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Name: Xiggy, Xig, Xigbar.. but if you want my real name it ish Matt or MATTHEW but if you call me Matthew I have a friend named Neko who will NOT be happy..

Age: 13! My lovely teenage years <3

Location: U.S.A. Period.

Gender: Male! Sheesh.. crying

Race: American.. -.-'


Favorite Anime: I dunno if it's the Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya or Lucky Star.. both are really moe and hilarious! Plus Haruhi is just like super awesome.




Favorite Candy: I REALLY LIKE GUM. Uhm.. lately I've been using caps so from now on no more caps. ALRIGHT? Alright sorry..

Favorite Animal: Foxes are mkay.. but bunnies. Pssh. Bunnies beat you ALL. Ahahaha, I had bunny ears when I was a noob that I spent a week trying to get money for and my friend bought me two plushies and the hoodie to match it! ^_^

Favorite Vegetable: Celery! YESH. With pepirika and whipped cream cheese.. MMM. Even though Pepirika makes me sick it's..

Favorite Spice: PEPIRIKA! Ahahaha! I love Pepirika! It's such a fun name to say. Sometimes I say it out loud and people are like, "You OK?" and I'll be all, "PEPIRIKA! AHAH!" and then they understand it's just one of those moments I have alot.

Favorite Fruit: This is hard.. I really like grapes, but green apples last longer and sometimes my face goes -w- when I eat them. But I like blackberries since like.. ya know. They're berries ON a berry. Who doesn't like that?!

Favorite Manga: Well, I have all the volumes of Fruits Basket currently out and I'm working on One Piece.. it's hilarious! Ahaha!

Favorite Television Show: I think this would be better answered with...

Favorite T.V Director: Brian Fuller. He makes the best shows but he just HAS to cancel them. Yep.. dang Fuller.

Favorite Word: WHAT? ALL THIS INFO.. SCANDALOUS! That's my favorite word. Yeah, I use that alot in random situations.

Favorite Anime Character: ALRIGHT. THIS ONE IS SO EASY. HARUHI SUZUMIYA JUST MAKES ME ALL GO LIKE.. SCANDALOUS! YEAH! But I think Konata comes in a close 2nd place since she's really cool too and she's just like me and my 2 other friends mushed into a person with blue hair and a mole!

Favorite Manga Character: Ah.. this is hard. It's either gonna have to be Momiji or Hitsugaya Toushirou.

Favorite Weapon of Choice: It's.. kinda odd. I hate fighting.. in all those MMORPG'S I'm a healer. I dunno.. something about helping somebody else makes me happier than having somebody help me.

Favorite MMORPG: There's a few that I loved.. right now it's World of Warcraft but I used to be obsessed with something called.. uhm.. I think it was like.. ah. I think it was Trickster.. I was the guy with the bull horns because I couldn't find a healer class! crying

Favorite Country: Most people think I would say Japan, but I love our country more than Japan. Heehee.. Japan is in close 2nd like konata.. but Japan is white and red... I think @_@

Favorite Song: Triple Baka! Ahaha! That song cracks me up. I listen to it whenever I'm sad.

Favorite Saying: "You make being insane seem like a bad thing!" Ahaha.. wow Neko XD

Favorite Language: Alright, this one is Japanese since it is just TOO DARN CONFUSING! I MEAN LIKE.. WHAT IS DESU?! It's like Ser! I don't understand Ser.. I have to take spanish at my school and I have an A but..

Favorite Font: Times New Roman. IT SEEMS SO SOPHISTICATED UNLIKE ME. SO I USE IT. USually with the underline too because it's for ADDED EMPHASIS. Yeah!

Best FriendS: IN ORDER. Alex, Michelle, Kendra! YAY! Well.. Michelle is such an otaku it's hard NOT to like her. ALEX. Sheesh, what do I say? 1. She's freakin' hilarious. She makes me so happy! 2. SHE'S HILARIOUS. Kendra.. I'm not sure @_@ You're so mean and rude but I still luff yew like a sister kinda. Yeah. Alex is my pet fish, and Michelle and Kendra are my sisters! ^_^

Favorite Sport: SOCCER. Psst. I tried football and lacross but I quit because I was too lazy to put the gear on. HAHA! In soccer you just slap on some shinguards and socks and you're good to go! It's just like BAM YOU'RE READY! Plus alot of the kids are horrible so you can intimidate them with Japanese songs.

Favorite Gaia Item: Sheesh. It's either Herme's Room or Inari's Beads.. I have to say Inari's Beads because it offers SO many different poses, 3 self poses and I really love the cute little foxes! Yep!

Favorite Holiday: Valentines day.. that's when all the drama happens! Ahaha! Cracks me up with all the chocolate which nobody ever gives me. Yeah. I've never recieved chocolate from somebody on valentines day crying Or any candy other than in 1, 2, 3 and 4th grade when it was mandatory to give to everybody.

Single: Heck yeah... nah. I lied. Actually I just lied again. And that's another lie in a lie that's a lie. Haha!

Favorite Smiley: I LOVE DOING =^_^'''= because that's my usual face. I dunno really HOW to do that but.. yeah.

