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elloni jade

elloni jade's avatar

Registered: 07/08/2008

Gender: Female

Birthday: 05/26/1990


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Love me!!!

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if you want to trade for something that i have instead of buying go ahead n pm me.
im pretty flexiable smile


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angelic snow angel Report | 03/22/2018 5:16 pm
angelic snow angel
Ratholin Report | 12/08/2017 1:32 pm
I dunno it seems this country is either on fire or flooding or having earthquakes or getting hit with hurricanes or tornados or tax hikes or something every damned day. And when it's not there's a mass murder. Oh well tonight I get to eat fritos and play cribbage with my lady friend. I do love fritos.
Ratholin Report | 12/08/2017 12:43 pm
heya jady lady. how've you been? Always good to hear from you biggrin
Ratholin Report | 10/09/2016 5:18 pm
that's no woman that's my sister razz *hair ruffle* so how're you doing?
Ratholin Report | 10/05/2016 5:01 pm
Yeah but it's worth it. Not for me of course. I'm more of a memetic cipher than a biological one.
Ratholin Report | 10/03/2016 1:16 pm
*hugs* how you doing jady lady?
Ratholin Report | 06/01/2016 2:33 pm
I'm in FM's room in bino. um people are good. I had a falling out with the clique I was in so I unfriended some people, so I haven't kept in touch with them but I think they're doing great too, or at least I hope so.
Razer Report | 05/26/2016 8:43 am
Happy Birthday!
Ratholin Report | 05/23/2016 6:38 pm
Happy birthday jady lady! hope all is well and you've finally been able to get into a schedule that permits sleep biggrin
Ratholin Report | 04/21/2016 9:52 am
Hope you get things settled down. Oooh I was watching an old episode of shark tank and they were talking about something connected to your problem. has to do with how babies are adjusted to being able to only reach so far when they sleep and then feel bounderies and then when they're out of the womb if their arms go a certain distance they feel like they're falling and it scares the s**t out of them and wakes them up. The product they were marketing was a sort of swaddle transition blanket. but the concept is sound.


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okay my name is jade. I love to travel, well at least I try. I live in California and have been to 7 states and 2 other countries.

I have 2 sisters

recently starting a fitness routine for career goals wahmbulance

love the out doors, camping, beach, atv, dramallama mud smile

food, yummy... most sweet stuff and all American fatty s**t like cheese_whine pizza , hamburgers, bacon wrapped hot dogs.

I enjoy anime but I'm not CRAZY into it like most people, I have the manga reader app, if you don't I would deff. recommend it. I'm currently hooked on Skip beat, I really wish they would continue the television series as well.

I like chick flicks, twilight books were good so f-off if your gonna hate on someone liking them, I'm not a diehard fan but its good qirly entertainment.
I also REALLY like the hunger games trilogy, no surprise right? sweatdrop

I go threw spurts of being online everyday to offline for a few weeks or months sweatdrop , I just get caught up in life. I have a boyfriend, been together 6 years, yes years.

I'm very dorky, especially with my sisters. We can just stare at each other and laugh and nothing, or the word booger *whispers* ...booger... ha, yep... good stuff.

ehhh I think that's all I can think of, oh currently 24... yup that's all.

R.I.P. my little Elvis
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