Name: Vyze
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Race: Elf
Sexuality: Straight
Occupation: Thief
Weapon: Double-Edged Scimitar Staff, Bow & Arrow, Knives
Bio/History: Vyze was abandoned by his biological parents as a child. Soon afterwards, he was taken in by a guild of thieves and taught the tricks of the trade at a very young age. He is an expert in the arts of deception and trickery. He came to know the guild as his family, but the government eventually discovered their hide-out, and slaughtered and imprisoned most of the thieves. Since he was but a child at this time, the Debazis government spared his life, and trained him in the ways of the Elvin warrior: Archery, staff, etc. Being that Elves are naturally gifted in the ways of the bow, he is an expert marksman. Vyze was dishonorably discharged from the Debazis Imperial Army for misconduct, and sentenced to death. He had been disciplined repeatedly for disobeying directives and exhibiting lecherous behavior toward many of the female soldiers. He was sentenced to death after an incident where he pinched the Debazis Princess's behind at an award ceremony for Debazis war heroes. However, Vyze escaped and fled the country. He is now a drifter and mainly dwells in the forest, stealing from unsuspecting adventurers. The Elf does have some good tendencies within him, but it is never known which direction he is going to swing. He secretly desires to be a hero, but his natural instincts are that of the opposite. Vyze is not liked by many.
Powers: None, though he does have some magical equipment.
Other: Wears a face mask to conceal his identity.

RP Title: Battle of the Elements
Name: Gillian
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Elemental kingdom: Neutral
Personality: Gillian shows all of the traits of an anti-social personality. He is a selfish sociopath, who looks out only for himself. He is also a lecherous type of man.
Character Bio: Gillian was raised by his biological parents. His mother was sister to the King. They had high hopes for him to become an officer in the royal guard, so he was trained in almost every single fighting style known to man while he was a young child. Gillian grew to despise his parents, because he was never allowed to play with any other children, or have any friends. All they cared about was the career they were raising him into. Gillian then murdered his parents in cold blood one night. Their bodies were never recovered. Nobody knows of his dark secret. The King and Queen then took Gillian in, and raised him. Since Gillian grew up very spoiled from that point on, he took on an even more abrasive personality. The King sent Gillian off for this task to basically get rid of him. He ordered Gillian to be on his best behavior, and help the others in their quest for peace. The King did not have the highest hopes for this, however. He hoped that either somebody there saved Gillian from himself, or just killed him altogether.
Other: He's a skilled at gambler and fighter. He carries a sword, as well as all kinds of other different weapons. He can be manipulative and conning.

Character name: Gilder
Race: Human
Age: 22
Personality: Cool, calculated, and sometimes reckless - Gilder is a thrill seeker who constantly craves excitement and adventure. He is somewhat of a cynical person, and it can be very hard to gain his trust. At times, he can be very ruthless and sadistic. He also occasionally exhibits oversexed behavior. Women are a major weakness of his.
Weapons/Equipment: Dual Flintlock Pistols, Scimitar Sword, Sai, Monocular Scope, and a Pouch containing some miscellaneous equipment, and some common medical remedies given to him by Asa and Demi.
Job Title: Captain
Bio: Gilder's father, Dine, founded The Black Rogues. He never knew his mother for she died in child birth. Gilder worked as a Navigator and Helmsman aboard the Albatross since he was a young child under Dine's watchful direction. His father passed on to him all of his knowledge and secrets before he passed away not long ago. Gilder knows nothing other than the life of a Pirate. Though he was elected as Captain upon his father's death, Gilder does not think of himself as such. He prefers having the entire Rogue crew vote on important decisions. He thinks of the Rogues as his family, and he trusts them with his life.
Weapon: Blessed 9mm Pistol (9mm bullets dowsed in Holy Water), Steaks, a Cross, a Knife, and all sorts of other standard Vampire Hunting equipment. Powers: Skilled Martial Artist
Bloodsucker/Hunter/Human: Hunter
Crush (if any): Yume
Bio: Gauge's mother was a passionate Vampire Hunter, and raised Gauge accordingly. She passed down to him all of her knowledge, and beliefs regarding Bloodsuckers. She enrolled him in many different training schools for Marksmanship, Martial Arts, etc. Since his mother was very outspoken about Vampires to the non-believing public, she was committed to a mental institution when Gauge was still at a very young age. He never knew his father, for he was apparently turned by Vampires before he was born. Gauge met Yume while training together in Martial Arts class. He respected her skills, and in time, became very close with her. He fell out of touch with her a few years ago, however.
Other: Gauge has a dark, secret fetish. He secretly lusts for a beautiful Vampire woman, and is particularly attracted to their sharp, pointy teeth. He is fixated with their blood-soaked mouths and often dreams of kissing them; pondering how their teeth would feel on his tongue, among other places. Being raised to hate, and destroy Vampires for the scum they are all of his life, Gauge is well aware that love between he and a Vampire is a sin. Gauge will not act upon his forbidden fruit complex, and is ashamed that the thought even crosses his mind.

