
Twilight_girl4's avatar

Birthday: 08/14


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About Me

Hey people! As you can probly tell from my name I love Twilight. But that isn't the only thing about me. I love to write stories, sometimes about random things but some about my dreams or fantasies. I also love to read, yep thats right, I'm a real bookworm. I love hanging out with my friends and having fun. Even if that fun means us insulting each other! XD! Well thats me! Roughly. I am a complex person! And proud of it!


Welcome to my store where I sell anything I don't want anymore. Keep checking back! You know what they say, one persons trash is another persons treasure. So keep checking back to see what is new!


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Twilight_girl4's journal (incase you didn't already now)

In my Gaia journal I will write about anything that is going on in my life and more! If it is possible! My mood depends on the day so one day i might by the happiest person in the world and the next I will be the unhappiest person in the world. Like


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oOPianistOo Report | 07/28/2009 1:46 pm
*snorts* HAI!... didn't just read your thing about you being a complexith person... jk jk jk!
oOPianistOo Report | 06/24/2009 8:08 pm
Umz... idk...... ROAR!
iiAzn_Gurl Report | 06/22/2009 2:05 pm
This post was removed because it appeared to be spam / chain mail.
oOPianistOo Report | 06/15/2009 7:51 am
Ah... haha, I knew that, not really, but still!
oOPianistOo Report | 06/15/2009 7:50 am
Haha... no. btw, when IS your birthday. Get on gmail.
oOPianistOo Report | 06/15/2009 7:46 am
Haha, okay then, Emily was saying that Gaia lies..... it says that my birthday was yesterday....
oOPianistOo Report | 06/14/2009 5:05 pm
Haha, you know it's tomorrow... right?
oOPianistOo Report | 06/13/2009 9:17 pm
Ha, yeah, you can visit her without a passport >.< I need to meet this girl sometime... btw, what are you doing on June 26th?
oOPianistOo Report | 06/13/2009 10:25 am
Aww, I'm sorry, why isn't she coming to visit? Moving to Nevada.... that means that you guys will be closer and can visit more often... >.<
o-O-TheWriter-O-o Report | 06/10/2009 2:15 pm
XD Ya he does that. I'll be working tomorrow, don't worry.


Twilight_girl4 : ) *



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Technicolor Kitty

Hey People!

Your village called, they're missing an idiot!

I'm up and dressed, what more do you want!?

Is that your face or did your pants fall down?

Show me the coffee!

You weren't beaten by the ugly stick, you were beaten by the ugly forest!

I should probably explain these random quotes. Well on a recent field trip to the zoo, me and my friends were sitting in the front of the bus and we saw that the bus driver had a bunch of insults and pictures on the ceiling of the bus. We loved some of them so much, we now use them daily. We thought they were pretty funny and so I thought I should put them on here. Enjoy!