
indestructible1's avatar

Last Login: 08/11/2011 1:20 pm

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part of the pack 3033 Report | 12/20/2008 5:22 pm
part of the pack 3033
yeah well that's me for you smile
part of the pack 3033 Report | 12/18/2008 5:22 pm
part of the pack 3033
part of the pack 3033 Report | 12/04/2008 2:13 pm
part of the pack 3033
part of the pack 3033 Report | 11/25/2008 7:47 pm
part of the pack 3033
i don't really think that it looks like sulli at all...... his hair is shorter than that....................
that's just my opinion though so keep it if you like it...
part of the pack 3033 Report | 11/24/2008 1:56 pm
part of the pack 3033
and where are we "skidaddling" to, may i ask???

and where are you getting the praying mantis from??
part of the pack 3033 Report | 11/24/2008 1:45 pm
part of the pack 3033
yaaaa!!!!! ^_^
so happy now
oh and the replacement goalie was taken off the roster today so that means we should get Nasty back soon...
part of the pack 3033 Report | 11/20/2008 2:24 pm
part of the pack 3033
ok so last night at the game the other goalie stopped play and everybody wanted to know why and then he took his helmet off... to fix his hair! so that wwent on for about a minute and then they were in play again.... now the next time that the puck came over to Kevin, he put his glove on it, stopped play, took his helmet off, and started to mess with his hair!!! a full minute he was messing with his hair and making fun of the other gaolie!!! then he was putting his helmet back on and ms kim apparently got a GREAT picture of him grinning from ear to ear after he was done mocking the other goalie!!!
part of the pack 3033 Report | 11/20/2008 2:00 pm
part of the pack 3033
ok you can do that (although it took me quite a while to reply to this so i would have expected a new outfit by now) if you let me tell you the story!
part of the pack 3033 Report | 11/20/2008 1:49 pm
part of the pack 3033
yeah i know
we just lost our werewolf

now can i tell you the funny thing that mommy was SUPPOSED to send us a picture of?
it's about Kevin
part of the pack 3033 Report | 11/20/2008 1:32 pm
part of the pack 3033
ok yeah whatever
i'll kick your butt to all of those places EXCEPT back
and then i'll go to pheonix

did you see the really bad news on the website
part of the pack 3033
Black Hearted  Maggot


*looks up* Wow! That's one happy poop.