
Nellisia31337's avatar

Last Login: 08/13/2013 9:30 pm

Gender: Female

Birthday: 07/16


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This girl...

What to type...what to type. Part of me wants to open my life up like a book and lay it right in front of your that too much?Most of the people who are on here can't even read. The small percentage that do, probably don't give a crap about who the hell I really am. Then there is the super tiny percentage of people that CAN read, and DO care about who I am as a a nutshell. A rather large, imaginary nutshell of course. In real life....nutshells are't used to contain people's feelings. Anywho...getting off topic of ratherly large nutshells and the feelings they contain, there are alot of things I can say about myself. I am a very compassionate, deep thinking person. On the outside, I can seem like a downright moron, but inside my much more goes on, I promise you that. I believe in everything, there is no "wrong" relegion to me. Everything is possible, everything exists. If you sat down and talked to me, we could have the deepest conversations about beliefs and relegion, I promise you. That's a very good way to start a great friendship with me smile trust me. I like people who are open to new idea's and who can hold a conversation. I also like when people treat me as an intellectual as well, to's the highest regard anyone can give me. Love and trust are important to me. Strangers are friends I have'nt met yet. That covers inside my head (in a nutshell anyway). On the outside world area of my description...I am a gamer girl at heart smile I love video games, any and all. I am a hardcore world of warcraft player, and I have met some of the most amazing people here. Some of which are the best friends I could ever hope to have smile I am 17, turning 18 in July. That's about it for now, anything else you would like to know...send me a message!!! I love meeting new people smile you could just very well make my day <3


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Eiomie Report | 07/27/2009 1:15 pm
ello govna
Kyosora132 Report | 06/25/2009 12:12 am
oh i'm sure they will be>v<
Kyosora132 Report | 06/23/2009 11:50 pm
thnx for purchasing
Eiomie Report | 06/23/2009 5:13 am
Ok, I've sent you an emial with my story and it's subject is Real Hitomi. You see, I forgot to add the document in the first emial I sent you. Any way, I hope you enjo the story!. Also, do you have a youtube account, my username on youtube is lavixsystex . Check out my playlists list sometime!
Eiomie Report | 06/22/2009 3:23 pm
You not only got the "meaning" right but expounded my thought about them. You see, one of my chrachters in my early works was a homunculi of the main chrachters sister. His quest was to make her human and be able to resurect his faimly the same way he tried to do with his sister but not fail. However the bad guys want to resurect certain people; like thier leader. Plus they want to build an army of dead badys in the past. like Hitler and Hanibal of ancient Carthage. However, I thought of changing his goal to ending the homunculi, consideringg they can only feel one emotion; it is a sad life after all. I loved how thought about them and the homunculi "you". It was very original, most of the time I usually get people saying they would want something like envy because of F.M.A. me, i would choose pasion because it can evolve into many things. Like having a passion for a goal. To me, passion can evolve in many of the same ways love can as you said it could. what do you think. Also, send me an e-mail at so I can ad you to my contacts and send you some of my work. I will be sending you one of my in progress stirys called "Hitomi'. I'm not on gaia as much as I would like cause my mom takes away my web privlidges alot; but I can check my e-mail from my cell so it's preferd comunication. Hit me up whenever I know this is a long coment, LOL.
Eiomie Report | 06/22/2009 1:35 pm
You are very articulate, I admire that. Lets talk more sometime! One of my adresses is I write alot of novellas, would you mind reading one I'm working on at the moment sometime? .;.. By the way, the guy you see with the green hair is Envy from F.M.A, he homunculi. Apently homunculi are ddomed to only feel the emotion that they were born of. The reason they were created. Like a widower trying to bring back his wife inadverntantly creates a homunculi, a copy of her and the emotion he had at the time was sadness, the homunculi would be suicidal and would seek to cause the emotion of sadness. If you were a homunculi, what emotion would you feel? They can only feel one y'know. ... At least thats what I've read.
Eiomie Report | 06/21/2009 8:04 pm
Go ceck out my profile! I changed it alot!


Karma carry me on steady wings. Allow me to trust more, judge less and love always


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If you judge people, You have no time to love them.