL Oh, and Kyle is super desu irl. Like, her and Bech combined = the most desu couple in the world. EEE! Okay, I'm going to wrap this up by saying, sebas kan i b ur grell plz .-. LOOOL
Song for Kyal<3
Swirled Sweets - SWIIIIIIIRL
Caramel Bananas and Rosheff V2 - wtf when did you two become twins
EffIorescence - Ale-alejandro
iShinobi Naruto - Skankaboo
Wrapped in Darkness - qurl yo weave
Memoirs of a Geisha - Charlotte Harlot! >3<
Makoah & Taiigah - Surfboard up dah a--
No, these few words are not the shout outs. If you're on here, just keep looking back for updates.
Note: I won't be making new shout outs for people I've already made some for.
Well okay, maybe for Dante. bahfelisha >3<
Older Shout Outs
(Clickable link)
People I will be writing Shout Outs for:
C O K l - Pinche Jorgii. The funny thing about Jorgii is that I remember exactly when I met him. I was on my Prideful Korra account, twerking up a storm with my nitemare minis, and he saw I was selling them. So, like the ratchet puto he is, he comments me, trying to get like, a 20m discount. It's okay though, Jorgii. I forgive you. So after that, I was all, no b***h bahfelisha. Then I randomly saw him in rally a month or so later, and we started talking about TLOK. We were like obsessed fangirls. After that ended, we kind of stopped talking. But then, we found out we had two things in common: Being ratchet and twerking. *Twerks* So he was nice enough to teach me his way of vending, but since my laptop is the bad type of ratchet, I was incapable of making any money. *Sad slow twerk* But now, all we ever do is talk about the basic bitches of Gaia and make fun of how basic they are. If you're reading this and think we're petty, that just means you're basic. Bahfelisha. But oh my punani, Jorgii is great. He knows how to make me laugh, and he knows how to twerk. (Not really though. I'm still scarred from you having a seizure on webcam in front of me, then calling it twerking) But as I said, Jorgii is a ton of fun, whether he's showing me pictures of naked black people, revealing what the ugly vendors look like, seizure twerking on tinychat, or making me cry out of jealousy when he shows me pictures of him getting profit. *Slow twerk again* But yeah, Jorgii is just great. Stay the same, Jorgii, and never become basic. <3
Song for Jorgii<3
Chasmosaurus - Oh my god, for some reason, I remember when I met Ava too. It was back in 2010 when I was on Motoi. I went into a rally, and there was Ava and some rich looking girl. I forgot why the three of us started talking, but we did. We added each other, and then we gradually become closer. My first Gaia group ever was with Ava and that other girl whose name I can't remember. It was named Highlights, and it was because we all had nice hair. (Even though I think you had store hair Ava. LOL) So after a while, I moved back to Utakata, and it turned out that Ava liked Naruto. ...Well, at least I think you did? Anyways, she became my Fuu, and I was all, siguhdfugihasogih. And I must say, she made the best Fuu cosplay I've seen on Gaia yet. Ava was one of the first females ever in TTB. Unfortunately, she became inactive. I was so sad Ava. *Sad Twerk* But thankfully, she came back, and is now active. You go, Ava~! So one of the main reasons why I love Ava is because she never gets mad at me or gives me attitude when I switch accounts. That's a good friend right there. Secondly, Ava is her own person. Like, she's beyond unique, and I think she has a great style. Lastly, she never starts any drama. She's always nice and understanding about everything. Oh, and did I mention she loves The Black Cauldron like I do? Yeah, she's amazing, I know. LOL I love you Avaaaaa, and I'm so glad we're friends. <3
Song for Ava<3
