
zizibona's avatar

Gender: Female

Location: Wonderland

Birthday: 10/01/1991

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don't have big expectations, this journal is for all the things i find interesting, so it it'll be kinda boring for you maybe :P......I don't know just read....


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meow69weom Report | 02/08/2022 5:05 pm
Daijuke Report | 05/04/2009 2:20 pm
jajajaj hi there nice avi! later
Nikolai Tesla Report | 10/19/2008 4:32 am
Nikolai Tesla
Thanks for buying my teeth.
Magnolia Murderr Report | 10/10/2008 9:43 pm
Magnolia Murderr
lucky bulgarian! ha ha XD i can pretend im bulgarian too..even though i cant speak bulgarian..dont look bulgarian or have =yogurt..lol
Magnolia Murderr Report | 10/10/2008 8:49 pm
Magnolia Murderr
exactly. id love to visit their, even stay for a few months but i dont know if i could live there permanently. its just soo...its a whole other world quite frankly.

thats why im hoping in college i can study abroad there
Magnolia Murderr Report | 10/10/2008 8:44 pm
Magnolia Murderr
i know im like...do you KNOW how expensive japan is? most people live in like houses the size of my room and their bathrooms are like outside in bath houses and they live on instant food and mcdonalds to make it lol. unless you were born and raised into a succesful or middle class family there. its just intense
Magnolia Murderr Report | 10/10/2008 8:37 pm
Magnolia Murderr
yeah agreed. and with manga theirs so much action and movement you have to be able to draw that and understand how the body moves, she just kinda draws the same picture of a guy standing with a mad face with their feet facing completely to the side. and if she wants to make it really huge in the manga world like she does you have to go beyond thattt a million times. manga is not a way to make a living sadly. unless youre masashi kishimoto. i mean ill always have it in my life . i want to publish a series and work on an anime series but you know im realistic knowing that thats not the only thing imma do to be able to support myself. when anna goes on her tangents about like going to japan right after college and buying a ramen shop and a studio and having like a million artists and everyone famous its like..it doesnt work that way lol
Magnolia Murderr Report | 10/10/2008 8:23 pm
Magnolia Murderr
i know !!! i got to design one girl and she appears in like one chapter -____-

but i dont get it if annas drawing it or were all drawing it or what? cause im like if annas gonna draw it she needs to kick practice into overgear and stop talking about it and do it. thats the thing about manga making , its just kind of you have to start and get into it and keep momentum up
Magnolia Murderr Report | 10/10/2008 8:13 pm
Magnolia Murderr
true, its just that more then the personality of the girls..its like the physical ness..she doesnt give ANY of them boobs she makes them all completely flat chested and wear guys clothes. im like..then whats the point of having girls ? lol i mean im not saying were just boobs in bras but like ..their is the obv physical difference wether you like it or not
Magnolia Murderr Report | 10/10/2008 8:05 pm
Magnolia Murderr
did you say PASTA User Image *eyes sparkle* ha ha XD

omg i just drew a really amazing anime girl User Image it took me like fifty tries but i did it! a full body one *cries with joy*

its for annas comic she wantsa make and she sked me to draw a girl for it so i did and i made it super girly ha ha alll of her girls are basically guys

No idea who this guy is... but I'm going to marry him one day >3<