Viewing ii_ poke u x3's profile | Profiles v2 | Gaia Online


ii_ poke u x3

ii_ poke u x3's avatar

Birthday: 09/07

stuff i realy want !!


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emo doesn't mean you cut.
emo doesn't mean your gay.
emo doesn't mean your suicidal.
emo is real.
emo is people.
emo is everything.
emo is a label.
emo is being free.
free to be you.
free to express.
free to tell everyone to f**k off!!
emo is just a word.
*are not cry babies
*do not always wear black
*can be vary nice
*don't always cut them self
*are not always depressed
*can be happy too
*are normal people just like you
(put this on your profile if you agree