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Hey all, My name is Joe.
I am 21 years old, and just recently started playing Gaia again. I live in SoCal, moved from Alaska, and yes it took a lot of getting used to. Currently I am working as a photographer, and attending college! Fun fun! I enjoy reading and writing, and really am only on long enough to see if anyone has posted anything to my sisters guild.

That's all you need to know about me! I hope you all have a wonderful day!


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My Journal

I don't really go for the journal thing but I think I can come up with a few touchy feely things for it lol just kidding. Anyways here are some poems short stories and just random thoughts every one is welcome!! hope you enjoy lol


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GA ADMlN Banner Report | 10/10/2008 10:17 am
GA ADMlN Banner
i sure feel boring
GA ADMlN Banner Report | 10/10/2008 9:18 am
GA ADMlN Banner
becuase im a boring individaul who doesnt get out much
GA ADMlN Banner Report | 10/10/2008 1:23 am
GA ADMlN Banner
nothing really sad
GA ADMlN Banner Report | 10/09/2008 12:33 pm
GA ADMlN Banner
your welcome ^^
GA ADMlN Banner Report | 10/09/2008 12:17 pm
GA ADMlN Banner
i sent you some pics
GA ADMlN Banner Report | 10/09/2008 11:44 am
GA ADMlN Banner
ummmm its ok it unrs great now fires up with out complaint most of the time instead of all the time like last year and your welcome ^^ i like bugging my freinds
GA ADMlN Banner Report | 10/09/2008 11:36 am
GA ADMlN Banner
becuase i took a wrong turn at 395 lolz noo serouly becuse of worldly issues as usaul still dpressed and grumpy but i missed talking to you soo i had to bug ya a little
and now im sooo out of it i made this comment on my own profile what a dunce loser i am at times
GA ADMlN Banner Report | 10/09/2008 11:26 am
GA ADMlN Banner
hello your online and im not lolz acually i am but im lost .........0_o
GA ADMlN Banner Report | 10/06/2008 6:18 pm
GA ADMlN Banner
restoring my car ill send you pics of the progress as they come
GA ADMlN Banner Report | 10/06/2008 9:48 am
GA ADMlN Banner


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Foxie Anne
Foxie Anne

I try to make people laugh.....because it keeps me from crying....crying for those who do not love the way I doI try to make people laugh....because if one smile can brighten the room...imagine what thousands of smiles....could do for the world.

Those that listen and those that love


I believe there are angels among us, sent down to us from somewhere up above. They come to you and me, in our darkest hour, to show us how to live, to teach us how to give, and guide us with the lite of love.

A beautiful girl once purely human. While waking though the woods one spring afternoon she found herself among many beautiful bright butterflies. She stayed with the butterflies all day long, and some way into the night. By the time she realized what time it was, it was far to dark to travel. She slept that night with the butterflies. The next morning she awoke and found herself not in the same place that she had fallen asleep in. She stood, and began looking about herself. She started off into the wood and soon became verry lost. She called out for anyone to help her, but no one answered. She began sobbing and tripped over a log. She was sent flying into the air and fell into a deep pit. Not able to get out she decided to give up. She was sobbing uncontrollably when a small little creature came apon her. "Hello," said the little creature, "are you stuck." She could not see the creature for the tears still clouding her vision. "Yes." she replied pittifully. "I can help you," said the little creature, "but it will cost you. Mabey more than you are willing to give up." "Oh please!" the girl shouted, "I'll do anything! I dont care what it will cost." "Ok." said the little creature. There was a bright flash and the beautiful little girl felf a quick flash of pain. "There you go," said the little creature. "you can leave anytime now. Here take my hand." the little creature extended her hand, which now seemed much farther away. "How can I? You are too far up." "Just try." said the little creature. The girl extended her hand and found her self lifting into the air. "See." said the litte creature. "now come with me." From that day on the little girl lived among the butterlies of the wood, never again did she see her family. Every once in a while she visits the city where she once lived, but she can never come into contact with the ones she once loved.

This is the story of a beautiful girl who became the Butterfly princess.