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tipcdragon's avatar

Registered: 12/10/2007


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My name is Nemo-Hime



Orientation: Bi

If you want to know anything about me, please comment or pm. If I am in a good mood, I would love to talk.

Please DO NOT comment saying 'Thanks for the buy!' I didn't do it as a personal favor to you, your item was the cheapest. That is all. No thanks needed.

If you want me to reply to you in a thread, QUOTE ME for ******** sake. I am not going to keep rechecking to see if you said something, so don't expect me to.

DO NOT try to buy an item I am wearing. If it were for sale, you would know. It isn't, I enjoy the item, that's why I am wearing it.

If I offend you, deal with it. I have a right to feel how I feel and say what I say.

Now that I have come off as the b***h queen, let me say that I LOVE donating to people and have a hard time building up gold because I give it all away. If you are questing, send me a link to your quest thread and I might feel like dropping by and even helping you out.


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The Crazy Ramblings of Tipcdragon


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Rasmuffin Report | 05/15/2016 11:22 am

You should update your wishlist so I don't accidentally buy something you already bought. emotion_dowant
The Imagister Charu Report | 11/08/2014 9:50 pm
The Imagister Charu
Aww hope things get better for ya.
The Imagister Charu Report | 11/07/2014 8:25 pm
The Imagister Charu
Just thought I say hi and how are you? ^^
Kodo Teal Report | 08/11/2014 10:47 pm
Kodo Teal
It's okay, I don't celebrate them anyways
Kodo Teal Report | 08/11/2014 12:33 am
Kodo Teal
It IS true! And, you don't have to get me anything, knowing you remembered me is thanks enough C: -pointing the purple color on my avi-
Goldfish Cheesecake Report | 07/05/2014 10:07 pm
Goldfish Cheesecake
Hehe thanks! biggrin
Thank goodness I didn't tip you off XD
Goldfish Cheesecake Report | 07/05/2014 7:38 pm
Goldfish Cheesecake
I wanted to say "Thanks for buying!" but then I read your "about" section (though I believe I pretty much did exactly that just by saying this line sweatdrop )...
So now I'm here to say "Hello and how do you do?"~ biggrin
poisonivy1219 Report | 06/09/2014 11:16 pm
work. I have a dentist appointment tomorrow though :/
poisonivy1219 Report | 06/09/2014 10:35 pm
I'm alright how about you?
razziboolu Report | 06/01/2014 5:02 pm
thank you for buying


If you want me to notice your reply, QUOTE ME.


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