Viewing Shogun-Gundam04's profile | Profiles v2 | Gaia Online


Shogun-Gundam04's avatar

Last Login: 01/28/2024 7:01 pm

Registered: 02/05/2008

Gender: Male

Location: virginia

Birthday: 08/17/1990

Occupation: HOKIE!!! *TECH* (college student!!)


Me... also horribly out of date

My name is Mark
I am presently 26, Graduate of Longwood University, and currently job hunting for a bio/agricultural related job in the USA

I had a sister but she is dead. Argentum Drac. go to Heck.

I regularly play video games on Steam, same username, Shogun Gundam 04 if you feel like connecting to me there. I still play TF2 a lot.

Traded off my entire inventory to random people, estimated worth was in the billions of gold, but that doesn't really matter.

Gaia holds nothing for me anymore, and so this account will just digitally rot. as do many things online.

Goodbye gaia, thanks for the memories some good some bad.

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If the wind no longer calls to you then you must look and see when you stopped being yourself.

happiness is spelled with 7 letters

shh itsa secret



View All Comments

sneaky anon Report | 09/19/2016 10:13 am
sneaky anon
I think if you show people your ghost thing it can show people what you have
Airsaber Report | 05/26/2014 3:45 pm
Cool, a fellow Gundam fan that's trying to cosplay mecha on Gaia! Nice! Though the hat makes me think of some mecha from Five Star Stories.
u.G.L.y_1 Report | 02/14/2010 5:14 pm
You have a fine taste in blades.
nice sword
syaorunlee Report | 05/11/2009 10:05 am
the pick item is his weapon he holds on the picture ^^
Kingdom Hearts932 Report | 03/23/2009 6:45 pm
Kingdom Hearts932
nm u? :3
malinea von helson-- Report | 03/23/2009 4:37 pm
malinea von helson--
-pokey- no calley
Kingdom Hearts932 Report | 03/23/2009 4:17 pm
Kingdom Hearts932
Hi biggrin
xXxSORROWxXxSKATExXx Report | 03/02/2009 1:55 pm
ohh well im screwed, well thnx man
xXxSORROWxXxSKATExXx Report | 03/02/2009 1:52 pm

i dont get it man, u cant
xXxSORROWxXxSKATExXx Report | 03/02/2009 1:48 pm
hey bro, i just wanted advice on how do you get rings of from soulbound man, please comment back man i need to know
