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O.o Questing
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Absorb it

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Data Box here!
Been somewhat alive for 14 years
Cake day on the fourteenth of September ^^
Living in an igloo in Canada!
I have a strong adoration for cold and/or rainy weather! XP
Night deffaintly over day! ^^
Comedy and Horror are the greatest genres!
Chocolate Fudge Poptarts are bomb!
Books and Manga give me inspiration!
The Twilight saga deffinatly is an amazement! >.<
Naruto,Love Hina,The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, Ouran Highschool Host club entertain me!
Pokemon and Digimon are the sex of all! <('o'<)
Video games are love!
Wii, D.s., and Drawing take up my time when I'm not online!
Super Smash Bro's and Animal Crossing are some sick s**t!

Comment Me ^^
View Them Comments >.<


Generous Gaians That Donated to Earlier Quests

-72,000gold, SUNFLOWER, Lawl and Order Belt, Spirited 2k6 Gloves, KoNfUzEd rAiNbOw ToE SoX, Nihon Hachimaki eek
-Wife Miss Snape-
May 2008 letter, 2296 gold, long stem black rose, zorro mask, used chainsaw eek
Flashi-Deux- Naruto Kunai
Little Miss Calamity- 341 gold
QueenOfTheSpades - PANDY PACK!!!!!prisoners top, prisoners pants, cary brothers shirt, red stockings,bullseye shirt, red flyswatter,yellow water wings,
poet and artist -1055 tickets,
7rypnOtlk - Were tail, eek
Doused_Flames - 500gold
Miss-HyperShadow - 200 gold
starlightlynn30 - Blue Sweetheart teddy
Yukiko_Rin-Rin -Thank you letter for July 2008, 11000gold eek
Knt Lancer - Dandiidoodad Spore
Sam Kuchiki - 1800 gold
Count Charity - 32,ooo gold eek
anneakane - Demonic Anklets Oh My Gawd! eek
CatLeone - 1500 gold
Luna Chann - Golden yellow ribbon
Mai-feel_bored - 1500 gold
Rosuto Jou - Lusty Scoundrel, 5485 gold eek
Current Quest Donators
Stripe Ninja - Inari's Bead 11th generation eek
Ze Tupperwarez - Holy Gauntlet eek
Kristina_Hu - Grace of Aphrodite eek
Mythical-Mew - 2000 gold, Dionaesil

Thank You Thank You!! {*o*}

Future Quests(Long shot wishes!)

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You know you want to!
Weither it's Tickets or Tokens, Gold or Junk
I will Accept it with joy and a great deal of thanks!

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