RP Title: The Astrology Myth
Name: Rain
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Astrological Sign: Cancer
Personality: You won't read him like an open book, for he shows an opaque side to strangers. There are some secrets he never reveals, even to his closest friends. He is restless, prone to brooding, idealistic, a day-dreamer who is also very sentimental. Because he is ruled by the waxing and waning Moon, he has marvelous emotional highs and abysmal lows - and the alarming ability to pull people with him in either direction. At first meeting, he may appear to be fickle and flirtatious, but that's just one of his moods. He is strongly subject to the cyclical action of the Moon. The very next time you meet him he may be sullen; unfriendly. He loves to talk and is often quite eloquent, but he knows how to listen as well as talk. He is deeply sympathetic, always ready to help someone else with a problem. He is courteous and gallant, a charmer of the old school. He loves the company of beautiful women immensely. However, once he has wooed and won them, he quickly becomes possessive. The woman he loves will have difficulty living up to his expectations, for he expects far too much. He also tends to sulk and withdraw into a shell when disappointed, rather than say openly what is bothering him. He is sensitive, insecure, and very sentimental, reluctant to part with old friends, old habits, or places he has become accustomed to living in. He will keep a friend forever. He calls up his childhood buddies and meets them for friendly drink, even if they no longer have anything in common. He clings to memories, scattering family pictures throughout his living quarters, keeping old school mementoes. He broods over the times gone by; he holds on tenaciously to the past. He always needs reassurance of your love. Don't look for a once-over-lightly romance with this man. He takes amour far too seriously. What he wants from his beloved is mental and physical stimulation in about equal measure. Intensely loyal, he demands absolute loyalty in return. He believes in a lasting affection - the kind that looks on tempests and is never shaken. That's his prescription for peace of mind. Yet if a rupture does occur, he can move on to a new love, for he has the knack of establishing intimacy very quickly. However, anyone who has really touched his emotions will never be truly forgotten, no matter what happens later. He is a complex individual, whose changing moods make life with him anything but easy, and anything but dull.
Warning: Beware of him on those nights of the full moon.

RP Title: War of Samurai
Name: Heishiro Dōraku
Age: 26
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 190
State: Floracian State
Status: Wanderer/Mercenary
Position: Shadowhand Ninja
Bio: Heishiro Dōraku is a warrior and strategist in every sense of the word. He was born and raised into the ways of the Ninja Shadowhand Warrior Clan, and became renowned among his clan for his ruthlessness and outstanding swordsmanship in duels, even at a very young age. At age 13, Heishiro beat an adult Samurai to death with a bludgeon. Many times over the years, Heishiro defeated armed foes by using only wooden swords, once using a stick he was cutting to make a bow. Heishiro is also credited with defeating foes by using a tree limb, a tanto knife, or a fan. In one of his most celebrated victories, Heishiro killed Silvania's "second greatest swordsman" by crushing his skull with a rowboat oar! Being that he is the very best of his clan, the elders of his temple sent Heishiro on their "Quest for True Invisibility". It is universally believed that the Ninja possess the power of invisibility, but this is only because the Ninja are master manipulators of the lazy human eye. Heishiro has been sent to infiltrate the land of Mountavia and seek out the legendary Tengu, who is a mountain hermit said to be the only being in the land of Aphelia to have mastered the "forbidden yoga practice" that unlocks true invisibility. Once the clan has completed the quest for true invisibility, the Shadowhand Ninja can turn the tide of the war in favor of Floracian's Emperor as the true ruler of the land.
Weapons: "It is dangerous for warriors to have likes and dislikes... Do not move one foot preferentially." - That is to say that he is of the belief that you should never have a favorite weapon. Primarily, because favoring one weapon over another limits you to preferable ways of moving. Over time, repeated movements become habit. Unexamined habit can get you killed. Second, being known to favor one style of fighting over another alerts an enemy before hand, giving the enemy advanced warning for developing effective countermeasures against you. He is a master of the "Kakashi-Jutsu", which is a technique specializing in the use of small lethal weapons. These weapons - easily concealed, often in the palm of the hand - include such things as small knives/blades, poisoned dirks, shuriken, and a host of environmental weapons. He is also a master of the technique known as the "Hiding Hand", which refers to either (1) convincing an enemy that you have a weapon when you don't or (2) not letting an enemy know you are carrying a weapon when you are. For Heishiro Dōraku, anything and everything is a weapon. He carries various swords, bladed weapons, wooden weapons, Iron Fans, and flexible weapons such as his scarf, kusarigama, and manriki. He also employs his very environment around him, as well as any practical object near him, as a weapon.