Sawsuke - I have no idea what year I met you in, but I've definitely known you for over two. It feels like I've known you for what seems to be too long. I hate you, and you really need to get the ******** out of my face. LOL but I really don't remember when I met you. Maybe in 2009 when I met most of the Naruto cosplayers. Anyways, this t**t Sasuke (HAHAHAHA IN MY KONAN VOICE >_> wink knew me before I knew him, and supposedly tried getting my attention. He tells me I ignored his existence, but I honestly don't remember. LOOOL So I don't know how/why, but we finally became friends. We were never really close, and we'd only occasionally see one another. Eventually, we became close out of nowhere. We hung around the same people, spoke on the phone, and yeah. Then the stupid b***h deleted me because I took him off my profile. I still hate you for that, little s**t. LOL So then we had a lot of drama and he fell in with the wrong crowd and became an alcoholic. I trolled him a lot, but eventually we just talked it out. We gradually became friends again over time, and yeah. Now he's my shitty Superboy. Now we're really close, and we Skype for hours and prankcall that certain someone. Helloooo~ooo there, you PIECE OF CRAP! STOP CAWLIN' HERE! AIN'T NO ONE TALKING TO YEW!! LOOOL But yeez, he's definitely grown over the years I've known him, and I respect that. He's never afraid to admit when he's wrong, and he's drama free. (Minus the two bimbos) Overall, he's great. Stay blonde, Clayton. >///<
Song for Clayton<3
iOmoi - Oh, look, it's the epitome of a whore. LOL I've known AJ since late 2008. He was actually one of the first Naruto cosplayers I met, and he helped introduce me to people. He was Shikamaru, and I was undecided. LOL But then he talked me into doing Utakata. Because I thought Utakata was ugly, I decided to do Yagura. That lasted for about ten minutes, and then I switched to Utakata. Since the time I've known AJ, he's only been in drama once. He told some stupid b***h to ******** off, and yeee. Other than that one time, he's been super laidback and relaxed. Though, don't think he's only those two things. He's also a slutty whore. He flirts with almost any girl on Gaia. Are you bald? He doesn't care. Are you 800 pounds? ******** it. Are you missing half your face, your left arm, and your pinky toe? He'll still flirt with you. LOOOL So to the ladies of Gaia reading this: Beware. But damn, it honestly doesn't feel like I've known him for this long. He was always that friend that was always there, that you could always have fun with. The only thing I don't like about him is how he randomly texts me every few months. I was at Six Flags with my friends, and he decides to text me and tell me to get on Maplestory. LOL Speaking of Maplestory, I think I got him into it. He's not as good as me, but he's getting there. Go train your Bandit, whore. Regardless, AJ is a great friend. I've done so many group cosplays with him it isn't even funny. Naruto, Bleach, Naruto again, Bleach again, KHR, One Piece, and whatever else I can't remember. Even after these four years, we're still great friends, andddd yeah. You might be a whore, AJ, but you're my whore. <3
Voqze - Carlos, Carlos, Carlos, Carlos. I have no idea when I met you, nor do I remember how. LOL The oldest memory I have of you is when you were cosplaying as an Organization member. I think you might've been a Naruto cosplayer too, but I have no idea. You probably were, considering you cosplay Tobi now. ...Kind of. LOL To be honest, I always thought he was annoying. He'd be up everyone's a**, and I was all, bahfelisha. But he definitely got better over time. Oh, I think Bleed and Charlie introduced me to him. Anyways, Carlos became inactive, and I would rarely see him. Anytime I did see him, he was on a new account. After awhile, we lost contact. But then, he came back to Gaia. It was funny, just because I saw some b***h Obito cosplayer in towns, and he was all, "Rai is that you?" I was thinking, who the ******** is this little bich? LOL omg, Carlos has definitely changed so much. He's not annoying at all anymore, and he's fun to be around. (When he isn't refusing to take screenies) I remember when Clayton was talking about you being a guat on meebo, and I was all, say that to Carlos' face, bich! And now they're friends. Like, what the ******** is that? LOL But Carlos is great, even though he always cuts my bottom lip with his braces when we're making out. Yeez, Carlos is a ton of fun to be around. Stay Cuban, mii guat. <3
Because I ******** love you tho.
