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KyokiMochi's avatar

Registered: 05/23/2008

Gender: Female

Location: Washington

Birthday: 04/22


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Hi, and welcome to my profile!

You can call me Kyoki. I'm Homeschooled A COLLEGE STUDENT NOW, who is going for an English major and a art/culinary double minor. I love my school and hate to be away for extended periods of time.

I live in a house in the country along with my parents, 6 cats (but don't worry, I'm not a total crazy cat lady), and a bunch of wild deer that like to live by my house.

A few things I like, if you are interested:

Writing - I am a young writer, and I am hoping to publish in the next year or so AS SOON AS I STOP BEING LAZY AND FINISH MY GOSH DAMN BOOK. I mostly write young adult fiction and fantasy, but I've been know to think of a few adult novels (but it's not like anything adult-adult happens in them sweatdrop ) I have around 50 100 stories either on paper or in my head, and that number only seems to grow constantly.

Reading - If I don't have a book within a few feet of my body, something is terribly wrong. I'll read just about anything, but I like to read young adult novels or books set during the World Wars.

Videogames - I have a Nintendo DSi, a PS2, and an X-Box 360, and of course a computer (although games run like s**t on it). If you have any game recommendations, please let me know.
The three games I really want right now are Dragon Age: Origins, The Orange Box, and Far Cry 3 (I'm not really interested in FPS', but I've seen so many goods things about this game that I kinda want to try it out).

Drawing - Drawing is an internal struggle for me. I'm taking drawing classes at college now, so I think it's really helping.

Music - I listen to just about anything, but as of late I've been on an alternative music binge. My favorite artists are Depeche Mode and Muse - their music makes me want to do things to them that I shouldn't do.

Cooking - food = good.

Anime and manga I am currently watching/reading:
Anime List


View Journal

A journal of an artist in the making (And other things)

I wonder if anybody's reading this... XD



View All Comments

Jarvhix Report | 04/02/2012 1:48 pm
Don't mention it biggrin
Jarvhix Report | 04/02/2012 1:45 pm
Thanks for purchasing the frost troll ears, I apprieciate it XD!!
Bl3u M3lody Report | 04/02/2012 1:30 pm
Bl3u M3lody
THank you soo much for your purchase!!!!
Impressionnant Report | 12/12/2010 2:09 pm
Thanks for the Happy Birthday comment! I appreciate it. I had a great birthday. ^^
Your_Moirail Report | 12/11/2010 8:48 am
oh no problem tehe OwO
disappearingprincess Report | 07/03/2010 12:12 pm
Trade has been sent for the ink. Thanks!
rzdfb Report | 06/03/2010 8:59 am

Shurikomi Okisaki Report | 10/06/2009 4:45 pm
Shurikomi Okisaki
Hey how are you?
Angel_Dust_Ryuuki Report | 07/10/2009 4:45 pm
Hello, my name is Ryuuki; I am the Vice Captain of TIVC. I have notice that you haven't posted for a long time, in the The Idealistic Vampire Clan. This is just a reminder that you need to post or you may be banned. We are a respectable guild and only ask for you to be active. So please go to the guild and post in your role-plays or join one if you’re not in one already. For your convenience here is a link to the guild forum:
ii-Fawk-Yu Report | 06/28/2009 11:28 am
thx for buying!

