
hjarteblod's avatar

Registered: 10/29/2007

Birthday: 10/13


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Captain Arch Report | 08/31/2009 2:26 am
Captain Arch
xD Yeah. Or when you clone yourself in rally and people are all wtf! xD
Captain Arch Report | 08/31/2009 2:23 am
Captain Arch
xD It's the little thinks on Gaia that make me laugh. Like trying to add yourself to your own friendslist. D< I just got illiteracy victory. NEVER D<
Captain Arch Report | 08/31/2009 2:18 am
Captain Arch
-scribble- 123 xD
That sounds awesome.
Captain Arch Report | 08/30/2009 6:00 am
Captain Arch
User Image That would suck. 'Cos it'd be all awkward. I gotta go make lunch now so I'll talk to you another time (: (And I always get the weirdest capcha's when I comment you too..xD Edwards kneels xD I guess they ruined the ending of twilight for me.
Captain Arch Report | 08/30/2009 5:55 am
Captain Arch
It was fun. xD I had Red Bull and I ended up jumping around for 3 hours. Except when that guy pointed at me and then someone proceeded to hump me.....But asides that it was great. o:How was you're early dinner?
Captain Arch Report | 08/30/2009 5:45 am
Captain Arch
xD Yeah it really would have been. But luckily we're not that stupid...Yet xD
Captain Arch Report | 08/30/2009 5:41 am
Captain Arch
She was only a red cross teacher though. So she's like 20. xD But she's hot o_o xD But still...We looked drunk >_> Or on drugs.
Dragonblood0 Report | 08/29/2009 4:18 pm
Not the whole world.
Ok. So a bunch of people would.
Some people would actually be devastated.
But some wouldn't care at all.
Dragonblood0 Report | 08/29/2009 4:14 pm
That I did.
If I didn't...
Some people might have gotten sad.
Dragonblood0 Report | 08/29/2009 4:06 pm
Yeah it is pretty good.
But yeah. for 3 hours it was pretty good.



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