Character Name: Clark Seed
Age: 28
Sex: Male
History: Clark is an out-of-work Private Investigator. He and his wife Jamie lived fairly happy, normal lives. They had a 5 year old daughter by the name of Ariel. When the outbreak occurred, Clark and Jamie locked themselves inside a local convenient store. Despite the various barriers they had created to block entry into the building, eventually the hordes of zombies throughout the city sniffed them out, and busted their way through. Clark watched as his wife and child were killed and devoured right before his eyes. With nothing he could do to save them, he chose to keep running, but still blames himself for their deaths.
Occupation: Ex-Private Investigator
Weapons: BLA-H17 (Type 3) S&M .38 Caliber Pistol
Other: He is a heavy smoker, though he hid this fact from his wife. She wanted him to quit, and he did for a short time. But he soon started back up again behind her back. Their marriage was beginning to become shaky due to financial problems after Clark had been out of work so long, not to mention his lecherous ways with a few of his female clients. However, he is a good detective, and does posses some computer hacking skills. He will not rest until he solves a case.

Character Name: Clark Seed
Age: 30
Gender: Male
History: Clark is one of the very few survivors of the very first outbreak incident that occurred in the streets of New York City, as well as the subsequent destruction thereof. He lost his wife, his child; his whole former life to the horrors that transpired there. He survived only because he was saved by a Viral Enhanced government agent by the name of Naiya Hina. Clark and Naiya escaped the city together, before being taken into custody by the military. He and Naiya were separated, and Clark had no idea what ever became of her. The government officials told him that she was safe, and not to worry about her. After interrogating him for weeks, the government wished to hire Clark as an agent, due to his keen detective skills. Not to mention the fact that he had what it took to survive the viral outbreak. Clark accepted, as he needed a job and he believed that the government's intentions were to exterminate the virus. However, as time went on, and Clark carried out more and more black-op missions for them, he began to discover just how corrupt the people he was working for really were. As his suspicions began to grow, Clark eventually hacked into their highest classified databases and discovered the unsettling truth about the virus, the incident; everything. However, Clark's activities were being monitored, and upon discovering that he had hacked into their highly classified files, the government sent a team of assassins to murder him. Clark then went into hiding and continued his hacking activities through the government databases, when he discovered a file: Naiya Hina's file. Apparently, they had abducted her once again, and were continuing their virus research on her. This file also divulged the location of a certain secret island laboratory facility. There were a slew of files for other survivors who had been abducted and taken there as well. Clark immediately packed his things. It was time to take a trip. He still owed Naiya one for saving his life. The least he could do was return the favor, and shut down this lab as well as this government operation in the process in order to avenge his family and everything they took from him. Maybe. Just maybe he could redeem himself yet.
Occupation: Ex-Private Investigator, Ex-Government Agent
Personality: An independent thinker. Clark is stubborn, outgoing, cautious... and a bit of a pervert.
Weapons/Tools: BLA-H17 (Type 3) S&M .38 Caliber Pistol, Jungle Eagle Pistol-Grip shotgun, Prototype Ripper-Lance M4 Assault Rifle, and a slew of other weapons and equipment.
Sexual Preference: Straight.
Other: He is still a smoker, but not as heavy a smoker as he was at the time of the first incident. He has built and toned his body quite considerably since his training and operations as an agent. Hence, he has grown much stronger since the first incident. As has already been established in City of the Dead, Clark has a huge crush on Naiya and is fixated with her abnormally large breasts.
Personality: Random is prone to brooding. He is very cynical, stubborn, and hot-headed. However, he will go above-and-beyond for those he loves and trusts. At times he is quiet and withdrawn, and other times he is very loud and outspoken. He is unstable and unpredictable. Appearance: (without cloak)
