mehh "/



pronounced raaaayyshhhmmaahh.
become an enemy; I will be your worst niqhtmare
be friends with me; I promise to spare your life ;]
life beqan for me on october 15 (don’t be expectinq a year]
ii l o v e only the thinqs that seem important to me
im not much of a nice person, unless you don’t get me mad, then it’s all qood :]
talkinq; im not really qood at :/ ;; but im workinq on it (sortaa]
drama=crap;;im not interested, so brinq it someplace else
my friends..they know who they are ;]
ii can be retarded && weird in my own way ;; so don’t dare to judqe kay ?

well; if you wish to know more; I proudly announce you as a stalker.
so qoodbye :]


Status/Comments(at the moment].::. Meri Jaan <3