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Lonely Angel Of Sorrow

Lonely Angel Of Sorrow's avatar

Gender: Female

Location: Wouldn't You Like To Know

Birthday: 03/24

Occupation: Immortal - Freak of Nature - Hopeless Romantic

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What I'm wearing

KH - Big A** Rock


What I want you to know...

Hi, My name is... well, I don't like it much, so I wont say it...
I like the color Red.
My favorite type of music is Country, Alternitave, and any song that I like, basically.

If I had to discribe my self, I'd say that I'm a moody, ill-tempered, intellegent person.
My favorite animes are Naruto, Inuyasha, Mahou Negima Sensei, Bleach, FMA, Beast Master, Vampire Knight, Tsubasa Resevior Cronicles, and...... I can't really remember the rest.. oh well^^
My favorite animals are sharks, dinosaurs (I didn't say they were living) and any other blood-thirsty creature with razor sharp teeth... so yeah.

My ultimate talent is singing.
My other hobbies are martial arts, piano, writing poetry, and drawing.
I am interested in the paranormal and I know alot about it.
I am also interested in forensic science.
I would like to work in an autopsy room for the FBI or CSI some day.
Though, to acheive that goal, I'm gonna do the double major thing with music and forensic science, maybe a little medical stuff in between.

I like to read forensic novels, horror, and mystery books.

I have many, MANY moods, but I am normally happy, sad, angry or in an iriversable emotional state.
I normally hide my emotions from the world, but I've shared all my emotions with very few people.
I'm getting better at revealing the real inner me to people and not acting like I don't have problems.

I like to make friends, but I'm kinda anti-social, although I love going on adventures.
If a person wants to be my friend, all they have to do is ask, but first impressions are important.

Anyway, I would one day like to settle down in Tennessee and live with my friends when I become a famous country singer.
I sing very well, as you have probably already read.


And I can prove myself Bi (anyone who has a problem with that can just disappear!).

I hate it when people judge other people based on race, sex, sexual oreintation, or other things.
I tend to want to smack them in the face, kick them in the nuts (if male), and/or do other bodily harm to them if they judge me or my friends.
(Psst~That's you're only warning!!!)

Well, whatever....
That's it and I hope you weren't too bored while reading this.
Good Bye!!!

My Sig

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Aaron Frostbite