Favorite Weather: UHM! Either snow or rain. But.. uhm.. I think rain because snow gets in my shoes and is really uncomfortable. Plus it turns into ice. One time I was in a hurry because a relative was sick and I had to run to there house - 4 miles away - and it was all icy and I fell and had to go to the hospital too. And the rain sounds like.. uh... I really don't know. Actually, the rain makes me fall asleep.

Favorite Vehicle: I LOVE JETSKIS! Yeah! JETSKI LOVE. Uhmm.. yeah. In the summer I go on vacation and my uncle has one.. and it's really fun because I always fall off and one time I dropped a hat! Ahaha! It SANK! I'm afraid that there's like sharks in the water so.. or giant turtles. My dad told me that when I was 5 so I'm afraid to go into the water alone because of the giant turtles.

Favorite Sea Animal: Giant Turtles.

Favorite Insect: Like, seriously, who doesn't like a moth? I like moths because they feel left out. WHEN THEY'RE HUNGRY THEY EAT CLOTHING. DOESN'T THAT MAKE YOU SAD?!

Favorite Mammal: I luff bunnies which I hope are mammals..

Favorite Flying Animal: Does a plane count? Ahahahahaha! Uhm.. no really. I like flying squirrels. Ahaha! I hope those count..

Favorite Video Game: KINGDOM HEARTS. I CANNOT GET ENOUGH OF IT! I love Phoenix Wright too. I'm all like, OBJECTION! Into the mic even if it's wrong so I've had to redo it alot...

Favorite Car: I dun really know any cars.. so.. I guess.. a viper? I DUNNO! CARS SCARE ME! SO MANY AND WEIRD NAMES! SHEESH! LEAVE ME ALONE.

Favorite Electronic Device: The sun! Uhmm wait.. yeah. If I didn't have my iTouch I wouldn't be able to watch any of my anime until 12 like I do EVERY SINGLE NIGHT =D

Favorite Season: I like spring! I dunno why! It's all like.. flowers and trees!

Special Talent: When I'm dreaming, I know I'm dreaming so I can change the dream! Kinda like taking an online game and adding and deleting stuff! It's so cool.. I dunno what they call it.

Favorite Dream: My number one dream is to live on a farm with my best friends. I want to have an orchard on half of it with my friend Neko with a basket collecting all the fruits and then making food with them! Then my friend Michelle would be selling the stuff. My friend Kendra would be in charge of the animals! She would sheer the sheep and milk cows..! ^_^ Then I would grow the crops! We also have a horse, dog and cat. And we also have a pond full of koi that Neko tends to because she loves koi!

Alright. When I think of more, I'll add them. I hope you like it! It took me like.. an hour @_@

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Pets name: Xigbar


iXigbar's avatar

Last Login: 08/08/2009 8:01 pm

Registered: 06/20/2008

Gender: Male

Birthday: 03/31


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ii Freakshow Report | 07/01/2010 3:03 pm
ii Freakshow
this is nick chasse, not sure if i was clear before about not saying my last name

Join my guild Order of the White Lotus its the one with the actual lotus picture

also i should be on ur profile just cus my guy looks uber awesome as a waterbender biggrin
ii Freakshow Report | 09/22/2009 12:58 pm
ii Freakshow
matt just saying this is nick (5freakshow5) my account got banned cus my cousin screwed it up and said i was 9 so i got banned so add me saiyan-potayo (changin name soon)
raven_grace333 Report | 07/26/2009 7:13 am
hilo whatsup
XD_Death Reaper_XD Report | 07/20/2009 9:08 am
XD_Death Reaper_XD
xiggy clam down ill straigten this out if you got hacked ill find a hacker to get back your account -hugs- it will be ok
iLittle Stalker Report | 07/17/2009 7:28 pm
iLittle Stalker
|~shrugs~| Im sometimes like that...xD
I would be furious but for some reason im not o;
iLittle Stalker Report | 07/17/2009 7:16 pm
iLittle Stalker
D: you poor thing
|~pats back~| well if you need anything tell meh :3
Im willing to help anytime!~ =D
iLittle Stalker Report | 07/17/2009 7:08 pm
iLittle Stalker
Awwws im so sorry DD:
If you can't get to him Im willing to donate :3
iLittle Stalker Report | 07/17/2009 7:02 pm
iLittle Stalker
Oh my gawd.
The gold I have now is 30k
And i have some items that cost some.
-HeatherDollface- Report | 06/07/2009 4:04 pm
-HeatherDollface- Report | 05/31/2009 5:22 pm
XD_Death Reaper_XD
Celestial Reign
Tenshi - Zero - Tenma
Rorschach Journal
iiT O X ii C
ll iSenna ll
haguro hagurashi

My friend

My neighboors!

My twin brother!

My older brother!

My older Onee-Chan!

My cousin!

This sorta kinda amazing girl I'm proud to call my girlfriend <3

My brother-in-law!

My other older Onee-Chan!

My other older brother!

My twin Onee-Chan!

My pet cat!

My younger Onee-Chan!

My stalker!

My evil cousin!

My stripper buddy!

My Misa-Misa Model!

My pet fox!