More Stuff About MeHiya,
My username before was Aqua-Varina,
thought it was time for change XD
Please visit my deviantart account at...
[ Aqua-Varina.deviantart.com ]I haven't updated it for a while,
always so busy to post up my drawings
My dream of getting an Angelic Pendant
was finally accomplished on November 18, 2008.
I would like to thank zOMG! for all the help it provided ;3
Loves: Techno, trance, DDR, collecting, manga, long list of anime... (see the left side for everything else)
Fav games Kingdom Hearts I,II, Final Fantasy VII, VIII, X, X-2, XII, .hack// G.U, Golden Sun, Fire Emblem, Summon Night- Swordcraft Story 1,2, Odin Sphere, Grimgrimoire, SSB.Brawl, The World Ends With You, Persona3 Fes, Devil Survivor, Persona 4, Fragile Dreams
Fav colors: Blue, Silver, Black... no duh?
Laptop: Sony Vaio
I made my profile, for the images I used Adobe Photoshop 7.0, and the icon blue heart I made by using Adobe ImageReady 7.0
~ All 'BLUE' Images for my layout were created by me, (C) please don't steal or take without permission.
Aqua's House. A place to sleep at night.
`:~. Charcoal Feather NoteBook .~:`
Through this long, narrow path, we all must follow. Til the end. This road leads on...
This is the little Charcoal NoteBook. My storys and goals, through this long, and narrow path, we all must follow, til the end.

Questing Angelic Scarf
Thank you
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