Yours truly.

The Cookiest Manifesto's avatar

Last Login: 01/28/2022 3:40 pm

Registered: 11/30/2003

Gender: Female

Location: New Jersey

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The Cookiest Manifesto.

The artist formerly known as Xenitheria, formerly known as name tag girl, and currently known as The Cookiest Manifesto.
You can call me Cookie. I'm a 23 year old girl (yes, really) who has graduated college and pretty much only ever comes on Gaia for free items and to make my avatar look even more awesome than it already is.

I was born and raised in New Jersey, and I love it here. I'm a geoscience grad student and got my undergrad degree in geoscience and the German language. I like music. (A lot.) I'm tall for a girl and I'm not the smallest girl you'll ever meet. I'm straight edge, which means I don't smoke, drink, or do drugs. If you have a problem with any of that, then I don't think I'd like to meet you. I have a guppy named Carmen Sandiego. I have an unhealthy obsession with trilobites, Hello Kitty, game shows that aren't hosted by d**k Clark, Neopets, plush sea creatures, ninjas and Communists. I have a five foot tall poster of Fall Out Boy on my wall and I'm not entirely sure why. I hold my friends close and hope my enemies fall off of bridges, and I spend way too much time on the computer.

The end.


you replaced the 'i' in live with an 'o'[/size:d20ae44dc4]

Leave me some love.

View All Comments

omgwtfyes Report | 10/03/2009 10:35 am
*love*! <3
yelah95 Report | 05/20/2009 9:16 am
u do look gud^^.. and tht 85k really helped me
yelah95 Report | 05/20/2009 12:27 am
thank you soo much for buyin^^..
Aowwy Report | 02/07/2009 10:22 pm
Thank you very much for buying! @U@
omgwtfyes Report | 12/05/2008 7:15 am
Hahaha! <3
AllistairFellowsCulliford Report | 09/13/2008 3:23 pm
Oh heavens, I seem to have been misdirected--can you point the way to Brooklyn?
Karyn Ironsides Report | 09/12/2008 1:18 pm
Karyn Ironsides
Chihiro_midnight Report | 06/16/2008 7:31 am
Thanks for buying my item
Karyn Ironsides Report | 05/31/2008 5:39 pm
Karyn Ironsides
-Atomic Cherry Fission- Report | 05/29/2008 3:31 am
-Atomic Cherry Fission-
D: Aw, really?

Epic fail!


My compie was starting to lag, so I had to get off, anyway. D:
Karyn Ironsides

Karyn is the best sister ever!