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Current media: Nightwish - Nemo

Help me farm for my dream avatar. Donate to me or buy a profile from me.

I guess since you're reading this, you care somewhat about who I am outside Gaia. My alias on Gaia is Yami or Venus or YV but my realname is Mel. I've been a member of Gaia coming up on my 6th year. A lot has changed on the site and I am really pleased with all the changes.

Well anyway, a little about myself. I am 21 and in college. I am majoring in fine arts and love it! I aspire to be an art teacher. I currently reside in the golden state, California, although I don't think it's *too* golden aside from the weeds growing every where. Another fact about me is that I play World of Warcraft and love it! I play a female troll rogue, shaman and mage. WoW is my crack; Warcrack. I play on the Garrosh-US server. If you want to chat, hit me up my toons names are Vervaine, Tamami and Iceyhawt.

I have some very vintage tastes on my music. Some examples would be Demons and Wizards, Dark Moor, Nightwish, Pink Floyd, Tool/A Perfect Circle, Blue October, Evanescence and a lot more. (I wont list them all due to it being too long xD) But other than my Gothic music, I enjoy listening to Metal, Heavy metal, Hard rock, Alt rock and 80s music.

I rarely watch TV. When I do, I only watch Glee, NCIS, The Closer, Hells Kitchen, Heroes (when it was on *cry*) and movies on HBO or Starz.

Profile designed by Yami Venus (me), all images and patterns are 100% original made by me. Do NOT steal.


Viewing 12 of 34 friends


Venus's Journal

Oi. Random crap like anyone reads it anyways...



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 12/21/2013 1:08 pm


Woahh I just realized I've seen your profile before surprised

Report | 12/21/2013 1:05 pm


Cool song you have there. What it's called?
-Technicolored Unicorns-

Report | 06/18/2013 12:02 pm

-Technicolored Unicorns-

Happy Birthday!

Report | 03/27/2013 4:32 pm


hello! I saw your profile background (Sanity) on tektek.org and I wanted to make it my profile background. Is that alright? yum_puddi
-Technicolored Unicorns-

Report | 06/18/2012 4:27 pm

-Technicolored Unicorns-

Happy Birthday Yami!

long time no see.
Alex is Apocalyptic

Report | 06/12/2012 3:17 pm

Alex is Apocalyptic

Hey, I just wanted to say that I love the profiles you make smile

Report | 03/26/2012 5:24 am


Art by AlmaFishslap
...It is the oldest story in the book...User Image

Hi, just another loving fan your "Requiem" profile!
But for some reason whenever I equiped a moving item on my avatar,
it moves from its rightful place on my profile.
If that's unclear,
you can just go to my profile now and check it out,
since I have my music notes equiped right now.
I hope you can help! <3

...He desires the one thing he cannot have...

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Report | 07/26/2011 2:50 pm


do u remember how to get Requiem as ur pro (comment bakk)
-Technicolored Unicorns-

Report | 06/18/2011 8:00 am

-Technicolored Unicorns-

Happy Birthday!

Report | 06/17/2011 1:05 am


Hello, you don't know me. I love your profiles and artwork profusely, but alas I could never afford it on any given day. In fact, I just recently (now) found you out so, Good job I guess. On to business and the reason I'm contacting you. I was wondering if you knew a Gaian by the name "Gothic Tea Party" Well, I was looking at her profile and I saw your name at the bottom. Then I was sitting admiring the art when I noticed, that I have seen the EXACT same profile somewhere else. (I can't for the life of me remember who had it ) And It struck me as odd that one would have a similar profile of such degree. So I came to Two conclusions, either it was free (If it is, I would like to take a look) OR, she lifted it off someone's profile. But, I could actually be wrong/paranoid about this whole ordeal and she bought it, legally.

TL : DR I want to bring to attention a possible stealing of profile work. Which I am sure is illegal in some sort.

Gothic Tea Party


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