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-Mew of Tokyo-

-Mew of Tokyo-'s avatar


Hello Peopless! My name is Whitney, and I love Pudding from Tokyo Mew Mews! She is so cute! And as you can tell, my avi is based on her, and I entered her in the avi arena this week. So after you read this, if you would be oh-so-kind and look me up and vote 5!
Now, about me... Hmm, well first off, my Bestie Friend is -Sam is EVIL-. She's really awesome, and actually somewhat evil in real life -.~ But you should get to know her because she's really nice (haha that's funny..)
What I like to do:
.: biggrin raw::.
.: razz lay Video Games::. XD
.: razz lay Volleyball::.
.::Be Uber Weird::.
.::Being Gramatically Correct::. (Lawl, not all the time.)
.::Hang with Sam::.
.::Eat SuSHi!!::.
.::And Being AWESOME::. XD

Yes, I know how cool I am, no need to tell me twice. Lawl, so yeah, add me and I just might not beat you up (Lawl, joking). So stick around and get to know me, I guess.


View All Comments

Crayola Teddy Report | 07/26/2009 3:50 pm
Crayola Teddy
copy this to10 profiles and you get 10,000,000,it really works
vaalulic Report | 04/01/2009 2:03 pm
pudding biggrin
dancing_pandas_609 Report | 01/30/2009 7:34 pm
hiiiii :] long time no talk lols :] so hows it goin?
Cat With Teh Mittens Report | 01/11/2009 7:06 pm
Cat With Teh Mittens
so your her real friend in real life not on gaia?
Cat With Teh Mittens Report | 01/11/2009 5:45 pm
Cat With Teh Mittens
Cat With Teh Mittens Report | 01/11/2009 11:38 am
Cat With Teh Mittens
awesome avi
Sally_Hime Report | 01/05/2009 6:26 pm
Yeah. They're all pretty fun. My friends i mean. Except a few but, I'll live. lolz.
Sally_Hime Report | 01/04/2009 8:46 am
I went over to my friends house and a bunch of us just hung out. Regrettable pictures were taken but, it's ok. lolz. I didn't even get to stay until midnight though. My friend was driving me home and she wanted to leave at 11. Meh. lolz.
Sally_Hime Report | 01/01/2009 11:59 am
Np! So, how was your new years?
Tsunami From Hell Report | 01/01/2009 11:26 am
Tsunami From Hell
np biggrin how was your b day and new year?



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Dream Avi!! smile

Pudding Fong!

BFF in real life! ^-^