Oils - Ohmygod it's Pretzel. Let me start off by saying that she knew who I was before I knew who she was. LOL She used to hate me because I would always be around Clayton. QQ And then she hated me even more when the two of us stopped being friends and I would troll him in towns. LOOOL You need to make up yo mind, Pretzel. But once we became friends, Clayton introduced us. Ohmygod, Pretzel is so funny. She's all, "I ******** hate Tom.", and I'm all, "Ohmygod, me too! We're twins!" There's never a dull moment when me, Pretzel and Clayton are on Skype. The three of us are either telling each other to shut the ******** up, or talking s**t about people in towns. Speaking of that, Me and Pretzel are the creators of the group named WHT. If you want to know what it means, ask Pretzel. She won't tell you though. Teehee desu Sailor Moon. >/3/< LOOOL Ohmygod, I know this sounds bad, but I can never help but laugh when you're giving Clayton attitude over Skype. Like, "Ohmygod babe, shut up." I die every time. Don't ask me why, I just do. Oh, that randomly reminds me, Pretzel has the best Karin on Gaia 10/10. It's amazing how people think I have a ton of accounts, but then you have x10 the amount I have. I'm jealous, Pretzel. Okay, let me just say that Pretzel and Clayton are the best couple ever. They're perfect for each other and they're funny as ********, whether they're doing it intentionally or unintentionally. The last thing I'm going to say is, Big hair, don't care. Bahfelisha! PS: Make sure you keep Clayton in check. >3<
Because Clayton told me to.
BaDeK - Black ******** Princess. Okay, so I think I know when I met you. If this is wrong, correct me Black Princess. LOL So anyways, I met this hoar some time in 2011. I think his name was BaDeK at that time, but I'm not too sure. Anyways, I remember I really disliked you for some reason. LOOOL Ohmygod, I hated most of my close friends at one point. It's okay, I love you now. >3< So after I realized I disliked him, I would be all, you're an annoying piece of s**t and I hate you. He really didn't care, so I was all, bahfelisha. Then he joined the Maush, which lasted for like twelve hours. LOOOL So after always seeing him around, I really didn't mind him that much. We hung out with the same people in rallies, so I was bound to get used to him at some point. Anyways, I'm now going to explain the origin of Black Princess. Both myself and Taka decided to play Digimon Battle again, and we nicknamed ourselves King Rai and Queen Taka. Take into consideration that we had already decided we would be taking over the Digital world with our angel Digimon, and both King and Queen seemed like good titles. After we trained on our Digimon, BaDeK told us he liked Digimon, so we invited him to play. Once he agreed that he would, we nicknamed him our princess. Because he's black, we nicknamed him Black Princess. Ohmygod Black Princess, this is going to be so long, and other people are gonna start yelling at me because their shout outs aren't nearly as long. Therefore, I'm just going to say what I love about you. I love how friendly you are. Like, there's nothing mean / rude about you. It's weird, considering you're b- I'm not. I'm so done with myself. Another thing I love about Black Princess is how he sets me on fire with his molotovs in L4D2. Lastly, I love how he jumps off of buildings in airports with me at the same time. Stay black, Black Princess. <3
Song for Black Princess<3
Destroying - DOAW~ -screams- Ohmygod, I have no idea when I met you. What I do remember is seeing you on a ton of different accounts, and wondering who the ******** you were. LOL Even to this day I'm finding out that you were some of those people I was curious about back then. >( But yeeeee, DOAW is great. Let me first start off by saying she has great taste in music. - Well, minus BVB. LOOOL -screams- It's always nice to see females appreciate great music that most stupid biches think is weird. ******** them biches, DOAW. Next, I like DOAW's style, which I can't say for most girls. -Gives you a trophy- And then there's her sense of humor. We're basically twins when it comes to humor. We laugh at the same s**t. Speaking of s**t.... -looks in toilet bowl- Charlie, is that you? LOOOL DOAW says that's her favorite joke of mine. Oh, speaking of DOAW, let me explain what DOAW means. >3> Since I love Regular Show, I was re-watching the series online. I was on the episode that had the Destroyer Of All Worlds. When I heard the name, I thought of Destroying. The next day, I went into towns and was all, Destroying, I'm going to call you DOAW from now until ******** ever. -screams- She was all, LOL OKAY!~ Speaking of screaming, I accidentally got DOAW hooked on saying it. LOOOL -Screams so ******** loud- DOAW, choo is so great. Never change, and make sure you never forget that s**t joke. -Screams- <3
