

*If you have inks or bugs which you don't need, start a trade with me. I give you gold, or if I have an item that you wish, maybe I can give you it xp
Are you interested in web layouts and designs? Visit my site http://metal-lipstick.webs.com then. It is under construction, but hope you'll like it!


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User Image
Total Value: 2,654,100 Gold
[Item Information]

Item List:
Bone Scythe
Black Album
Neck Shackle
Wed to Darkness
Rogue Narok
Bad Moon
Fall of the Morning Star
Fall of the Morning Star
Bad Moon 4th Gen.
Clerical Cassock

User Image
Total Value: 4,143,879 Gold
[Item Information]

Item List:
Charred Tundra Pants
Imaginary Friend 9th Gen
The Case of Pietro
Compass of Seidh 2nd Gen
The Case of Pietro
Neck Shackle
Dead Parade
Rock Hard
Rock Hard
Rock Hard


Viewing 12 of 37 friends


Gaia live...

The pages of this journal are about Gaia live. I'm planning to write about... I don't know, jut keep reading my post. Here I will post some questions, and I hope I will get some replies... And my silence reminds of the unwritten page of my secrets


Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

l Matrix l

Report | 09/28/2013 8:12 am

l Matrix l

Sure. Send me a request
l Matrix l

Report | 09/27/2013 11:43 pm

l Matrix l

Sure I suppose biggrin
l  Z 3 D  l

Report | 09/26/2013 4:43 am

l Z 3 D l

no not really, i'm not a fan of towns sorry xp
l  Z 3 D  l

Report | 09/25/2013 6:27 am

l Z 3 D l

no problem!

Report | 07/23/2013 12:42 pm


A bird told you? Well, it depends on which colors you are looking for and what types of bugs. I specialize. PM me with colors, and from there we can haggle out prices.

Report | 07/22/2013 12:11 pm


I don't have any right now, but you might want to contact my friend LeiUi. She sells them too. just tell her you talked to me and I referred you.

Report | 06/21/2013 11:50 pm


Hey that item looks really cool! I actually want one now! Hahahaha. Oh you need money? Why don't you play Booty Grab? You know, with the aquariums? Just make yourself get a certain amount a day and you'll make it! biggrin I used to get 100K a day back in the day haha. I'd buy you the item but I'm on a quest for the Demon Tail and that's 70 mill so yeah :/

Um, because I'm awesome! That's why razz Haha um, it's a secret razz

Report | 06/21/2013 3:48 pm


AAaahh sorry, those are waaaay too high from the prices I have. And I don't log on too frequently, so I haven't kept up with the market. I'm going to have to pass since it seems I'll have to readjust my prices from two years ago.... Can you believe those items were that cheap back then?! Haha. But yeah, I'm sorry but I just have to play it safe for now since I didn't think the prices changed THAT much.

Report | 06/21/2013 2:54 pm


No problem! And sure! But right now, I'm only looking for inks, fish, tokens, tickets and baits with the set prices I have on my profile. No flowers/paper for today please razz
Ldy Knightress

Report | 02/15/2013 10:56 pm

Ldy Knightress

wanna crew tomorrow - I'm usually on every night


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