
Name: Ashley Kyoko

Age: Nineteen

Birthday: February 3, 1993

Gender: Female

In Love With: N/A

Social Status: Middle Class

Height: 5' 2"

Build: Average

Species: Human

Occupation: N/A

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Distinguishing Marks: Redish hazel eyes, visible veins, pale skin

Personality: I'm very shy when you meet me, but after a little while with some time and patience, I can be a very talkative and outgoing person with my friends. I will never ever do drugs and I'm a very innocent girl. So if you don't think I'm worth your time, then you wasted about 2 minutes reading my profile.

Background: You're gonna have to earn my trust in order to me to tell you anything about my life story.

Appearance: short dark brown hair, hazel eyes, average weight

Hobbies: Art, Dance, Theatre, Music, Writing, & Kicking a**

Favorite Anime: Hetalia, Black Butler, Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, etc, etc

Favorite Food: Pasta & Tomatoes~!

Favorite Quote: "You should learn to smile a little more naturally."



Spontaneous Me

In the past is my heritage, the present my responsibility, and the future my challenge.

This journal will contain my talents, hobbies, emotions, and my awesome randomness. So please enjoy this, & I will try to post daily if possible.


Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 03/13/2012 5:17 pm


hey no problem, just thought I would offer somewhere for it to chill C:

Report | 03/13/2012 10:51 am


Good luck with your cleaning C:
I would offer to steal the entertainment center
but since your saving it to give it to your bro and Justine It would be a waste.
Although if you could garuntee it would be taken within a month we would let
you store it here, we have a huge space but its down some stairs so my bf might
need help getting it down there lol.

Anyways, just an offer dearie~

Report | 01/15/2012 4:29 pm


Sorry i didnt reply earlier,
My head is one huge migraine and i had to get off.
how are you?


Report | 01/14/2012 8:50 pm


hola biggrin
The Polly Lama

Report | 01/02/2012 5:33 am

The Polly Lama


Report | 11/30/2011 6:47 pm


well if one of your friends did that to me i would have done the same thing lol

Report | 11/29/2011 6:42 pm


weird. hewas my friend and i was like. 0,0

Report | 11/29/2011 12:57 am


how did you be come friends with gnaux? lol

Report | 11/11/2011 7:43 pm


i dont like japan. why does she need to be involved, #>>

Report | 11/04/2011 1:23 am


you and molly and this fruits basket thing. she is obsessed. lol her profile is oran host high school host club. shes on my profile is you want to see. lol.


I Pledge allegiance to the Axis, and the United Nations of Hetalia,
and to the Baltics, for which they suffer, one world fighting each
other, indecisive, with arguments and war for all.

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