Bio: Random grew up a very cheerful, optimistic boy. Growing up, he had no interest in the ongoing conflict with humanity. Innocent children care not about such things. He and his younger sister often sneaked-out of their village and traveled together to see the wonders of the technologically advanced, hustling-bustling 'cities', as the humans called them. They met and befriended many human children during their travels, and taught each other things about one another. Sometimes, they would even sneak a human friend into their village to show them around. Their travels to the cities continued well through their teenage years, though they were forced to become more and more secretive of their Xenian race as time went on. Furthermore, Random was becoming more educated about the atrocities of humankind, and began to distrust them. Around this time, Random's sister (Nei) fell in love with a human man by the name of Belmont. Though Random did not approve of the relationship, the human seemed to make her happy. And since Random was very close with his sister, he aided her by helping to secretly escort Belmont into the village from time to time, so that the two could meet. Random began to dislike Belmont after he suspected that the human was stealing things out of his room, but Nei implored him not to become hostile with her lover; urging that Belmont was a good person. Random did as she asked, and continued to help the two see each other. Over time, Random got to know Belmont quite well, and though he still did not trust him, he got along with the man somewhat. On the night of his 22nd birthday, Random found his sister's lifeless corpse on the floor of her room, in a pool of her own blood. Belmont had come to visit her earlier that day, and the last time Random had seen his sister alive, she was with him. Nei had been brutally beaten and shot repeatedly in the chest with a handgun - the weapon of a human... Belmont's weapon. Random searched the entire village for the murderer of his beloved sister, but the human had learned his way around the village by this time, and easily escaped. Random never saw Belmont again. Just days after the murder, the village was attacked by an army of human vigilantes, which ended in the Xenian's victory. Random suspected that Belmont may have tipped them off to their location. Shortly after, Random retreated into solitude for two years. He became bitter and cynical, and his hatred for the human race now knows no bounds. He now seeks to finish this war, and wipe the vile disease that is the human race off the face of the planet.
Abilities/Gear: Intangibility - the quality of not being physical; not consisting of matter. He also posses the ability to make any object that he touches intangible as long as he's making physical contact with said object. However, he does have a limit. He can not remain intangible for long periods of time, as the process is very mentally draining. In battle, he carries a spear/mace, as well as some miscellaneous blades of all types hidden within his cloak.
Other: One would be wise not to try to fight Random in hand-to-hand combat. Once when a human took a swing at him, he phased his forearm right through the man's fist, and when Random re-solidified his arm, it chopped the human's fist clean off at the wrist.

Name: Bryant Kovacs
Nickname(s): Ace
Age: 30
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Personality: An arrogant, egotistical sociopath. He made his fortune from gambling, as he is a master of deception and trickery. However, he did not achieve this feat unscathed. He is used to things going his way, and a weaker slave would be wise to play along. This man has severe dominance issues.
What You're Looking For:
Ribbons: Grey
Collars: Red, Black, Green, Orange
Charms: Silver Spikes
Powers/Abilities: He possesses considerable wit, strength, power, endurance, and stamina. This can be attributed to his numerous work-out routines and stubbornness. However, he is just a mere mortal. He has no supernatural powers.
Other: He has been shot on six different occasions, and stabbed on three other different occasions. These incidents often had to do with his seedy gambling opponents suspecting him of cheating, and taking their revenge out upon him. Since he has lived through all these incidents, he is of the naive and foolish belief that he is immortal.

RP Title: Crazed (Mental Institution)
Name: Dr. John Manhattan
Age: 28
Room #: C4
Bio: Dr. Manhattan is a very ambitious and optimistic psychologist. He strives to help his patients, but more so to help further his own career than anything. He is a strong believer in the Rorschach Ink Blot Test, and often utilizes it during one-on-one time with his patients. He is in the process of writing a book about the psychology of serial killers.

