Oo Kiss of Death oO

Oo Kiss of Death oO's avatar

Gender: Female

Birthday: 08/28


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Im 16, in 11th grade, 5'8", have long brown hair (well now its REALLY DARK BROWN ALMOST BLACK) and blue or green eyes depending on my mood or what I am wearing... I can be outgoing or shy depending on how well I know a person... I like reading books exspecially ones about vampires or horror books... I love sports such as soccer, baseball, or basketball.. I love to go fourwheeling and get dirty (or stay clean) lol.. I am NOT one of those girls who go "OMG i broke a nail..." honestly i could care less... I am a good friend, and pretty friendly unless ur a b***h... haha... I love to text or hang out with friends and talk!
~Brittany~ <3


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Blade the Demon Hunter Report | 11/25/2009 8:34 am
Blade the Demon Hunter
Kewlness *smiles*
Blade the Demon Hunter Report | 11/14/2009 7:46 am
Blade the Demon Hunter
Oh, (it Durem Depot, I think that's what you mean), thx. Wanna be friends???
Blade the Demon Hunter Report | 11/12/2009 3:33 pm
Blade the Demon Hunter
Sweet avi, where did you find the corset???
shadow elf_assassin Report | 09/13/2009 7:02 pm
shadow elf_assassin
nice avi
Jizzery Jenkins Report | 02/10/2009 6:30 pm
Jizzery Jenkins
Lol, yeah, those color contacts are so weird XD
LiL_STUPiD Report | 02/10/2009 3:23 pm
thanks f0r buying! =]
Jizzery Jenkins Report | 01/31/2009 7:12 pm
Jizzery Jenkins
I guess I've always loved blue eyes smile
Jizzery Jenkins Report | 01/24/2009 7:11 pm
Jizzery Jenkins
So , like, my name is Jizzery, and I'm like, 17. My eyes are brown, and I don;t like it...I like blue....so yeah....I live in a cabin by water. It's really cool, but cold and stuff. My likes are clubbing ( you know, baby seals), and talking to I am Sam.
Krissysaurus Report | 08/27/2008 10:15 am
lol u are an ugg vampire =DDD
nope i havn't....
OH and i think Katelyn is in my math class...
Krissysaurus Report | 08/27/2008 9:40 am
hey britt!
omg. what is up with ur face??!?!


http://media.photobucket.com/image/supernatural sam dean and castiel/01_Jen_23/Wallpaper/DeanCastiel01.jpg


