
Kazza Reaper

Kazza Reaper's avatar

Birthday: 04/05


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Name: Lulu
Age: 17
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Owner: Kazza~
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My name is Kazza, any information that isn't here, you don't need to know. If you don't know, don't ask, you don't know for a reason and it's not gonna change by you asking.

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Back the ******** off =D

The title kinda covers it.


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Chiarunmae Report | 11/11/2015 2:07 am
Are you still active? o-o You'd be the first of old Gaia that I remember.
welian Report | 02/25/2015 6:10 pm
                  The picture worked! They're ******** adorable!!
welian Report | 02/25/2015 5:55 pm
                  No Skype, nooo!!! I'm glad they went over so well though!! I know you were working hard on them.
welian Report | 02/25/2015 5:30 pm
                  You know, I don't think I ever found out how your origami/bookmark shenanigans went - how did they go?
calisto91 Report | 01/21/2014 11:18 am
yw xd
adfnsdsfdcsdkfsdfd Report | 06/21/2013 1:43 pm
I hope you had/are having a wonderful day! Happy Litha!
Cunning Malevolence Report | 12/27/2012 12:00 am
Cunning Malevolence
Your my best friend of all time for a reason, you know that? On top of EVERYTHING else,
You ******** always play hero when it comes time to know what to say. You ******** rock kaz.
Cunning Malevolence Report | 12/26/2012 10:07 pm
Cunning Malevolence
Your very right, Thank you kaz. I did that today at work to, i just went numb. Im still very numb. And im very worried about things on top of this as well. Things im worried if i make a wrong move or hesitate, ill ruin them. Even in this time of pain i need to continue to be a man of action, That your absolutely right about and i thank you for reminding me.
Your also correct as to what i should be doing right now, which is distracting myself. Im incapable of thinking right now, And im no good to anyone like that. I need to get my s**t together, suck it up, and take care of whats important to me.
Cunning Malevolence Report | 12/26/2012 9:53 pm
Cunning Malevolence
Kazza i want to run away from your words so badly right now. you have no idea whats going on, But you must be right if what your saying is causing me to feel like this. When i say i don't know what to do though, i mean, i ******** REALLY don't know what to do. I could handle this if that wasn't going on, and vise versa. This is the point in my life, where i'm realizing not having any friends to call when something is terribly wrong is a very very bad thing. I shouldn't of been so antisocial for so long, i don't know how to handle things now. I thought i really did, but in this moment i know i was wrong AGAIN. Its really hard to be confident when you know you've been wrong about so much
Cunning Malevolence Report | 12/26/2012 9:44 pm
Cunning Malevolence
Now that you've said that, I REALLY don't know what to do.


Why yes, I am a Zydrate[/color:97cbe04ecb] addict. [/size:97cbe04ecb]
Le froid est pour moi le prix de la libérté[/color:97cbe04ecb][/size:97cbe04ecb]


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