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Wish List Dont You Wanna Get Me This



Hey its Tila Tequila oops did i just say that
dont worry i know theyll be haters and disbelievers but i dont care i dont care whatcha think about me at all
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In my life I have seen it all. If God came down and granted me one wish, I would wish to find happiness and hold on to it forever and take it with me to my grave. All the money in the world, all the glitz and glamor of fame, could never amount to the joy that I feel when I am happy. I would give it all up; money, fame, success, in a second for the only thing in life that truly matters to me.....love. People tend to throw that word around loosely and amidst all the hustles and bustles of life....we forget how beautiful love really is. Life is not worth living without love and happiness. Love heals all. Love is a mysterious and powerful force that is the key to all that is...and all that ever was. With that said.....I have a heart inside of me that is ready to explode. I have suppressed my desires to love for so long that I feel my heart cannot retain this anymore. I am no longer afraid to admit that I am a hopeless romantic and all I want to do is fall in love, and be in love for the rest of my dying days. I was given one life to live and that is exactly what I plan on doing......living my life to the fullest! Filling it with positive things and doing my best to heal those who are also lost and broken....just as I once was. There is always enough room for love and hope in everyone's life. You just have to have faith that it is there........you don't have to search for love when love has always been searching for you all this time. Love, Tila.
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"Tila Nguyen was 1 year old when she moved to the U.S. from Singapore, but she's Vietnamese by heritage and blond by choice. As for what she does for a living, there isn't really a word for it yet. Nguyen, who goes by Tila Tequila professionally, is some combination of rapper, singer, model, blogger and actress. But what she mostly is is the queen of the massive social-networking website MySpace..." - Time Magazine
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I love it how some people that don't know me personally have all these different views and opinions on me. People really love to judge a book by it's cover and it makes me laugh at how some people have that whole I'm-so-hardcore-and-so-much-more-punk-than-you image down to a tee, yet they are really only a little wimp. People love to judge me only from the photos they see, but let me tell you something about photos....they don't say much about a person at all. I am who I am and I'm not a poser. I'm not going to get a mowhawk and start punching walls just to prove to everyone how hardcore I am...Anyway... I'm not gonna sit here and babble about my whole life and the s**t I've been through however I will tell you this.....I like to have fun and I like to stay away from violence cuz I grew up with nothing but violence. That's all I knew. That's what was in my blood and I moved away to start a new life for myself...violence is retarded....HOWEVER, I don't let people step on my toes either. So that's all I gotta say...don't ever, ever judge a book by it's cover. I never do. You never know what's out there and if people really are who they say they are.... P.S.-I hate to say this but I will ******** slam you if you ******** with me. Give me respect, I give you yours....got it? Good...now let's go have a cigarette.....xox

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You people probably won't even be able to read this because my page is so cluttered...sooo...imma blab a little bit here...hoping you won't read it. Here we go: i like people who are really ******** up. I mean like tormented in one way or another because then i won't feel like such a freak around those that are "normal." nerds, geeks, and freaks are all my friends. Cool people are pretty damn lame. I am very high strung and suffer from multiple personalities. Jane. She's crazy and she always wants to kill me. Tila...poor girl..she works so hard and always wants to make others happy...she deserves a break. I haven't had boyfriend for so long. I always want one, but when there is one around i run. I'm too busy. I love being in love but i hate the consequences. I do a lot of things that are self destructive. I try not to. I like being at home alone...a lot! So much more fun than surrounding myself with a bunch of wacko's out there. I am also bi-polar so that should explain my irratic postings. I like to read. I love to read. I am a nerd. I've always been a nerdy geek trapped inside a umm...woman's body. Yea....that's me. People love me for some reason. I don't know why...i do but i just say i don't know why just to be modest. I want to be a multi-millionaire by the time i reach 25 years of age. And i will.


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Wilson-Kun Report | 08/30/2009 10:27 pm
its been a while
superevis678 Report | 08/20/2009 9:24 pm
holy s**t!!! best profile ever. i love tila tequila!! she is so hot!! lve the profile and avy!!!!
II Demonic Sashy II Report | 06/15/2009 2:23 am
II Demonic Sashy II
OH COME ON PEOPLE!?!? your not gonna believe that THIS is the real tila!?!?!?!?!?!? ARE YOU BLINDED BY THIS PERSONS LIES!?!? its just a kid being a wannabe, wanting to get lots of friends requests, and all. and come on, be real. why would a slutty, model/singer/ rich woman/ lesbo party chick be on something like gaia? what are the chances?
omg a soup can Report | 05/26/2009 1:55 pm
omg a soup can
Tila doesn't have a gaia... she's too busy being a slut
CewkieDough Report | 05/09/2009 10:31 am
Wait are you really the REAL Tila?
Just need to know in your Opinion.
Fifty Shades of Husky Report | 05/05/2009 10:17 am
Fifty Shades of Husky
Fifty Shades of Husky Report | 05/03/2009 5:28 pm
Fifty Shades of Husky
r u the real tila??? plz answer
Wilson-Kun Report | 03/11/2009 9:54 pm
Tila Tequila is HOT User Image User Image
Wilson-Kun Report | 02/16/2009 11:08 pm
Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-Kun Wilson-
II Toxic Bunnii II Report | 01/19/2009 2:43 pm
II Toxic Bunnii II
oMG! r u the real Tila. i luv her shows. but y would Tila would be on Gaia?

im barely on these days

AM i the real TILA?

If i was would i tell ya

Do i like girls or guys?

I dont think i can have my pictures here

I know its nooby cause i dont spend much time on this game

It will take time to accept request cause im lazy look at the pictures


it seems people say my avi doesnt look like me