Song for DOAW<3
RevoIving - A tear suddenly came to my eye as I realized it was your turn to have a shout out written. Just kidding, I secretly hate you. LOOOL Oh man, I met Ramen back in 2008. Ironically enough, Ramen was looking through his comments for whatever reason, and found the first comments we ever sent to one another. I was somewhat illiterate, while his English was broken as ********. Thank Jesus you've improved in that Ramen-chan. So I always knew what Ramen looked like, but I never knew how old he was. I always assumed he was around 14-15. I just recently found out he's ******** 13 years old, and I've known him since he was 9. LOOOL I can't with you, Ramen. But damn, Ramen has always been around. We both joined the Naruto community around the same time, and we met each other shortly after joining. He was a really shitty Naruto cosplayer, and some people didn't want him in screenies because of that. Surprisingly, I would be all, come in the picture, Ramen! >3< I always think of the DC character screenie, just because you look so out of place. LOL But Ramen is a great friend. He's really loyal, he's fun, and he's always up for cosplaying s**t when he can afford it. Although I'm probably never going to meet you in real life because you live in Cuba, I'm at least glad to have you as a friend on Gaia. Bahfelisha. <3
Song for Ramen<3
Hiruiseki and Techno Mermaid - AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!!!!! -In my deep woman voice- Okay, so I just met these two a few months ago, and they are absolutely amazing/hilarious. I'm writing about both of these amazing ladies at once, just because I can never tell the two apart when they're on mules. Okay, so let me first start out by saying how I met them. I was in towns, and I noticed Auschwitz was talking s**t about Ryan. I was all, DEFENDS! Then they were all, you know Ryan? I was all, yah who dah f** r u tho??? So they politely brought me to b7 and were all, hi, I'm Techno Mermaid, and I'm Hiruiseki. I was all, oh, yeah, I've stalked you two before. They were all, WHAT HOW? Then I told them all my past main accounts, and they didn't know who I was. I wasn't stalk worthy in their eyes. *cries* Anyways, we became good friends after that. I must say that both of these lovely ladies are amazing at trolling. Not only are they intelligent and logical, they can make the most dramatic trolling session hilarious. AKA that one time with Auschwitz. Heeheehee But yas, these two are amazing, even though they have a ton of mules that they randomly lurk on. Like, the only way I can figure out if it's them is if it has Mad Hatter Doll smile. LOL Now that I mention it, the only way I was able to figure out who was who was by their main accounts or their MSN accounts. Now that they've moved on from their original main accounts and I don't go on MSN anymore, I'm always asking which L I'm talking to. Don't even get me started on how amazing L2's art is. She charges so little, yet the art is definitely worth more. >//< You and L1 still need to tell me what you want for a late Christmas present, regardless of whether or not you want it. LOL And L1 (OR L2 ********!) needs to tell me what she wants for her birthday. AGH! LOL OH, I just randomly remembered Techno Mermaid was black, and I asked L1 if she was black in real life. AH!!!!!!!!!! Honestly, after hearing L- Ohmygod, I really can't. LOL Oh lawd was that Skype call intense. I get a call on Skype, and all I hear is what sounds like a 40 year old smoker. It was L1 (I think LOL). Then she told me she was using a voice modifier and was scaring people on Omegle before we got on Skype. I forgive you for deceiving me!~ But no, these two are the best couple on Gaia ever right next to Clayton and Pretzel. They're so alike that you'd think they've known each other 5ever. If they ever permanently come back to Gaia (which they should *wink*) then you should meet them, because they are the bestest. Stay black, L1 and L2.<3