Character Name: BoneJack
Position: Pilot / Weaponsmith
Species: Human Cyborg
Gender: Male
Age: 35
Bio: BoneJack is a former member of the military. He lost his right arm in the great Millennia Wars, and was honorably discharged before it was replaced with a robotic prosthetic some years later. He has a Class-A piloting license from his days in the war, and was also renowned for his marksmanship and guncraft. After the war, BoneJack became a drifter and made most of his money from custom forging weapons for clients - This, as well as his piloting skills caught the Captain's eye, and BoneJack was hired as the Calah's Pilot and Weaponsmith. BoneJack makes sure that both the ship and his fellow crewmen are armed with nothing but the best. He often likes to take their weapons and make his own eccentric kinks and "upgrades" to them. He is loyal, though sometimes hot-headed.
Gear: Ripper-Lance 7.62mm Caseless Assault Rifle, FANG 489EB Combat Shotgun, Custom Made "DIRTY HARRY" Magnum Revolver, and a slew of other weapons and equipment that he designed himself.

Character Name: William "Blade" Hunter
Age: He has aged 33 years, but he is actually 131 years old.
Height: 6'3
Weight: 255
Appearance: Blade Hunter - He can often be seen wearing his usual Datafilm suit (shown) which is an incredibly thin bodysuit that transmits the wearer's commands to their Mech. It protects against acids, alkali's and other chemicals, lets sweat escape while repelling water and cushions shock.
Weapons: Ripper-Lance (7.62mm caseless) Assault Rifle: The Ripper-Lance is a standard assault rifle, but it features a built in diamond edged chainsaw. It is supposed to be used for cutting through barbed wire, fencing, and other obstacles. Of course, if a human being happens to get in the way, well, that's dogfood... (Ammo Count: 95) Araska Kai (10 gauge) Combat Shotgun: This semi-automatic combat shotgun is chambered in 10 gauge. It is tube fed, and also accepts a 15 or 25 round magazine. (Ammo Count: 25) H&K G38 (5.56mm cased) Sniper Rifle: A complete sniper system that fits in a large briefcase, complete with scope, suppressor, bipod, and 2 magazines. The case it comes in is the same type of attaché used by diplomats, and as such is lead shielded against x-ray. This weapon is the perfect choice for covert work. (Ammo Count: 10) HP654 "Punisher" (12mm caseless) Handgun: Pretty much just your standard sidearm. The HP654 is a reliable, hard hitting weapon that never fails to impress. It is equipped with your standard laser sighting. (Ammo Count: 24) Combat Knives: Never leave home without one.
Bio-enhancements: Dermal Temperature Regulator: This implant, which places 5 endothermic strips on the back of the head (shown) 6 along the spine and shoulders, and two on each limb, helps to regulate body temperature, keeping its user warm in cold weather, and cool in the heat. It can offset a bodies surface temperature up to 15 degrees by means of a special material that reacts to surrounding thermal activity and uses small electrical charges to cool or heat the ceramisteel strips placed strategically around the body. In short, Blade never sweats.
Nikon "Spotter" Cyberoptic: A very aesthetically pleasing cyberoptic capable of storing up to 6 display patterns which range from stationary colors to animated patterns or scenes, as well as 6 cyberoptic option spaces and an optional lavender glow. This cybereye was originally designed for field snipers, but has since become increasingly popular with photographers and surveyors. Comes equipped with Advenced tele-optics (twice normal distance) low-light, rangefinder, night vision, image enhancement, and thermograph. Thanks to this implant, Blade is quite the marksman.
Job Title: Gunner
History: Blade's history is a mystery, even to him. One of the few things he does know about himself is that he was born sometime in the year 2484 A.D. He and his wife, Karen, were discovered sometime in the year 2611 by the 7th Cyberian Investigative Neutral Force. They were found in a long since abandoned underground military bunker in a state of cryogenic slumber. The search team discovered three cryogenic sleep capsules; one of which had already been jettisoned. The starting date for the hibernation sequence on each one of the pods read 3/8/2515 - the date most know as, "the world's end". The hibernation duration on both Blade and Karen's pods were set to Permanent. The team was unable to recover the wake date for the third pod. Blade and Karen were then both taken into protective custody, and released later that same year. Due to the fact that they were in such an unusually long hyper-sleep, both Blade and Karen suffered from severe amnesia. Furthermore, their permanent records were government classified, and not even they were permitted to view them. Being that Blade and Karen had absolutely no memories together, there was very little to base a relationship on, and they eventually separated. In the following year, Blade was offered a job with the military, which he accepted. He became a soldier and a Mech pilot. The military "upgraded" him with various tactical implants, and sent him on numerous missions to eliminate various "water hunter" transports and other outlaws. Life seemed to drone on meaninglessly, as he had no idea who he really was, or even if he was fighting for the right side. The government he was working for wouldn't even give him the answers to his own past. He began to dislike the cruel methods of his employers, and eventually went AWOL. During his illegal leave of absence, Blade took a trip to the military bunker in which he and his wife were recovered. Upon arrival, he had discovered that it had been converted into an underground reservoir, which the "Crimson Wolves" were in the process of raiding. Blade was caught in the middle of the battle, and nearly killed. However, the Crimson Wolves saved his life, and brought him aboard the The Gestalt as a Gunner. Blade is now a full-fledged Mercenary.
Other: He has the same frequent, reoccurring dream most every night. ((Magnify the picture so you can read the screen and get the full effect. XD))

