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I am Who I am.Deal with it

cat_pirate Welcome to my profile. cat_pirate

Bonjour! My name is Kaine. I'm 25 years old(Oh god, 25 already?!) and a college graduate. I have a bachelor's degree in psychology. Currently, I am unemployed. It's pretty good times though. I am recently married and still enjoying it (2 years down).

As far as knowing about me, I'm an albino Canadian. I speak French fluently. I spend my free time playing videogames, tabletop RPGs, reading, and spending time with my dearest.

My current gaming interests include Assassins Creed 4:Black Flag, Twisted Metal, Skyrim, Monster Hunter, Devil May Cry, Tearaway, Dragon's Crown, Bloodborne, Elder Scrolls Online, Minecraft ( I just can't get away from it!).

I play Dungeons and Dragons(3.5 only), Warhammer 40k biggrin ark Heresy, Mutants and Masterminds, Exalted,and any Old World of Darkness tabletops.

I own two tabby cats - Fluffs and Bertrum - and a border Collie named Brunhilde. They're pretty awesome. I recently acquired a fluffy black stray named Tonto(he's made himself very much at home).

I like random PMs and such. I used to RP a lot but don't really have the time anymore. Ask and I may make time, though.

If anyone wants to chat drop me a line. I only bite if you ask me to. cat_wink

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Ray-Ray 15th on 04/09/2024
r4d104ct1v3 m4r5hm4ll0w on 07/09/2021

the sig

-Come Lay Beside Me. Tell Me What They've Done-.[/color:8f80d7139d][/size:8f80d7139d]
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-Speak The Words I Wanna Hear To Make My Demons Run-[/color:8f80d7139d][/size:8f80d7139d]


Where I leave my mark

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Dear Journal,This is My LIFE

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The life and times of me....yay..

Intention: Keep self on track/sane.


Avi Art

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Both Courtesy of Rafflesia Fairy ^^

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Courtesy of r4d104ct1v3 m4r5hm4ll0w

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Courtesy of Therapii

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Courtesy of Kikioblack


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Courtesy of The Overlord Satan-Senpai


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Courtesy of snowy15708


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Courtesy of FemmeValentine


Thank you to all of these fine Gaians!
.:Click to View full images:.

yeah,look at that sexy beast

apathy_incarnate's avatar

Registered: 12/26/2007

Gender: Male

Birthday: 06/06/1991

A Tiny Tribute!

All Courtesy of Tiny Chibis
-Visit Her Art Shop-
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Tiny Chibis is a most wonderful artist and a lovely person. She has a shop (link above) and charges a fair price for her work. I would strongly suggest paying her a visit!

Below are a the pieces she has done for me.

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Wanna say hi? I don't bite...unless you want me to.

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x_suicide_is_inevitable_x Report | 06/09/2017 6:40 pm
(I'm so sorry this is late! And I was ready to send this three days before your birthday! cat_gonk )

Happy belated birthday!~
pumpkinlanding Report | 04/04/2017 11:25 pm
Oh wow that sounds rough. =/ Y'all must've had quite the falling out. Glad things are patched up now! Wow, you've been through such adventures in the journey of life so far!

Heck yeah, dude. I'll PM you my contact details. I can whip something up in the next few days, most likely.

pumpkinlanding Report | 03/31/2017 9:45 pm
That's awesome! I'm so happy for you! ^_^ I know it can be hard to get into the swing of certain things after not doing them in forever. Keep it up, I believe in you! gaia_star

I've been... all over the place. XD Emotionally, I mean. I've been realizing things about myself and trying to stay healthy, mentally and emotionally as well as physically. It's not easy. I changed states almost a year ago, and it's been good for me in some ways, but I miss my homestate friends and family all the time. I just wish an abusive narcissistic piece of s**t would just die already so everybody could be happy again. Okay calming down...

Right now I'm trying to start chat RPing again because I feel like it's what I really need. My forum RPing is suffering big time because my Muse is both absent and everywhere at once at the same time. Or... something. It's really more complicated than that but I can't really put it into words. Anyway... Stick a fork in me, I'm done. XD

pumpkinlanding Report | 03/23/2017 2:07 am
Thanks, dude! Wow, it's been forever. I'm so bad at keeping in touch. @_@ XD How've you been?
Agagaga123 Report | 02/09/2017 2:40 pm
Hey. Just wanted to let you know our rp is moving along again, if you want to continue with us : )

x_suicide_is_inevitable_x Report | 11/21/2016 1:27 am
Thank you very much. c: I'm doing pretty well, despite knowing I will eventually lose my sight, because I know that there are ways to help cope with it and prolong the inevitable - and not the one in my username. I can get special "whole" contacts, if I heard the optometrist correctly - he's a different one then the one I've had for years, because mine is on vacation, but I needed to visit because it's been two years - but the fitting is $500 and each contact is $250, and I don't have that kind of money available right now. When it does happen, he said that I can get cornea transplant surgery, but I don't want to think about that for a long time.
I think one of my friends back in high school had that. (In fact, she is still on my friends list here, but she hasn't logged in for probably five or more years.)
Anyway, I'm pretty sure missing most of my eyelashes is partially what sped up the process, but that's another long story. I feel this isn't the highest priority on my health problems. (I'm not going to get into them much right now, except to say that I need to start exercising again. Ha ha. There are also mental issues, mainly ADD and depression, though I've never actually been diagnosed with the latter, because I don't trust my doctors enough to open up about things like that, afraid they'll tell my paren- er, dad now, and he really doesn't need the extra stress. My mom once gave me a late-night talk about depression or suicide and "if you ever need to talk about anything", but I don't remember everything, and it was a false assumption based on a poem about an ex of one of my best friends for school, and... Long story short, I never wrote my true feelings for class assignments again, at least not the negative ones.)
His_Majesty_Jareth Report | 09/28/2016 8:49 am
One can be many a thing, accepting or declining friendship from another realm or from a goblin king should not affect us as we are. However I digress, you have accepted my friendship and I am honored good sir. Here's to a long lasting friendship! *humbly bows*
His_Majesty_Jareth Report | 09/28/2016 8:29 am
Greetings and Salutations,
I like your profile page and am offering a wing in friendship.
King of the Goblins
RedBlack_Dragonwings Report | 09/02/2016 9:19 am
Thank you!!! I really appreciate it!!!!! heart heart heart
Tiny Chibis Report | 08/11/2016 8:36 am
Tiny Chibis
Yea its been sorta meh but not too bad
its mostly me