Bessy Green

Bessy Green's avatar

Last Login: 06/08/2024 4:32 am

Registered: 04/05/2008

Gender: Female

Birthday: 02/14


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honeygr on 03/08/2023
Le Awkward Taco on 12/06/2022
Stalker of the nite on 07/07/2022
Lunar Sin on 01/29/2022
lnqrid on 11/16/2020
battery_bee on 10/27/2020
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heart heart heart heart Hey there : )
I'v been here on Gaia so I'm pretty old.
anyways, if you want to know about me:
I love the color green even though my avi may currently contradict that.
I'm an aquarius.
I live in the Philippines.
Yep, I am a girl.
I love drawing so if you are interested, you may drop by at my shop.

2022 update: Hi there. Idk why you're visiting my account. I usually comeback after a long hiatus so there's nothing really interesting here. but welcome I guess redface

Thank you for your time ^_^

Also currently in Lake Kindred Hell. My bbs so far:
Terra - lvl 50
Watermeat - lvl 50
Brilliant Pumperilla - lvl 50
Pumperilla - lvl 50
Sandman Rose - lvl 50
Sakura Pegacorn Fluff - lvl 50
Silver Filligris - lvl 50
Valentine Stagony - lvl 13
Demure Carnelion - lvl 10
Kiki - lvl 10
Diedrich - lvl 1

2023 feb update: finally got Deceptive Lifegiver heart heart heart

I wanted Lifegiver but I'm tired of the grind haha

I want to thank the people with their help and generosity
~DA zombie RK for the faustine's bottle
~Presea Peach for the devoted Spica and an animated item
~Legolas GreenIeaf for Tomorgenne maid
~ void ab initio for an animated item
~ Lady Mae Lou and Trojan.Freenudegirls.A
~avarcoe1 for the Strawberry Charlotte and Hunny the bear
~ Hee Ho (You helped me with the alchemy heart )
~ Giga Paladin acefreedom
~ Flodder_Mouse for Rosa romance
~THE red corpse for Cherubic queen of Solair
~S3xy Pantz. She helped me with alchemy~
~Gabe Ragnarok. She helped me too~
~YiffMaster96 for an SDPLUS
~sakuries for Lavish Lucie T^T(Thanks so much!)
~Madame Hummingbird for Sainte ciel:Storge (WAAHH thank you too!!T^T)
~ lI RiceBunny Il (she helped with my quest)~
~happymoogle for the Cassiopeia darling~
~l Bonniebelle l with a plantimal~
~Dorkly for princess bubblegum's wardrobe
~nochimochi for Nartian Rock
~Ahri Waifu for Minthamella
~a sneaky anon for Jade Benevolent Yang haha
~and many mooooore
Thank you so much. I wouldn't reach my goals if it were not for you.

~Hetalia collections~

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