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2008 Gaian veteran | zOMG veteran (12.0, attuned)| Call me Eri or Eriah|
Not struggling in life, life is struggling with me| Writer and Artist| Forum regular and lurker
Previous Usernames: cutie_chie, Luminusse Darkciusse, Quietis Umilta
Art done by: -iiYG-



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Classy_Clarinet Report | 11/21/2014 10:01 am
Could you please explain to me what you mean by the level of being an introvert?
When I think of introvert, I see someone who needs to be alone for some time only to recharge our energy. Being around others can be mentally draining, one of the most draining “activities” but almost corresponds to that of physical labor.

I'll show you this short video that really helps me explain myself. Susan Cain does a great job defining and explaining what it means to be an introvert than I could ever attempt at defining myself;

I watched this during one of my summer courses in Organizational Leadership. It's a really powerful video and I can relate to what she describes those who are introverted. BUT like I said, this is really how I see what an introvert really is. Thus, I wish for you to explain what your definition is.

Your parents won't approve of you getting a job? I've never heard of someone saying this before. What age are your parents thinking of? Is it possible for you to volunteer somewhere? Or possibly get and internship?

Most jobs/ careers want to see work experience on your resume (of course that could relate to the job you are seeking). I'm sure you know that and I'm just that stupid, annoying person who reminds you...but I'm saying this as a helpful suggestion for you. Try to think of clubs or other outside activities that could help relate to your career. Build up the credibility you'll need besides writing down the relevant courses you've taken.

I'm taking a business writing course right now, my final portfolio is to complete a polished resume and cover letter. Let me tell you, it has been the most difficult project I've ever been assigned, but that could just be me. This is because my field of study is so broad that it makes my cover letter a bit wordy. My resume with all my education and work experience, I have had to drop some things because they weren't relevant for the job I am pursuing. Coming up with skills I have developed while working or volunteering was difficult...I suppose I should be paying more attention. I forgot to mention that my professor is very strict when it comes to grammatical errors.

Don't worry about relationships. They'll come and they'll go. Focus on yourself first.

Interesting Major/ Degree. My mom could see me becoming a diplomat...then again she could see me doing a lot of things that were not related to one another. Anyway, I do hope you do well on all your courses. Is a diplomat something you are wanting to pursue as a possible career choice or do you have something else in mind?
Classy_Clarinet Report | 11/20/2014 8:14 pm
I actually hate college. I've always had issues with professors all my college life and even in high school. I've had to harden my heart and stand my ground many times. The only thing that keeps me going is working for the Art Gallery. I love work! Have you thought of taking a job on your campus? I have made the greatest friends just by having the job that I have. I can't believe I even found the love of my life! That's a bonus right there.

I love being an introvert but I also enjoy clowning around and making others happy when I can. I clown a lot at work, but at the same time I know when to have fun and when to get down to business. I enjoy being alone and having the chance to write, draw, or go out on a hike and take pictures. But since I barely have time to really do those things and I'm stressed due to school, I never get the chance to sit and work on any creations of my own. However, I know that my work effort for school, work, and my volunteer position will pay off in the end.

Do you know what you are going to major in? It's okay if you don't and if you do, don't be afraid to change your mind either while you're in college. I changed my major once. My first advisor was a turd and argued with me and degraded my career. I refuse to go to advisors, they tend to be rude where I am and most of the time they have no idea what they are doing.
Classy_Clarinet Report | 11/20/2014 7:54 pm
Wow! My finals are the second week of December!!!

I know how it is, little to no rest at all. How was your fist semester?!

I have just till this summer to finish up my degree. If my hours are correct according to my advisor. College life has been busy. I took 16 credit hours this semester while commuting an hour or so away. I still work on campus at the Art Gallery. I'll miss the place when I graduate. However, I'll be getting married in the new campus gallery in 2016. So, that'll be exciting.

Other than college life, its been pretty good. The Spring was rough. Took summer courses and those were fun. A lot better than fall or spring semesters. I've been volunteering at a historical society, because I'll hopefully be working for one or an architectural firm after college. I'm just trying to gain experience with the archives and become familiar with the different styles of architecture.
Classy_Clarinet Report | 11/20/2014 7:53 pm
Wow! My finals are the second week of December!!!

I know how it is, little to no rest at all. How was your fist semester?!

I have just till this summer to finish up my degree. If my hours are correct according to my advisor. College life has been busy. I took 16 credit hours this semester while commuting an hour or so away. I still work on campus at the Art Gallery. I'll miss the place when I graduate. However, I'll be getting married in the new campus gallery in 2016. So, that'll be exciting.

Other than college life, its been pretty good. The Spring was rough. Took summer courses and those were fun. A lot better than fall or spring semesters. I've been volunteering at a historical society, because I'll hopefully be working for one or an architectural firm after college. I'm just trying to gain experience with the archives and become familiar with the different styles of architecture.
Classy_Clarinet Report | 11/20/2014 7:41 pm
Glad to see you back according to your status update. Keep on writing!
Sir AntiChrist Report | 07/01/2014 8:53 pm
Sir AntiChrist
so it was u? it didnt say who it was 4m. but yes i did and thank u
Toxic Teacaakes Report | 06/21/2014 11:19 pm
Toxic Teacaakes
Hi, there! Do you have a Skype?

I uh.... who are you...????
jonjon21428 Report | 06/18/2014 7:54 pm
Thanks! ;*o*

I literally stayed up for 24 Hours to get it burning_eyes
jonjon21428 Report | 06/11/2014 6:54 pm
If Gaia would replace Meebo already crying crying crying crying crying
jonjon21428 Report | 06/11/2014 6:45 pm
There's Reddit if you want that lol

But I'm fine with talking here surprised

Iorhea Angellus

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Registered: 05/09/2008

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