Starly The Starling Pokemon Name- (none)
Gender- Male
Personality- Calm, Curious
Evolves- Lv. 14
Other- This Pokemon is quiet and reserved, carefully watching the world around it. It's curiosity is boundless, as he wants to learn about everything that he can see, though he is largely silent about his desire.
History- Received from the Niven Lab; Lv. 5 (9/16/08 )
Battle Stats Type- 
Level- 5
Item- (none)
Experience Points- 0/5
Ability- Keen Eye
~Prevents loss of accuracy~ Attacks- Tackle, Growl, Quick Attack
HP- 20/20
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Have an awesome time and hope to see you agian soon
Thanks again so much for your help! You're amazing! If ever you need any banners or stuff done, just let me know and I'll be glad to do what I can to help out! By the by, I made you your own category in the "Cheers, me hearties" section - you are the one and only Commodore!
I was surprised that you had Linkin Park on here, they rock!