Name: Ryu Hazuki
Student Number: 7
Age: 15
Extra Curricular: Wrestling
Primary Talents: Strength, Agility, Strategy
Primary Weakness: Women
Pertinent Background: Ryu's biggest concern in High School thus far has been getting laid. A goal he has yet to achieve. He isn't mature enough to see the bigger picture about his future and prioritize accordingly. He was always a shy, awkward, skinny kid growing up, and noticed the chicks always flocked to the popular, athletic jocks; the strong alpha males. As much as he always hated sports, he decided he needed to emulate this for acceptance, and to achieve his goal. So he took up weightlifting mid-way through 8th grade and joined the wrestling team in the beginning of his 9th grade year. As his muscles grew, so did his ego, and his mouth. Now you can't get him to shut up. He became obsessed with strength and fighting, and began reading a lot of books about fighting technique. Particularly, ninja fighting technique. His favorite of these books is a book entitled 'Mind Manipulation' which follows the principles of one of Buddah's famous quotes: "Your greatest weapon is in your enemy's mind". Ryu grew up watching the program on T.V., and always theorized about how he would oh-so-obviously circumvent the certain situations given to the particular combatants. Now that it is actually happening to him, he isn't so smug. He's still reeling over the surreal nature of the entire ordeal.

Name: Zan Kataun
Nickname: Captain Kataun
Sex: Male
I've been alive for: 26
Height: 6'3
Weight: 225
Sexual Preference: Straight
Job: Ex-Space Pirate, Outlaw
Personality: He usually maintains a relatively calm, collected and laid-back composure. However, he is also a bit of a reckless thrill seeker. He will do whatever it takes to obtain the prize and achieve his goal, and he has a very low tolerance for those who would stand in his way. When cornered, he will usually try his hand at parlay before resorting to violence. When he's on the opposite side of the fence, however, he rarely shows mercy, and can often be quite sadistic.
History: Zan was born on the planet Rykros in the eclipsing binary star system Algol; also known as, "the Demon Star". Being the very impressionable young man he was, the group of petty thugs and thieves he grew up with there laid the foundation to shape the man he is today. After leaving home, Zan joined a band of Space Pirates known as the Crimson Skulls and eventually ascended to the rank of Captain. On his final endeavor as a space pirate captain, Zan lead his crew into the Dezoris system to intercept and a plunder a syndicate spacecraft to steal a massive cargo of a new drug that the syndicate had synthesized. The mission went awry when a syndicate member programmed the spacecraft to self-destruct in order to kill the pirates and keep the new drug a secret. Zan's crew was still in the middle of plundering the vessel when they discovered this. While all this was going on, Zan himself was in the middle of prepping their own aircraft for detachment from the syndicate spacecraft and take-off. Realizing that there was absolutely no time for the crew to make it back, Zan detached and took-off from the scene... leaving his crew to perish as the syndicate spacecraft self-destructed. Zan was left with their vessel: the Arcadia, a couple tons of the Liquid Sky drug patches, and the endless guilt. Zan then became an outlaw, selling the Liquid Sky to other criminals at high price. He would often sample the drug himself to demonstrate its effects to clients. Eventually, Zan himself became addicted, sinking further and further into the depths of depravity.
Talents: Zan is a formidable pilot and gunfighter. He is also a skilled gambler and a cheat with moderate knowledge of mechanics.
Special Talents: None, though he is a Liquid Sky addict. Liquid Sky is a new, synthesized drug which enhances physical ability. Accompanying an intense high, its users become extremely fast and powerful for a short period of time. Unfortunately, it is also a very addictive substance with side-effects of extreme mania - from which Zan suffers.
Associates: Being that his old pirate crew was just another branch off of the Seven Space Pirate Lord's vines, Zan still has connections within the pirate circuit. No one else is even aware of what has happened to his crew.