Song for L1 and L2 *serenades*<3
Sky of the Light Night - Let me first start off by saying I had an amazing time looking for a song to use for you. Not only am I twerking to this song, but I'm crying of laughter. Okay, now to start the shout out. I have no idea when I first found out about Ryan's existence, but I didn't like him at first. I knew of him (Since I'm numbah one stalker), but that was about it. Then he stole my Utakata cosplay and I blocked that dummy bich. -.- LOOOL I died. But anyways, I do remember when I first officially met you. At least, I think this was when I met you. Anyways, I was in rally, then you came in on your Utakata mule, and I had already known it was you, but for some reason, I pretended I didn't. v///v I just randomly remembered what you said to me right before you left that rally, too. "You're not bad like some people say you are." It was something along those lines. Anyways, I was all, ....O_O Did that stupid b***h just throw shade at me? But then I was like, naw. LOOOL And then you added me on your main. Or maybe you added me on your main first, then came into rally on your Utakata mule. Anyways, after that, I remember you asked me about helping you get with your account. Our story was so ******** legitimate. I can't believe our privacy was invaded and those messages were read. LOOOL Anyways, let me tell you what I think about Ryan. He's Asian. -.-;;; Okay, so Ryan is a really nice guy. He's funny, and he's a great cosplayer. Oh oh oh, don't even get me started on those profiles. Moans5ever Also, he's always complimenting me, even when I say something silly! He's all, Rai you're such a bic! For those of you that don't know, bic means b***h in charge. Lastly, I'm convinced Ryan is half black. He's the only person that might surpass me in being black. But yas, in the end, Ryan will always be the Rihanna to my Chris Brown. *punches you in the throat* Speaking of Rihanna...
*Twerks so hard*
One HeII Of a Butler - ALL HEIL ONE HELL OF A KI- AAAAAH, KYAL-CHAN. Okay, I think I know where to start off with you. Originally, I had no idea who you were, nor had I ever seen you around. All I knew was that, Bech took me off her profile, and put you on it. I'm still kind of upset with you because of that. :// LOL Anyways, since I was close to Bech at the time like Kyle was, we ended up meeting. I remember it was you and some other hoar. I told Bech I didn't like the other hoar, but you were tons of fun. YAAAS Ohmygod, even though we haven't done this in a while since you're super busy irl, I loved our .gif fights. Those made my life. I'd be all, -SENDS A GIF OF FOUR WHITE GIRLS TWERKING SO HARD THE EARTH SHAKES-, and you'd be all, OH YEAH? -SENDS A GIF OF EIGHTEEN BLACK GIRLS TWERKING SO HARD THAT THE EARTH IMPLODES- I admit, your gifs are so much better than mine. -cries- So let me just say that, Kyle and Bech are one of the best couples on Gaia. next to Clayton&Pretzel and L1&L2 I know so many nice couples on Gaia. AGH! It's always so adorable when Bech is cursing you out over the phone, and we hear all of it over Skype. "SHUT THE ******** UP KYLE!" I scream every single time. To be honest, I expected Kyle to have a super ******** DAYSU DAYSU voice, but you actually sounded like a sophisticated Loli. I was all, those exist? Okay, so let me just say that Kyle is always fun to be around. She has the same type of humor as me, which is naaaaaaais. I'll be all, hey One Hell of a Butler, can I swing like a monkey on your stripper pole!? And she'll be all, okay, let's do it together! -Swings from the pole naked- LOOOL Oh, and Kyle is super desu irl. Like, her and Bech combined = the most desu couple in the world. EEE! Okay, I'm going to wrap this up by saying, sebas kan i b ur grell plz .-. LOOOL
Song for Kyal<3
Swirled Sweets - SWIIIIIIIRL
Caramel Bananas and Rosheff V2 - wtf when did you two become twins
EffIorescence - Ale-alejandro
iShinobi Naruto - Skankaboo
Wrapped in Darkness - qurl yo weave
Memoirs of a Geisha - Charlotte Harlot! >3<
Makoah & Taiigah - Surfboard up dah a--
No, these few words are not the shout outs. If you're on here, just keep looking back for updates.